10 research outputs found

    The relation between venous occlusion period and reperfusion injury in abdominal flep of rats

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    Venöz yetmezlik sonucu aksiyal deri fleplerinde doku kaybı sık karşılaşılan bir problemdir. Çalışmamızda, venöz staz sonrası tedavi seçeneklerini değerlendirebilmek amacıyla,sıçanlarda epigasrik arter ve ven pediküllü nörovasküler abdominal ada flebinde standart bir venöz staz hasarı modeli oluşturulmuştur. 5 ayrı grup sıçannın (n=8) 5x3 cm3 abdominal ada flebinde epi-gastrik ven 2, 5, 7, 9 ve 10 saat süreyle klemplenerek venöz staz sağlanmıştır. Bu süreler so¬nunda reperfüze edilen fleplerde sırasıyla %100, %100, %82, %20 ve %3'luk ortalama canlı flep alanlarına ulaşılmıştır. Hem yaygın doku hasarı oluşması, hemde 'reflow' gözlenmesi ne¬deniyle dokuz saatlik venöz staz süresi ideal venöz staz süresi olarak değerlendirilmiştir.The relation between venous occlusion period and reperfusion injury in abdominal flep oj rats. Skin flep failure is a commonly encountered problem in venous insufficiency. A stan¬dart model of reperfusion injury due to venous stasis in the epigastrik artery and vein based abdominal flep of rats was created in order to evaluate treatment choices of venous stasis. Fi¬ve groups each consisting of eight animals were performed. A 5x3 cm3 neurovascular skin is¬land flap based on the inferior epigastrik artery and vein was raised and vein was clamped. Af¬ter two hours in first group, five hours in second group, seven hours in third group, nine hours in fourth group and ten hours in fifth group clamps were removed and mean survival rate of flaps were %100, 100%, 82%, 20%, and 3% respectively. As wide spread reperfusion injury and "reflow" was possible it may be suggested that nine hours of venous ischemia is the ideal time of venous stasis