56 research outputs found

    The Innovative Techniques in Animal Husbandry

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    Technology is developing rapidly. In this development, the transfer of computer systems and software to the application has made an important contribution. Technologic instruments made farmers can work more comfortable and increased animal production efficiency and profitability. Therefore, technologic developments are the main research area for animal productivity and sustainability. Many technologic equipment and tools made animal husbandry easier and comfortable. Especially management decisions and applications are effected highly ratio with this rapid development. In animal husbandry management decisions that need to be done daily are configured according to the correctness of the decisions to be made. At this point, smart systems give many opportunities to farmers. Milking, feeding, environmental control, reproductive performance constitute everyday jobs most affected by correct management decisions. Human errors in this works and decisions made big effect on last product quality and profitability are not able to be risked. This chapter deal with valuable information on the latest challenges and key innovations affecting the animal husbandry. Also, innovative approaches and applications for animal husbandry are tried to be summarized with detail latest research results

    Analysis of cow sweat volatile chemical compounds in gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) device and their importance in heat detection

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    Detection of estrus is very important for the profitability of dairy cattle. Because one of the main goals of cattle breeding is for each cow to give birth to a healthy calf a year. The correct determination of the artificial insemination time to be applied to the animals by the enterprise is related to the correct determination of the animal’s estrus period. Knowing the signs of estrus that are specific to the estrus period of animals is very important in early and accurate detection of estrus. There are many methods for detecting estrus. One of the alternative methods to the methods developed to detect the estrus period in animals is the detection of volatile chemical compounds (pheromones) secreted in animal sweat only during the estrus period. This study will focus on the analysis of volatile chemical compounds in animal sweat using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) device and their importance in detecting estrus

    Comparison of sheep and goat colostrum fatty acids contents

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    The quality and content of colostrum is a very important factor for the health of the offspring. Colostrum is the first food that ensures the growth and development of offspring and their immunity against diseases. Colostrum composition is affected by many factors such as calving season, number of lactations, length of dry period, maternal diseases, age and breed. The animal material of the research consisted of Awassi sheep and Saanen goats raised in Adana province, where Mediterranean conditions prevail, and these animals were kept in semi-intensive conditions. In the study, fatty acids of sheep and goat colostrums were determined by gas chromatography device. As a result of the analysis, 26 fatty acids were detected in Awasi sheep and 27 fatty acids in Saanen goats. Erucic acid was not detected in Awasi sheep colostrum. The colostrum fatty acids with the highest percentage in both breeds wre oleic acid (Awassi sheep: 36.32%, Saanen goat: 25.68%) and palmitic acid (Awassi sheep: 28.15%, Saanen goat: 29.20%) was determined as. ∑SFA rates were found to be higher in Saanen goat colostrum, and ∑MUFA and ∑PUFA rates were found to be higher in Awassi sheep

    Milk composition characteristics of domestic yellow breed cows in the village herd

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    Turkiye is considered one of the most important gene centers in the world. Archaeological evidence and studies conducted to date show that cattle, sheep and goats were domesticated in Anatolia and its immediate surroundings. Since a detailed census based on the breeds and their characteristics of these species cannot be made today, no precise information can be obtained about the current status of the breeds. The skin color of the local yellow cows raised in the region was used, ranging from almost black brown and dirty yellow to red and cinnamon. It has been determined that they are small-bodied and have short horns. The rump is higher than the withers, and the back line is also seen to be straight. Horn color is dark black. The area around the eyes, sides of the face, neck, shoulder blades and shaped tip are darker. The tip of the nose is dark to black, and around the nose and mouth there is a slightly lighter-colored, sometimes off-white ring depending on the areas. The inner sides of the sections are light colored. Nail color is dark gray or black, close to black. The average dry matter of domestic yellow breed cattle was determined as 11.67, SNF 9.64, fat 2.15 and protein 3.53. However, it is understood that there is a significant deviation in the minimum and maximum values

    Antibiotic Susceptibility of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated From Cow, Goat, Donkey, Buffalo, Sheep, Camel and Human Milk

