1 research outputs found

    Plasmapheresis Therapy in Acute Critical Leg Ischemia Associated withCatastrophic Antiphospholipid Syndrome

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    Antifosfolipid sendromu tekrarlayan arteryel ve venöz trombozlar ile seyreden otoimmun bir hastalıktır. Tedavisinde antiagregan ve antikoagülan ilaçlar kullanılabilir. Bu tedavilere cevap vermeyen ve akut kritik bacak iskemisi ile başvuran antifosfolipid sendromlu olguda plazmaferez tedavisi başarı ile uygulanmıştır. Olgunun sonuçları literatür eşliğinde gözden geçirilmiştir.Antiphospholipid syndrome is an autoimmune disease associated with repetitive thrombosis of both arterial and venous vasculature. Anti-aggregant and anti-coagulant agents can be used in treatment of these thrombosis. This case with antiphospholipid syndrome and acute leg ischemia which was nonresponsive to these treatment modalisties was treated with plasmapheresis successfully. The case is reported and discussed with literature review