7 research outputs found

    The Journal of MacroTrends in Energy and Sustainability Improving the Energy Output of a Geothermal/Solar Hybride Energy System

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    Abstract In these days Renewable Energy Sources (RES) are becoming increasingly more popular. The key reason for this is, perhaps, the increase of prices in fuel oils and other fossil based energy resources. Another effect is the increase of global warming. This work shows the improvement of a Hybrid Electrical Power Plant which is controlled b

    Güneş enerjisi destekli jeotermal santrallerin bilgisayar tabanlı modellemesi ve simülasyonu

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    Tez çalışmasında parabolik destekli jeotermal sistem için simülasyon yazılımı geliştirilmiştir. Yapılan çalışma enerji sistemlerin farklı enerji sistemleri ile desteklendiğinde daha yüksek verimler sağlayabildiğini göstermiştir. Jeotermal enerji sistemleri, güneş enerjisi ile desteklendiğinde süreç sıcaklığı daha yüksek seviyelere taşınıp elektrik üretimi arttırılabilmektedir. Bu şekilde elektrik enerjisi üretiminin elverişli olmadığı, düşük süreç ısısına sahip olan jeotermal sistemlerde güneş enerjisi desteği ile elektrik enerjisi üretimi mümkün olabilmektedir. Çalışmada jeotermal bir sistem parabolik toplayıcılar ile desteklendiğinde proses sıcaklığının daha yüksek seviyeye gelip, buhar türbin çıkış gücünün arttığı görülmüştür. Matematiksel ifadeler kullanılarak, parabolik toplayıcı destekli karma bir jeotermal sistemin modeli oluşturulmuştur. Sistemi çözümleyen ısı transfer bağıntılarından yararlanılarak simülasyon yazılımı geliştirilmiştir. Geliştirilen simülasyon yazılımın çalıştırılması sonucu elde edilen değerler ve grafikler analiz edilmiştir. Ayrıca çalışmada tanımlanan jeotermal sistem üzerinde parabolik toplayıcılardan gelen ısınmış akışkan, sisteme farklı zamanlarda farklı noktalardan verildiğinde verimin arttığı görülmüştür. Bu çalışmanın neticesinde geliştirilen yazılım sayesinde, farklı giriş parametre ve tasarım şartlarına sahip karma jeotermal sistemler test ve analiz edilebilmekte sistemin fizibilite analizleri yapılıp, en iyi tasarım kriterleri belirlenebilmektedir. Bu kapsamda bir örnek çalışma sonuçları verilmiştir.In this study, a model of a Hybrid Geothermal Solar System is defined. A simulation program for this model is developed. This work shows when a Renewable Energy System is supported with other type of energy systems the efficiency of the system will be increased. If geothermal power systems are supported with solar energy, electrical energy production will be increased according to the process heat of the system. This kind of applications are finding place where the reservoir heat is not enough to produce electrical energy, like binary geothermal power plants with low heat capacity. This study shows when geothermal systems are supported with parabolic collector modules; the electric energy production of the turbine will be improved. A simulation program is developed using heat transfer equations. Running the simulation program the output data is stored and analyzed according to some plotted graphs. And also it is seen that; when the process heat of the parabolic collectors are given from different points of the system in different time intervals; the efficiency of the geothermal power plant will increase. This work allows to test, to make optimizations and feasibility analyses of a similar defined energy system; without building the hole system. According to this result, criteria’s can be defined for the design of a high efficiency geothermal power plant

    Evaluation of internal nasal valve using computed tomography after le fort i osteotomy: A cross-sectional study from a tertiary center

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    Aim: Internal nasal valve, which has been the most resistant region of the nasal airway, is affected by Le Fort I osteotomy. This study aimed to investigate the changes in the internal nasal valve (INV) after Le Fort I osteotomy. Methods: A retrospective computed tomography (CT) data of thirty-two patients who underwent Le Fort I surgery alone or combined with mandibular surgery from 2018 to 2020 were evaluated. INV area, INV angle, external nasal valve area, and interalar width were measured at preoperative (T1) and postoperative period (T2) on CT images. Results: CT assessment showed that the INV area was increased for both the right and left side (p1=0.005, p2=0.007). Right and left INV angle was increased from 16.15±3.240 to 19.63±5.210 and from 15.93±3.260 to 19.17±4.430 respectively (p1=0.000, p2=0.007). Interalar width was increased at the postoperative period (p=0.000). Also, the correlation between interalar width and INV area was found borderline significant (p=0.051, r=0.814). Right and left external nasal valve areas were increased after surgery (p1=0.000, p2=0.003). Conclusion: Maxillary surgery and surgical procedures affecting interalar width have an impact on the internal nasal valve

    Lightning protection for buildings energized by renewable energy sources

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    Renewable energy systems are of importance as being modular, nature-friendly and domestic. Among the renewable energy systems, a great deal of research has been conducted especially on photovoltaic, wind energy and fuel cell in the recent years. One of the hybrid renewable energy systems consisting of 5 kWp photovoltaic panels, 800 Wp wind turbines and 2.4 kWp fuel cell modules was installed at Clean Energy House (CEH), Pamukkale University in Denizli, Turkey. To protect this laboratory, a "Lightning Protection System" was installed at the CEH. In this study, design and installation processes of a lightning protection system for the hybrid renewable energy system at the CEH are considered. Ill. 7, bibl. 15 (in English; abstracts in English and Lithuanian)