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    Breast milk is a very important factor in regulating gastrointestinal function, improving the immune system and preventing acute illnesses (e.g. acute otitis media), especially during breastfeeding. Breast milk allows beneficial bacteria such as bifidobacteria and lactobacillus species to colonise the newborn intestin*e instead of potential enteropathogenic bacteria such as streptococci and escherichia coli. The aim of the study was to compare the antibiotic resistance of Lactic acid bacteria members isolated from different milk samples. Six milk samples were collected from each of seven different milk sources (donkey, goat, cow, buffalo, sheep, camel and human). The MRS and M-17 medium were used with the double layer sandwich method for isolation of LAB members selected from typic colonies, gram-positive, catalase-negative used in the study. The isolated 42 LAB species were determined antibiotic susceptibility with 9 standart antibiotic discs such as tetracycline, penicillin, kanamycin, streptomycin, rifampin, gentamicin, chloramphenicol, teicoplanin, ciprofloxacin by agar disc diffusion assay test. The 18 LAB isolate were resistant to penicillin, 16 isolate to kanamycin, 14 isolate to gentamicin. LAB isolates such as H1, H4, H5 from Human milk and LAB isolate such as D1 from donkey milk was considered as MDR isolates because they were resistant to at least four of the tested drugs. Among the milks, sheep, camel, buffalo and goat milks were found to be more sensitive to antibiotics on average in the group

    İsrail siyah alaca (İsa) ve İsa x kilis (Gı) melez sığırlarda optimum besi ve bazı karkas özellikleri üzerinde araştırmalar

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    TEZ1320Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1993.Kaynakça (s. 54-58) var.iv, 58 s. ; rnk. res. ; 30 cm.

    Sığır Yetiştiriciliğinde Stressiz ve Güvenli Sığır Yönlendirme

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    Information on animal behaviour includes the key points that ensure the safety of people who work with animals, reduce strain and work with animals. "Flight Zone" is the area surrounding an animal, the distance that causes alarm and escape behavior if it is surrounded by a potential hunter or threat, including humans. If animals need to be transported from one place to another, firstly the animal's behaviour characteristics such as " Flight Zone" (FZ) and "balance of point" and " blind spot" must be understood. The cattle farm sustainablity and profitablity strongly depend on farm technological infrastructure, ergonomic conditions in terms of employee and animal t, the technical knowledge of personnel, the job description and organization of the works, the work routine and environment are linked with production levels. In an enterprise, cattle care level can be identified by scoring, falling, electrical prod use and vocalization. Injuries caused by animal contact cause mild to severe loss depending treatment costs and healing process.Itt is reported that the rate of contact with the animals such as kick, horn kick or head kick is very high between 67% and 87%. Therefore, this study aims to review some basic information necessary for stress-free and safe cattle handling.Hayvan davranışlarına ait bilgiler hayvanlarla çalışmayı kolaylaştıran, stresi azaltan, hem hayvan hem de hayvanla çalışan kişilerin güvenliğini sağlayan temel noktaları içermektedir. Bir hayvanın "Güvenlik Bölgesi", bir hayvanı çevreleyen alan olup insan dahil olmak üzere potansiyel bir avcı ya da tehditle kuşatıldığında kaçmasına neden olan mesafedir. Hayvancılık işletmelerinde hayvanların bir yerden bir yere götürülmesi gerekiyorsa, öncelikle hayvana ait "Bireysel Güvenlik Bölgesi" (BGB), “denge noktası” ve “kör nokta” terimlerinin anlaşılması gerekir. İşletmenin karlılığı ve sürdürülebilirliği özellikleri, teknolojik alt yapısı, çalışan ve hayvan açısından ergonomik yapı, personelin beceri düzeyi, iş tanımı ve işlerin organizasyonu, uygulamalar ile doğrudan bağlantılıdır. Bir işletmede hayvanlara bakım ve uygulamalar sırasında hayvana yaklaşım şekli kayma, düşme, elektrikli uyarıcı kullanımı, sesliliğin artması gibi belirtilerle değerlendirilebilir. Hayvanla temas kaynaklı yaralanmalar değişen düzeylerde kayıplara neden olmaktadır. Yaralanma sonrası, tedavi masrafları ve iyileşme süreci de etkiyi artırmaktadır. Yapılan çalışmalarda çalışanların tekme, boynuz veya baş gibi darbe alma oranı %67 ile %87 arasındadır. Bu konular dikkate alındığında, hayvansal üretimde stressiz ve güvenli sürü yönetimi için gerekli olan temel bazı bilgilerin derlenmesi faydalı görülmüştür

