38 research outputs found

    Fusarium head blight resistance and mycotoxin profiles of four Triticum species genotypes

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    Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance was evaluated for accessions of four Triticum species, including bread wheat (modern and old cultivars), spelt, emmer, and einkorn. Fusarium head infection, Fusarium kernel damage and accumulation of trichothecene toxins (deoxynivalenol, nivalenol) in grains were analysed. Modern bread wheat cultivars were the most susceptible to head infection, and emmer and einkorn accessions were the most resistant. Kernel damage was the least for emmer and spelt and greatest for bread wheat. No significant differences between the four host species were observed for toxin accumulation. However, the greatest amounts of deoxynivalenol were detected in the grains of modern wheat cultivars and the least in old bread wheat cultivars. The greatest amount of nivalenol was detected in einkorn grains and the least in old bread wheat cultivars. Wide variability of resistance of all types in all four species was observed. Accessions resistant to FHB and toxin accumulation in grains were identified

    The presence of motifs from <i>True Story (Alethe diegemata)</i> by Lucian of Samosata in fantasy literature on the example of selected fragments

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    This article is an analysis the writing of Lucian of Samosata, A True Story (Alethe diegemata). Its purpose is to indicate the presence of fantastic causes in the work today and to trace the presence of the motifs used by Lucian in later fantastic writings. The dividing line between fantasy literature and science fiction is also permanently drawn, which is helpful in examining the work, as well as in an attempt to assign it to one of the revealed trends in fantasy literature

    Analysis of Transport Conditions for Frozen Food on the Way from the Shop to Home

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    The transport of temperature sensitive products takes place under special conditions defined by specific agreements and international standards. The only exception to this rule is consumer transport. This transport is carried out by the consumer and takes place on the way home from the shop. The study examined consumers' awareness of the consumer transport of frozen food and analysed this type of transport in terms of the continuity of the cold chain. Such situation affects the deterioration of frozen food quality especially in case of its later storage in the home freezer. It was found that the average distance that customers cover from shop to home was 4.98 km. They usually used a car and covered this distance in an average of 12.85 minutes. During the summer months, this time is sufficient to partially thaw a package of frozen vegetables. Only 33% of the respondents used insulated bags to protect frozen food on the way home. When analysing the transport of frozen raw material carried out by consumers in real conditions, the use of insulated bags was found to be justified. These bags are able to keep the temperature of the packed raw material below −5°C. It was found that the legal imposition of the necessity to use such bags or the introduction by the manufacturer of frozen food of appropriate packaging protecting the food against transport at inappropriate temperatures in the summer months is necessary

    Higher Fusarium Toxin Accumulation in Grain of Winter Triticale Lines Inoculated with Fusarium culmorum as Compared with Wheat

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    Resistance to Fusarium head blight in 32 winter triticale and 34 winter wheat accessions was evaluated. Triticale and wheat were sown in field experiments in two locations. At the time of flowering, heads were inoculated with three Fusarium culmorum isolates. Fusarium head blight index was scored and after the harvest percentage of Fusarium damaged kernels was assessed. Grain was analysed for type B trichothecenes (deoxynivalenol and derivatives, nivalenol) and zearalenone (ZEN) content. The average Fusarium head blight indexes were 28.0% for wheat and 19.2% for triticale accessions. The percentage of Fusarium damaged kernels was also higher for wheat and came to 55.6%, while for triticale this figure was 40.2%. The average content of deoxynivalenol (DON) for wheat amounted to 11.65 mg/kg and was lower than the result for triticale which was 14.12 mg/kg. The average contents of nivalenol were similar in both cereals: 4.13 mg/kg and 5.19 mg/kg for wheat and triticale respectively. Considerable amounts of DON derivatives in the cereals were also detected. The ZEN content in the grain was 0.60 mg/kg for wheat and 0.66 mg/kg for triticale. Relationships between Fusarium head blight index, Fusarium damaged kernels and mycotoxin contents were statistically significant for wheat and mostly insignificant for triticale. Triticale proved to have less infected heads and kernels than wheat. However, the content of type B trichothecenes was higher in triticale grain than in wheat grain

    Higher Fusarium Toxin Accumulation in Grain of Winter Triticale Lines Inoculated with Fusarium culmorum as Compared with Wheat

