6 research outputs found

    Ispitivanje antioksidacijske aktivnosti ekstrakta sjemenki sikavice i prevencije oksidacijskog oštećenja DNA i proteina te peroksidacije lipida

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    Antioxidant properties of ethanol extract of Silybum marianum (milk thistle) seeds was investigated. We have also investigated the protein damage activated by oxidative Fenton reaction and its prevention by Silybum marianum seed extract. Antioxidant potential of Silybum marianum seed ethanol extract was measured using diff erent in vitro methods, such as lipid peroxidation, 1,1–diphenyl–2–picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ferric reducing power assays. The extract significantly decreased DNA damage caused by hydroxyl radicals. Protein damage induced by hydroxyl radicals was also effi ciently inhibited, which was confirmed by the presence of protein damage markers, such as protein carbonyl formation and by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE). The present study shows that milk thistle seeds have good DPPH free radical scavenging activity and can prevent lipid peroxidation. Therefore, Silybum marianum can be used as potentially rich source of antioxidants and food preservatives. The results suggest that the seeds may have potential beneficial health effects providing opportunities to develop value-added products.U radu su ispitana antioksidacijska svojstva alkoholnog ekstrakta sjemenki sikavice (Silybum marianum). Osim toga, istražena je mogućnost primjene ekstrakta u prevenciji oštećenja proteina izazvanih Fentonovom reakcijom. Antioksidacijski potencijal alkoholnog ekstrakta sjemenki sikavice ispitan je in vitro pomoću različitih metoda, kao što su: određivanje stupnja peroksidacije lipida, sposobnosti uklanjanja DPPH radikala i reducirajuće snage. Utvrđeno je da su ekstrakti bitno umanjili negativan utjecaj hidroksilnih radikala na strukturu DNA. Prisutnost markera oksidacijskog oštećenja proteina kao što su karbonil proteini te SDS-PAGE elektroforeza potvrdili su da alkoholni ekstrakt sjemenki sikavice uspješno prevenira oksidacijsko oštećenje proteina. Utvrđeno je da sjemenke sikavice imaju i dobru sposobnost uklanjanja DPPH radikala i inhibicije peroksidacije lipida. Zaključeno je da je sikavica bogat izvor antioksidansa i konzervansa, pa se može koristiti kao dodatak hrani. Rezultati pokazuju da sjemenke sikavice povoljno utječu na zdravlje, pa se mogu upotrijebiti za razvoj proizvoda s dodanom vrijednosti

    Determination of in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of shoot and root extracts of Astragalus diphtherites FENZL var. diphtherites and Astragalus gymnalopecias RECH. FIL. obtained by different solvents.

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı farkı polariteye sahip çözücü serilerinden geçiren Astragalus diphtherites var. diphtherites (A. diphtherites) ve Astragalus gymnalopecias (A. gymnalopecias) türlerinin gövde ve kök kısımlarının antioksidan ve antimikrobiyal özelliklerinin araştırılmasıdır. Antioksidan özellikleri belirlemek için özütlerin total fenolik, total flavonoid, DPPH, metal şelatlama, indirgeme gücü ve hidroksi radikalini söndürme aktiviteleri test edildi. En yüksek total fenolik bileşen miktarı A. diphtherites’ de gövdede metanol, kökte ise aseton özütünden elde edilirken A. gymnalopecias’ ta gövdede metanol kökte ise etil asetat özütünde tespit edildi. A. diphtherites ve A. gymnalopecias’ ta en yüksek total flavonoid miktarları ve indirgeme gücü aktiviteleri gövdede aseton kökte ise etil asetat özütlerinden elde edildi. A. diphtherites için en yüksek DPPH radikalini söndürme aktivitesi, gövdede metanol kökte ise aseton özütünde, A. gymnalopecias’ ta gövdede metanol kökte ise etil asetat özütünde tespit edildi. A. diphtherites’ te gövde kısmından elde edilen metanol ve kök kısmından elde edilen hekzan özütleri, A. gymnalopecias’ ta ise gövde ve kök kısımlarının metanol özütleri en yüksek metal şelatlama aktivitesi gösterdi. Her iki türde de gövde ve kök etil asetat özütleri en yüksek hidroksil radikali söndürme aktivitesi gösterdi. A. gymnalopecias’ın gövde aseton ve metanol özütlerinin Streptococcus pyogenes’in büyümesi üzerinde inhibisyon etkisine sahip olduğu tespit edildi.Objective of this study was to investigate the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of shoot and root parts of Astragalus diphtherites var. diphtherites (A. diphtherites) and Astragalus gymnalopecias (A. gymnalopecias) species which were subjected to solvent series with different polarity. Total phenolic, total flavonoid, 2.2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH), metal chelating, reducing power and hydroxy radicals scavenging activities of the extracts were tested to determine antioxidant properties. The highest total phenolic content of A. diphtherites, was obtained from the methanol extract of shoots and the acetone extract of root parts. On the other hand, the highest total phenolic content in A. gymnalopecias were achieved from methanol extract of shoot parts and the ethyl acetate extract of the root part. The highest amount of total flavonoids and reducing power activities of A. diphtherites and A. gymnalopecias were obtained from the acetone extracts in the shoot part and from the ethyl acetate extracts in the root part. While the highest DPPH radical scavenging activity was determined in the methanol extract in the shoot part and the acetone extract in the root part of A. diphtherites. The highest DPPH radical scavenging activity for A. gymnalopecias was determined in the methanol extract of the shoot part and the ethyl acetate extract of the root part. The highest metal chelating activity was seen in the methanol extracts from shoot parts and in the hexane extracts from the root part of A. diphtherites. The ethyl acetate extracts of the shoot and root part in both species showed the highest hydroxyl radical scavenging activity. It was determined that acetone and methanol extracts of the shoot part of A. gymnalopecias have inhibition effect on the growth of Streptococcus pyogenes