    The Profitable Cattle Fattening Operations Using Modern Technologies for Turkey Red Meat Demand

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    Modern technology provide beef industry with improved methods, management processes and accuracy. Technological applications have contributed to the beef sector such as nutrition and health management; information techniques, cattle management procedures and accurate cattle tracing.Fattening of animals is a highly profitable venture with return of premium to the farmer. The large scale beef farming must be meet economic criteria for sustainable production. It consists of buying healthy stock, feeding and fattening them to optimum carcass weight , and selling them at anytime of the year. They are handled in such a way that maximum growth is achieved at the lowest possible cost. The lifespan of operation is shorter and the return of investment is relatively higher. In beef farms which very high genetic value of breeding animals cannot be get the expected performance without the use of technology and automation systems. Beef herd management programs if can be used as effectively, farming will have many advantages for consumer, farmer and also animals. However, to obtain these advantages from this system required to have knowledge of the functions and effective use of the functions. The large amount of data in the obtained on many issues related to animals, herd management and an individual unless used in decisions about animals, ensuring the heavy data flow, record keeping or assessment will not give the expected results. In this study it has been aiming that the examined modern technologies for profitable cattle fattening for Turkey meat market

    Differences Between Primiparous and Multiparous Holstein Dairy Cow Colostrum Quality

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    In this study, differences between uniparous and multiparous 50 heads Holstein dairy cow colostrum qualities are studied. Colostrum quality are dependent on factors such as density, the amount of milk produced after birth, cows exposed to scale leakage diseases, cow's age, season, feeding level, breed, prior to feeding level of pregnancy, difficult birth, the live weight after given birth and dry period. For this purpose, colostrum quality were determined by using colostrometer and chemical composition using MilkoScan FT120 (Foss).Bu çalışmada çok ve tek doğum yapmış 50 baş Siyah Alaca ineklerde kolostrum kalitesinin değişimi üzerinde durulmuştur. Kolostrum kalitesi, doğum sonrası üretilen süt miktarı, ineğin maruz kaldığı hastalıklar, ineğin yaşı, buzağılama mevsimi, beslenme seviyesi, ırk, gebelik öncesi besleme düzeyi, zor doğum, ananın doğum sonrası canlı ağırlığı, kuruda kalma süresi gibi faktörlere göre değişmektedir. Bu çalışmada çok ve tek doğum yapmış siyah alaca ineklerin kolostrum kalite tespiti kolostrometre ve kolostrum kimyasal içerik analizleri MilkoScan FT120 (Foss) ile yapılarak kalite farkları ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır

    Holstein cow vocalization behavior during oestrus periods

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    In this study, it is aimed to investigate the estrus behavior characteristics of cows by observing them comparatively and to reveal especially the sound related features in detail. For this purpose cows were observing during the oestrus time for their vocalization behavior. Oestrus affected by many hormones secreted by the animal during oestrus periods. There are several estrus detection methods, but efficiency differs depending on many factors. Efficient oestrus detection effect reproductive performance, while providing a significant increase in productivity in herd management and eliminating factors that inhibit reproductive performance. This research was investigated between February -May 2017 at Private dairy Farm which is located Mediterranean region of Turkey. At the beginning experiment, cows were selected depending on their characteristics as an example at the beginning of the experiment in order to minimize the experimental error and avoid the effects caused by the differences between the groups. Holstein milking cows which selected similar lactation number (3,1±0,84), body weight (664,69±7,45) and milk yield (25,96±0,49) were used. 150 head cows were synchronized with their estrus using the ovsych protocol and 10 cows were taken observation pen. The barn where the experiment is conducted is a free-stall barn and there are also walking areas for animals. Oestrus behavior of the cows was recorded by the researchers using directly observation methods. During oestrus period vocalizations behavior increased from 12,67±2,11 to 61,46±12,18 calls. During post oestrus period vocalization of cows decreased to 24,00±2,01. There are big variations between the cow vocalization. But cow calling; a statistically significant difference was found between the number of repetitions of sound; repetition was significantly longer in heat cows (p <0.01). Results suggest that more studies are required to draw strong conclusions regarding detailed information about oestrus situation of cow