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    Resistance to Fusarium head blight in 32 winter triticale and 34 winter wheat accessions was evaluated. Triticale and wheat were sown in field experiments in two locations. At the time of flowering, heads were inoculated with three Fusarium culmorum isolates. Fusarium head blight index was scored and after the harvest percentage of Fusarium damaged kernels was assessed. Grain was analysed for type B trichothecenes (deoxynivalenol and derivatives, nivalenol) and zearalenone (ZEN) content. The average Fusarium head blight indexes were 28.0% for wheat and 19.2% for triticale accessions. The percentage of Fusarium damaged kernels was also higher for wheat and came to 55.6%, while for triticale this figure was 40.2%. The average content of deoxynivalenol (DON) for wheat amounted to 11.65 mg/kg and was lower than the result for triticale which was 14.12 mg/kg. The average contents of nivalenol were similar in both cereals: 4.13 mg/kg and 5.19 mg/kg for wheat and triticale respectively. Considerable amounts of DON derivatives in the cereals were also detected. The ZEN content in the grain was 0.60 mg/kg for wheat and 0.66 mg/kg for triticale. Relationships between Fusarium head blight index, Fusarium damaged kernels and mycotoxin contents were statistically significant for wheat and mostly insignificant for triticale. Triticale proved to have less infected heads and kernels than wheat. However, the content of type B trichothecenes was higher in triticale grain than in wheat grain

    Gatunki Fusarium oraz toksyny fuzaryjne w ziarnie jęczmienia w Polsce w 2009 i 2010r. Komunikat

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    Grain samples of spring barley from the 2009 and 2010 harvest were analysed for the content of DNA of Fusarium species and Fusarium toxins (type B trichothecenes). Samples originated from different fields in Radzików, Central Poland. Qualitative and quantitative determination of Fusarium species in the grain was performed using a real-time PCR. Fusarium toxins in the grain were analysed by gas chromatography. Seven Fusarium species were detected in barley grain. The dominating species were F. avenaceum, F. graminearum and F. poae. The presence of F. culmorum, F. langsethiae, F. sporotrichioides and F. tricinctum was also detected. The concentration of trichothecene toxins in grain (deoxynivalenol, nivalenol) was low. The highest correlation coefficient of deoxynivalenol vs. Fusarium DNA was found for F. graminearum. Regarding nivalenol, the highest correlation coefficient was with F. poae DNA.  Próby ziarna jęczmienia jarego ze zbiorów w 2009 i 2010r. zostały przeanalizowane pod kątem zawartości DNA gatunków Fusarium i toksyn fuzaryjnych (trichotecenów B). Próbki pochodziły z różnych pól z Radzikowa, w środkowej Polsce. Jakościowe i ilościowe oznaczanie gatunków Fusarium w ziarnie przeprowadzono techniką real-time PCR. Toksyny fuzaryjne w ziarnie analizowano metodą chromatografii gazowej. W ziarnie jęczmienia wykryto siedem gatunków Fusarium. Dominujące gatunki to F. avenaceum, F. graminearum i F. poae. Wykryto również występowanie F. culmorum, F. langsethiae, F. sporotrichioides i F. tricinctum. Stężenie trichotecenów B (deoksyniwalenolu, niwalenolu) w ziarnie było niskie. Najwyższy współczynnik korelacji deoksyniwalenol vs. DNA Fusarium stwierdzono dla F. graminearum. Jeśli chodzi o niwalenol, najwyższy był współczynnik korelacji z DNA F. poae.

    Gatunki z rodzaju Fusarium oraz toksyny fuzaryjne w ziarnie pszenicy ozimej i jarej w Polsce

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    The aim of the study was to determine the presence of Fusarium species and mycotoxins in wheat grain from harvest in 2009 and 2010 in Poland. Samples from different locations were analyzed for the content of DNA of Fusarium species and mycotoxins. In 2009, DNA of F. graminearum and F. poae was present in all samples, F. culmorum in 82% of samples, and F. avenaceum in 55% of samples. In 2010, the highest content of DNA was found for F. graminearum followed by F. avenaceum, F. poae and F. langsethiae. The amount of F. culmorum DNA was very low. The most frequently occurring species were F. poae and F. graminearum, however, the amount of F. poae DNA was lower. In 2009, deoxynivalenol was detected in all samples. In 2010, the average content of deoxynivalenol was lower than in 2009. Nivalenol was detected at very low concentration in both years. Significant correlations between content of F. graminearum DNA and deoxynivalenol concentration in the grain and between content of F. poae DNA and nivalenol concentration in the grain in 2009 were found.Celem badania było określenie obecności gatunków Fusarium i mykotoksyn występujących w ziarnie pszenicy w Polsce w latach 2009 i 2010. Próby ziarna pochodzące z różnych regionów Polski zostały przeanalizowane pod kątem zawartości DNA grzybów z rodzaju Fusarium oraz mykotoksyn. W 2009 roku DNA F. graminearum i F. poae było obecne we wszystkich próbach, F. culmorum w 82% prób, F. avenaceum w 55% próbek. W 2010 r. najwyższą zawartość DNA stwierdzono dla F. graminearum, a następnie F. avenaceum, F. poae i F. langsethiae. Ilość DNA F. culmorum była bardzo niska. Najczęściej występującymi gatunkami były F. poae i F. graminearum. Jednakże ilość DNA F. poae była niższa. W 2009 r. we wszystkich próbach wykryto deoksyniwalenol. W 2010 r. średnia zawartość deoksyniwalenolu była niższa niż w 2009 r. Niwalenol wykryto w bardzo niskim stężeniu w obu latach. Stwierdzono istotność korelacji między zawartością DNA F. graminearum a stężeniem deoksyniwalenolu w ziarnie oraz między zawartością DNA F. poae a stężeniem niwalenolu w ziarnie w 2009 r

    Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight, Kernel Damage, and Concentration of Fusarium Mycotoxins in Grain of Winter Triticale (x Triticosecale Wittmack) Lines

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    Fusarium head blight (FHB) can cause contamination of cereal grain with mycotoxins. Triticale is also infected with FHB; however, it is more resistant than wheat to head infection. The aim of this study was to identify triticale lines that combine low head infection with low toxin contamination. Resistance to FHB of 15 winter triticale and three winter wheat lines was evaluated over a three-year experiment established in two locations. At the anthesis stage, heads were inoculated with Fusarium culmorum isolates. The FHB index was scored and the percentage of Fusarium-damaged kernels (FDKs) assessed. The grain was analysed for type B trichothecenes (deoxynivalenol and derivatives, nivalenol) and zearalenone content. The average FHB index was 10.7%. The proportion of FDK was 18.1% (weight) and 21.6% (number). An average content of deoxynivalenol amounted to 7.258 mg/kg and nivalenol to 5.267 mg/kg. In total, it was 12.788 mg/kg of type B trichothecenes. The zearalenone content in the grain was 0.805 mg/kg. Relationships between FHB index, FDK, and mycotoxin contents were statistically significant for triticale lines; however, they were stronger for FDK versus mycotoxins. Triticale lines combing all types of FHB resistance were found, however the most resistant ones were less resistant that wheat lines with the Fhb1 gene

    Resistance to Fusarium head blight caused by Fusarium culmorum and Fusarium mycotoxins content in grain of spring cereal species intended for organic farming

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    Celem pracy było określenie odporności na fuzariozę kłosów odmian/genotypów zbóż jarych należących do rodzajów Avena, Hordeum i Triticum oraz oznaczenie zawartości mikotoksyn fuzaryjnych (deoksyniwalenolu i jego pochodnych) w ziarnie. Porażenie kłosów oraz ziarniaków odmian jęczmienia było niskie i wyniosło 7,3% oraz 8,3%, jednakże akumulacja DON w ziarnie wyniosła średnio 1,23 ppm. W przypadku owsa porażeniu ulegało 26,5% wiech. Uszkodzenie ziarniaków było niskie i wyniosło 6,0%. Owies akumulował niewielkie ilości DON w ziarnie (0,44ppm). Stwierdzono znaczne zróżnicowanie reakcji genotypów z rodzaju Triticum pod względem porażenia kłosa (1,0–34,7%), uszkodzenia ziarniaków (0,7–30,1%) oraz akumulacji deoksyniwa¬lenolu w ziarnie (0,26–6,61 ppm). Najbardziej podatne były odmiany pszenicy zwyczajnej. Obserwowano również znaczne zróżnicowanie wewnątrzgatunkowe odporności pszenicy zwyczajnej, orkiszu i płaskurki. Zidentyfikowano formy odporne i średnio odporne na fuzariozę kłosów.The aim of the study was to determine Fusarium head blight resistance of spring type genotypes from the genera Triticum, Avena and Hordeum, and to determine the content of Fusarium mycotoxins (deoxynivalenol — DON and its derivatives) in grain. Head and kernel infection of barley was low and amounted 7.3% and 8.3%, respectively. However, barley accumulated 1.23 ppm of DON in grain. As for oat varieties, 26.5% of panicles showed FHB symptoms. Fusarium kernel damage was low and amounted 6.0%. Oat accumulated low amounts of DON in grain (0.44 ppm). Significant variation was found in genotypes of the genus Triticum in head infection (1.0–34.7%), kernel damage (0.7–30.1%) and accumulation of deoxynivalenol in grain (0.26–6.61 ppm). The cultivars of bread wheat were the most susceptible. There was also a significant intraspecific diversity of resistance in wheat, spelt and emmer. Fusarium head blight resistant and medium-resistant genotypes were identified