    Assessment of the Antioxidant Activity of Silybum marianum Seed Extract and Its Protective Effect against DNA Oxidation, Protein Damage and Lipid Peroxidation

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    Antioxidant properties of ethanol extract of Silybum marianum (milk thistle) seeds was investigated. We have also investigated the protein damage activated by oxidative Fenton reaction and its prevention by Silybum marianum seed extract. Antioxidant potential of Silybum marianum seed ethanol extract was measured using diff erent in vitro methods, such as lipid peroxidation, 1,1–diphenyl–2–picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ferric reducing power assays. The extract significantly decreased DNA damage caused by hydroxyl radicals. Protein damage induced by hydroxyl radicals was also effi ciently inhibited, which was confirmed by the presence of protein damage markers, such as protein carbonyl formation and by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE). The present study shows that milk thistle seeds have good DPPH free radical scavenging activity and can prevent lipid peroxidation. Therefore, Silybum marianum can be used as potentially rich source of antioxidants and food preservatives. The results suggest that the seeds may have potential beneficial health effects providing opportunities to develop value-added products

    Protective activity of Hertia cheirifolia extracts against DNA damage, lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation

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    Context: Hertia cheirifolia L. (Asteraceae), a perennial shrub widely distributed in Northern Africa, is traditionally used to treat inflammatory disorders. Objective: The protective effect of methanol (Met E) and aqueous (Aq E) extracts of Hertia cheirifolia against DNA, lipid and protein oxidation was investigated. Materials and methods: Different concentrations (50–1000 μg/mL) of Hertia cheirifolia aerial part extracts were examined against DNA, lipid and protein oxidation induced by H2O2 + UV, FeSO4, and Fe3+/H2O2-ascorbic acid, respectively. The DPPH•, metal ion chelating, reducing power and β-carotene bleaching tests were conducted. Results: Both extracts were rich in polyphenols, flavonoids and tannins, and were able to scavenge DPPH• with IC50 values of 138 and 197 μg/mL, respectively. At 300 μg/mL, Aq E exerted stronger chelating effect (99%) than Met E (69%). However, Met E reducing power (IC50 = 61 μg/mL) was more than that of Aq E (IC50 = 193 μg/mL). Both extracts protected from β-carotene bleaching by 74% and 94%, respectively, and inhibited linoleic acid peroxidation. The inhibitory activity of Aq E extract (64%) was twice more than that of Met E (32%). Interestingly, both extracts protected DNA against the cleavage by about 96–98%. At 1 mg/mL, Met E and Aq E restored protein band intensity by 94–99%. Conclusions: Hertia cheirifolia exhibits potent antioxidant activity and protects biomolecules against oxidative damage; hence, it may serve as potential source of natural antioxidant for pharmaceutical applications and food preservation. This is the first report on the protective activity of this plant against biomolecule oxidation