27 research outputs found

    Robust Monetary Policy In A Linear Model Of The Polish Economy: Is The Uncertainty In The Model Responsible For The Interest Rate Smoothing Effect?

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    Estimates of the generalised Taylor rule suggest that monetary policy in Poland can be characterized as having reacted in a moderate fashion to output and in ation gaps and are strongly dependent on the lagged interest rate. Moreover, as for the majority of central banks the short-term rate paths are smooth and only gradual changes can be observed. Optimal monetary policy models in the linear-quadratic framework produce high variability of interest rates, and are hence inconsistent with the data. One can obtain gradual behaviour of optimal monetary policy by adding an interest rate smoothing term to the central bank objective. This heuristic procedure has not much substantiation in the central bank's targets and raises the question: What are the rational reasons for the gradual movements in the monetary policy instrument? In this paper we determine optimal monetary polices in a VAR model of the Polish economy with parameter uncertainty. By incorporating a proper structure of multiplicative uncertainty in the linear-quadratic model of the Polish economy we nd a data consistent robust monetary policy rule. Thus proving that parameter uncertainty can be the rationale for "timid" movements in the short-interest rate dynamics. Finally, we show that there is trade o between parameter uncertainty and the interest rate smoothing incentive

    Optimal Goodwill Model with Consumer Recommendations and Market Segmentation

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    We propose a new dynamic model of product goodwill where a product is sold in many market segments, and where the segments are indicated by the usage experience of consumers. The dynamics of product goodwill is described by a partial di erential equation of the Lotka{Sharpe{ McKendrick type. The main novelty of this model is that the product goodwill in a segment of new consumers depends not only on advertising e ort, but also on consumer recommendations, for which we introduce a mathematical representation. We consider an optimal goodwill model where in each market segment the control variable is the company's advertising e orts in order to maximize its pro ts. Using the maximum principle, we numerically nd the optimal advertising strategies and corresponding optimal goodwill paths. The sensitivity of these solutions is analysed. We identify two types of optimal advertising campaign: `strengthening' and `supportive'. They may assume di erent shapes and levels depending on the market segment. These experiments highlight the need for both researchers and managers to consider a segmented advertising polic

    Optymalne strategie polityki pieni臋偶nej dla Polski uwzgl臋dniaj膮ce wra偶liwo艣膰 banku na ryzyko nieosi膮gni臋cia za艂o偶onego celu

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    Klasyfikacja JEL: C53, E47, E52, E58Autorska wersja artyku艂u, kt贸ry ukaza艂 si臋 w Materia艂ach i Studiach nr 317 Narodowego Banku PolskiegoG艂贸wnym celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza optymalnych - wra偶liwych na ryzyko st贸p procentowych (risk-sensitive optimal interest rates), kt贸re maj膮 za zadanie realizacj臋 bezpo艣redniego celu inflacyjnego oraz stabilizacj臋 sfery realnej gospodarki. Dla gospodarki Polski wyznaczamy optymalne strategie banku centralnego charakteryzuj膮cego si臋 r贸偶nym stopniem wra偶liwo艣ci na ryzyko nieosi膮gni臋cia za艂o偶onego celu (dalej nazywanego kr贸tko ryzykiem). Optymalna wra偶liwa na ryzyko polityka monetarna poddana jest ilo艣ciowej ocenie i por贸wnana z historycznymi 艣cie偶kami. W tym celu por贸wnujemy reakcje zmiennych na impulsy egzogeniczne oraz wyznaczamy i analizujemy horyzonty stabilizuj膮ce inflacj臋. Ponadto badamy wra偶liwo艣膰 polityki pieni臋偶nej na zmian臋 parametru ryzyka oraz horyzontu decyzyjnego. Badanie przeprowadzone jest w oparciu o model wektorowej autoregresji opisuj膮cy mechanizm transmisji impuls贸w polityki pieni臋偶nej w gospodarce Polski. Cel dzia艂ania banku centralnego zapisany jest przy u偶yciu wyk艂adniczej funkcji dysu偶yteczno艣ci, w kt贸rej funkcja straty jest 艣redni膮 wa偶on膮 wariancji zmiennych stanu i zmiennej sterowania, umo偶liwia uwzgl臋dnienie podstawowych zada艅 banku centralnego. Zaproponowana metodologia badawcza pozwala na skonstruowanie efektywnego narz臋dzia do wyznaczania optymalnych wra偶liwych na ryzyko strategii polityki monetarnej uwzgl臋dniaj膮cych: zar贸wno realizacj臋 bezpo艣redniego celu inflacyjnego jaki i stabilizacj臋 sfery realnej gospodarki. Niniejsze badanie stanowi, zgodnie z wiedz膮 autor贸w, pierwsz膮 w literaturze empiryczn膮 analiz臋 optymalnej wra偶liwej na ryzyko polityki monetarnej.Projekt badawczy zosta艂 zrealizowany w ramach konkursu na projekty badawcze NBP, przeznaczone do realizacji w 2014 r., oraz sfinansowany ze 艣rodk贸w Narodowego Banku Polskiego

    How do loyalty programs affect goodwill? An optimal control approach

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    This paper examines the long-term impact of loyalty programs on a company鈥檚 profit and reputation among customers, and with different durations of product use. We analyze how the launch of loyalty programs may change the profitability of optimal advertising activities. The basis of this study is a modified goodwill model where the market is segmented according to usage experience. The main novelty is the role of loyalty programs and consumer recommendations in the creation of product goodwill, and also their influence on optimal advertising. The dynamics of goodwill are described by a partial differential equation. The firm maximizes the sum of discounted profits by choosing a different advertising campaign for each market segment. For a high-quality product, we observe that there is a trade off between the loyalty program and optimal advertising strategies. For a low-quality product, the loyalty program causes more profitable companies to invest heavily in additional advertising efforts.The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the National Science Centre in Poland. Decision number: DEC-2011/03/D/HS4/04269

    Measuring uncertainty of optimal simple monetary policy rules in DSGE models

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    This paper presents a new approach to measure the parameter uncertainty for optimal simple monetary policy rules in the New Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models. More precisely, we propose a new algorithm which enables to directly introduce parameter uncertainty into the optimal simple precommitment rule problem. As a result we find distributions of the optimal monetary policy reactions and the minimized welfare losses. To compare the distributions of the monetary policy parameters and the welfare losses we apply the first order stochastic dominance ordering (SD1). The SD1 inequality between the probability distribution is verified by means of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The proposed algorithms are applied to the Erceg, Henderson and Levine (2000) small-scale closed economy model estimated for the Polish economy. For the welfare-loss-minimizing central bank, we examine three types of the dynamic specification of its policy rule: backward-, current- and forward-looking. Finally, for a given set of optimal and implementable monetary policy rules, we show that the fully specified forward-looking monetary policy rule with interest rate smoothing mechanism minimizes the welfare-loss in the sense of the stochastic ordering SD1.This work was supported by the National Science Centre in Poland under Grant No. 2017/26/D/HS4/00942

    On the Equivalence of Solutions for a Class of Stochastic Evolution Equations in a Banach Space

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    Acknowledgments: The author wishes to thank Professor Anna Chojnowska-Michalik and the referee for many helpful suggestions and comments.We study a class of stochastic evolution equations in a Banach space E driven by cylindrical Wiener process. Three different analytical concepts of solutions: generalised strong, weak and mild are defined and the conditions under which they are equivalent are given. We apply this result to prove existence, uniqueness and continuity of weak solutions to stochastic delay evolution equations. We also consider two examples of these equations in non-reflexive Banach spaces: a stochastic transport equation with delay and a stochastic delay McKendrick equation