1 research outputs found

    Proyecto de creaci贸n de empresa para la comercializaci贸n internacional de artesan铆as de la comunidad ind铆gena Embera Cham铆

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    Este proyecto tiene como fin, estructurar un plan de negocio que le permita a la comunidad ind铆gena Embera Cham铆 dar a conocer sus productos en el exterior, se desarrollo todo el estudio de comercio exterior y el estudio de mercado en el pa铆s objetivo, que salio como resultado del estudio de comercio exterior, se desarrollo tanto la formulaci贸n como la evaluaci贸n del proyecto con sus proyecciones a 3 a帽os. El presente proyecto se realiz贸 con datos obtenidos de fuentes bibliogr谩ficas y de un l铆der de la comunidad Embera Cham铆 ubicada en el barrio Las Brisas de la ciudad de Pereira durante el periodo comprendido entre septiembre de 2009 y mayo de 2010, tomando como base para la realizaci贸n del proyecto las actividades que desarrollan especialmente su producci贸n artesanal distinguida por caracter铆sticas particulares y llamativos dise帽os los cuales fueron la fuente fundamental para determinar si se podr铆an comercializar estos art铆culos al mercado internacional, de all铆 el prop贸sito de la investigaci贸n consisti贸 en la formulaci贸n y evaluaci贸n del proyecto de creaci贸n de una empresa comercializadora internacional de art铆culos artesanales producidos por la comunidad Embera-Cham铆. Para ello se analiz贸 los antecedentes, situaci贸n actual del sector comercio y el subsector artesanal y sus perspectivas, luego identificar las caracter铆sticas y efectos socio-econ贸micos particulares de la comunidad Embera-Cham铆 en el departamento de Risaralda, y por 煤ltimo se evalu贸 si es viable ejecutar el proyecto. La presente investigaci贸n busca evidenciar el valor social y productivo de la comunidad Embera-Cham铆, utilidad pr谩ctica, y en general los beneficios que pueden generar garantizando la venta de los productos artesanales. Este proyecto tiene un sentido econ贸mico que es pretender la exportaci贸n de artesan铆as de los Embera Cham铆, pero tambi茅n tiene involucrado el sentido social, con este proyecto dicha comunidad se puede ver beneficiada ya que ellos no hab铆an pensado en la posibilidad de llevar sus productos por fuera del pa铆s, con el proyecto ya tienen un referente, una gu铆a para ejecutarlo.This project is aimed to structure a business plan that allows indigenous Embera Chami community to make their products abroad, it developed around the study of foreign trade and market research in the target country, which came as result of the study of foreign trade, developing both the formulation and evaluation of the project with their projections to 3 years. This project was conducted with data from literature sources and a leader of the Embera Chami community located in the neighborhood of Las Brisas in the city of Pereira during the period between September 2009 and May 2010, taking as a basis for conducting Project activities developed especially distinguished by its production scale and striking design characteristics which were the primary source to determine whether they could sell these items to the international market, hence the purpose of the research consisted in the formulation and evaluation creation of an international marketer of craft items produced by the Embera-Chami. To this end we analyzed the background, current situation of trade and artisanal subsector and its prospects, then identify the characteristics and particular socio-economic effects of the Embera-Chami in the department of Risaralda, and finally evaluated the feasibility of implement the project. This research seeks to highlight the social and productive value of the Embera-Chami, practicality, and generally they can generate benefits by ensuring the sale of handicrafts. The study is based on elements of international trade, the steps to develop a business plan, factors to consider in the foreign market in which it will market and barriers to market entry by the investigation, and Plan the content of the exporter. The methodology used in this work is descriptive, first to know everything about the Embera Chami, their environment and how they develop craft activities since their products are the foundation of the project, the project is also formulated with steps to create a company and developing a strategic marketing plan to locate the market that is going to offer items designed for this community, other methods used for this project ranging from analytical to synthetic, to establish the impact this real. The most used technique for data collection for this project was mainly secondary data collected and transcribed by other authors, then performed the analysis of these data through 3 phases to determine if the project is feasible. Finally it was determined that as such create the company will generate profits for the partners and also have a high social impact because it would generate a regular income to the Embera-Chami community that is located in the Las Brisas neighborhood. This project makes economic sense is to pretend that the export of handicrafts from the Embera Chami, but also has involved the social sense, this project can see this community benefited because they had not thought about the possibility of their products outside the country, the project already have a reference, a guide to run