33 research outputs found

    Using Sideband Transitions for Two-Qubit Operations in Superconducting Circuits

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    We demonstrate time resolved driving of two-photon blue sideband transitions between superconducting qubits and a transmission line resonator. Using the sidebands, we implement a pulse sequence that first entangles one qubit with the resonator, and subsequently distributes the entanglement between two qubits. We show generation of 75% fidelity Bell states by this method. The full density matrix of the two qubit system is extracted using joint measurement and quantum state tomography, and shows close agreement with numerical simulation. The scheme is potentially extendable to a scalable universal gate for quantum computation.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, version with high resolution figures available at http://qudev.ethz.ch/content/science/PubsPapers.htm

    Multi-mode mediated exchange coupling in cavity QED

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    Microwave cavities with high quality factors enable coherent coupling of distant quantum systems. Virtual photons lead to a transverse exchange interaction between qubits, when they are non-resonant with the cavity but resonant with each other. We experimentally probe the inverse scaling of the inter-qubit coupling with the detuning from a cavity mode and its proportionality to the qubit-cavity interaction strength. We demonstrate that the enhanced coupling at higher frequencies is mediated by multiple higher-harmonic cavity modes. Moreover, in the case of resonant qubits, the symmetry properties of the system lead to an allowed two-photon transition to the doubly excited qubit state and the formation of a dark state.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Dynamics of dispersive single qubit read-out in circuit quantum electrodynamics

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    The quantum state of a superconducting qubit nonresonantly coupled to a transmission line resonator can be determined by measuring the quadrature amplitudes of an electromagnetic field transmitted through the resonator. We present experiments in which we analyze in detail the dynamics of the transmitted field as a function of the measurement frequency for both weak continuous and pulsed measurements. We find excellent agreement between our data and calculations based on a set of Bloch-type differential equations for the cavity field derived from the dispersive Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian including dissipation. We show that the measured system response can be used to construct a measurement operator from which the qubit population can be inferred accurately. Such a measurement operator can be used in tomographic methods to reconstruct single and multiqubit states in ensemble-averaged measurements.Comment: Revised version: corrected typos, 8 pages, 6 figures, version with high resolution figures available at http://qudev.ethz.ch/content/science/PubsPapers.htm

    Thermal Excitation of Multi-Photon Dressed States in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics

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    The exceptionally strong coupling realizable between superconducting qubits and photons stored in an on-chip microwave resonator allows for the detailed study of matter-light interactions in the realm of circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED). Here we investigate the resonant interaction between a single transmon-type multilevel artificial atom and weak thermal and coherent fields. We explore up to three photon dressed states of the coupled system in a linear response heterodyne transmission measurement. The results are in good quantitative agreement with a generalized Jaynes-Cummings model. Our data indicates that the role of thermal fields in resonant cavity QED can be studied in detail using superconducting circuits.Comment: ArXiv version of manuscript to be published in the Physica Scripta topical issue on the Nobel Symposium 141: Qubits for Future Quantum Computers(2009), 13 pages, 6 figures, hi-res version at http://qudev.ethz.ch/content/science/PubsPapers.htm

    Two-Qubit State Tomography using a Joint Dispersive Read-Out

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    Quantum state tomography is an important tool in quantum information science for complete characterization of multi-qubit states and their correlations. Here we report a method to perform a joint simultaneous read-out of two superconducting qubits dispersively coupled to the same mode of a microwave transmission line resonator. The non-linear dependence of the resonator transmission on the qubit state dependent cavity frequency allows us to extract the full two-qubit correlations without the need for single shot read-out of individual qubits. We employ standard tomographic techniques to reconstruct the density matrix of two-qubit quantum states.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, version with high resolution figures available at http://qudev.ethz.ch/content/science/PubsPapers.htm

    Climbing the Jaynes-Cummings Ladder and Observing its Sqrt(n) Nonlinearity in a Cavity QED System

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    The already very active field of cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED), traditionally studied in atomic systems, has recently gained additional momentum by the advent of experiments with semiconducting and superconducting systems. In these solid state implementations, novel quantum optics experiments are enabled by the possibility to engineer many of the characteristic parameters at will. In cavity QED, the observation of the vacuum Rabi mode splitting is a hallmark experiment aimed at probing the nature of matter-light interaction on the level of a single quantum. However, this effect can, at least in principle, be explained classically as the normal mode splitting of two coupled linear oscillators. It has been suggested that an observation of the scaling of the resonant atom-photon coupling strength in the Jaynes-Cummings energy ladder with the square root of photon number n is sufficient to prove that the system is quantum mechanical in nature. Here we report a direct spectroscopic observation of this characteristic quantum nonlinearity. Measuring the photonic degree of freedom of the coupled system, our measurements provide unambiguous, long sought for spectroscopic evidence for the quantum nature of the resonant atom-field interaction in cavity QED. We explore atom-photon superposition states involving up to two photons, using a spectroscopic pump and probe technique. The experiments have been performed in a circuit QED setup, in which ultra strong coupling is realized by the large dipole coupling strength and the long coherence time of a superconducting qubit embedded in a high quality on-chip microwave cavity.Comment: ArXiv version of manuscript published in Nature in July 2008, 5 pages, 5 figures, hi-res version at http://www.finkjohannes.com/SqrtNArxivPreprint.pd

    Coplanar Waveguide Resonators for Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics

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    We have designed and fabricated superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators with fundamental frequencies from 2 to 9GHz9 \rm{GHz} and loaded quality factors ranging from a few hundreds to a several hundred thousands reached at temperatures of 20mK20 \rm{mK}. The loaded quality factors are controlled by appropriately designed input and output coupling capacitors. The measured transmission spectra are analyzed using both a lumped element model and a distributed element transmission matrix method. The experimentally determined resonance frequencies, quality factors and insertion losses are fully and consistently characterized by the two models for all measured devices. Such resonators find prominent applications in quantum optics and quantum information processing with superconducting electronic circuits and in single photon detectors and parametric amplifiers.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, version with high resolution figures available at http://qudev.ethz.ch/content/science/PubsPapers.htm

    Quantum Acoustics with Surface Acoustic Waves

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    It has recently been demonstrated that surface acoustic waves (SAWs) can interact with superconducting qubits at the quantum level. SAW resonators in the GHz frequency range have also been found to have low loss at temperatures compatible with superconducting quantum circuits. These advances open up new possibilities to use the phonon degree of freedom to carry quantum information. In this paper, we give a description of the basic SAW components needed to develop quantum circuits, where propagating or localized SAW-phonons are used both to study basic physics and to manipulate quantum information. Using phonons instead of photons offers new possibilities which make these quantum acoustic circuits very interesting. We discuss general considerations for SAW experiments at the quantum level and describe experiments both with SAW resonators and with interaction between SAWs and a qubit. We also discuss several potential future developments.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Tenckhoff-Katheter im Kindesalter

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