4 research outputs found

    Actividad termoprotectora de exometabolitos en microorganismos esporulados.

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    Los microorganismos influyen en el comportamiento de otros a trav茅s de la secreci贸n y/o excreci贸n de metabolitos con funciones protectoras contra condiciones de estr茅s a los miembros de su misma especie; sin embargo, hay poca informaci贸n disponible acerca de la protecci贸n entre diferentes especies. Debido a esto, la investigaci贸n sobre la base de esta protecci贸n y su papel en la respuesta al estr茅s es necesaria. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de los sobrenadantes pretratados y no-pretratados de Geobacillus stearothermophilus y B. cereus sobre el crecimiento vegetativo y durante la esporulaci贸n de B. cereus sometido a un estr茅s letal y la participaci贸n de ppGpp durante las condiciones de estr茅s. C茅lulas vegetativas y esporuladas de B. cereus y G. stearothermophilus se cultivaron hasta alcanzar la mitad de la fase logar铆tmica en el caso de las c茅lulas vegetativas o durante diferentes tiempos correspondientes a diferentes etapas de la esporulaci贸n. Los cultivos se expusieron a estr茅s por calor de 65掳 C durante 30 min (G. stearothermophilus) o 42掳 C durante 30 min (B. cereus) con el fin de inducir compuestos de estr茅s que pudieran ser secretados y/o excretados. Los cultivos se centrifugaron, sus sobrenadantes se separaron, se transfirieron a c茅lulas vegetativas y c茅lulas en esporulaci贸n no-pretratadas de B. cereus, y posteriormente las c茅lulas vegetativas fueron expuestos a 50掳C (temperatura letal) y las c茅lulas viables se determinaron cada 15 min por cuenta en placa en agar infusi贸n cerebro coraz贸n (ICC). Para las esporas, se evaluaron valores de letalidad (D) a 85, 90 y 95 掳 C. El ppGpp se extrajo a partir de 200 ml de cultivos pretratados y no pretratados y se cuantific贸 mediante HPLC-DAD. Los resultados indicaron que algunos sobrenadantes pretratados de G. stearothermophilus aumentaron la viabilidad a una temperatura letal a las c茅lulas vegetativas de B. cereus. Sin embargo, contrariamente a lo esperado, en general los sobrenadantes de G. stearothermophilus no mostraron ning煤n efecto sobre la resistencia al calor de las esporas de B. cereus a 85, 90 y 95 掳 C en comparaci贸n con los controles; detect谩ndose solamente un aumento de la resistencia al calor en algunos tratamientos seleccionados. El nivel de ppGpp aument贸 cuando los cultivos detectaron un cambio en la temperatura, sin embargo no se encontr贸 diferencia entre los tratamientos y controles. Los sobrenadantes de B. cereus no mostraron efecto sobre la supervivencia de c茅lulas vegetativas o en la resistencia al calor de las esporas de B. cereus

    Evaluaci贸n microbiol贸gica de frutas y hortalizas expendidos en la zona metropolitana de Monterrey N.L., mediante tecnolog铆as r谩pidas

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    Las frutas y hortalizas son alimentos b谩sicos e importantes para la salud humana. M茅xico constituye un exportador importante de este tipo de productos, en muchas partes del mundo. Aunque en forma general la calidad de los productos de M茅xico se considera buena, brotes recientes hacen imperiosa la necesidad de monitorear su calidad. En este estudio se evalu贸 la calidad microbiol贸gica de frutas y vegetales hist贸ricamente vinculados a brotes importantes (mel贸n, perejil, cebolla cambray, tomate, chile serrano y jalape帽o) expendidos en Monterrey, N.L. y algunos municipios de su 谩rea Metropolitana, utilizando tecnolog铆as nuevas y sensitivas. Se analizaron un total de 300 muestras, colectadas en supermercados y mercados populares. El an谩lisis de microorganismos coliformes totales y de mesof铆licos aerobios se realiz贸 con el sistema automatizado TEMPO庐. Para la detecci贸n de Salmonella spp., E. coli O157:H7, L. monocytogenes y C. jejuni/coli, se emple贸 el sistema de inmunfluorescencia miniVidas庐. La cuantificaci贸n de mohos y levaduras se llev贸 a cabo seg煤n lo especifica a normativa mexicana y la presencia de C. perfringens y Shigella spp se analiz贸 seg煤n la metodolog铆a descrita en el BAM (FDA, EUA). En este estudio encontramos que las muestras presentaron niveles moderados de contaminaci贸n, que dependi贸 del tipo de muestra analizada. Se encontraron 6 muestras con C. perfringens, una con Salmonella spp, Campylobacter spp. y L. monocytogenes procedentes de perejil. Sin embargo, en todos los casos los pat贸genos estuvieron en muestras diferentes. No se detect贸 E. coli O157:H7 ni Shigella spp. en ninguna de las muestras. Por lo anterior se concluye que las cuentas de microorganismos indicadores fueron moderadamente elevadas comparadas con lo que marca las normas oficiales mexicanas para este tipo de productos (1.5 x 105 UFC/g para el caso de mes贸filos aerobios y 100 NMP/g de coliformes), sin embargo, aunque la presencia de microorganismos pat贸genos fue baja, puede representar un riesgo para la poblaci贸n si no se realiza un tratamiento de desinfecci贸n adecuado antes de su consumo. Abstract Fruits and vegetables are important foods for human health. Mexico is a major exporter of such products to many parts of the world. Although in general the quality of produce of Mexico are considered good, recent international outbreaks urge to monitor the microbiological quality of these products. This study evaluated the microbiological quality of fruit and vegetable historically associated with major international outbreaks (melon, parsley, green onion, tomato, chili serrano and jalape帽o) expended in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, N.L, using new and sensitive technologies. We analyzed a total of 300 samples collected in supermarkets and popular markets. The analysis of total coliforms and total aerobic bacteria was performed with the automated system TEMPO 庐. For the detection of Salmonella spp., E. coli O157: H7, L. monocytogenes and C. jejuni / coli the miniVIDAS庐 inmunfluorescence system was used. Quantification of yeasts and molds was carried out as specified in Mexican law and the presence of C. perfringens and Shigella spp were analyzed using the methodology described in the BAM (FDA, USA). In this study, the samples showed moderate levels of contamination, which depended on the type of sample analyzed. Six samples were found with C. perfringens, one with Salmonella spp, one with Campylobacter spp. and other one with L. monocytogenes (parsley), the pathogens were isolates from separated samples. No E. coli O157: H7 and Shigella spp. was detected in the samples. The numbers of indicator microorganisms were high compared with the parameters of Mexican Official Standards for this type of product (1.5 x 105 CFU / g in the case of mesophilic aerobes, and 100 MPN / g of coliforms), although the presence of pathogens was low, it may represent a risk to the population if appropriate measures are avoided prior to consumption

    The phenotype, psychotype and genotype of bruxism

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    Abstract. Bruxism is a jaw muscle activity that involves physio-pathological, psycho-social, hereditary and genetic factors. The purpose of this study was to determine the associations between self-reported bruxism, anxiety, and neuroticism personality trait with the rs6313 polymorphism in the gene HTR2A. A sample of 171 subjects of both sexes (14-53 years of age) was included. The control group (group 1, n=60) exhibited no signs or symptoms of bruxism. The case group had signs and symptoms of bruxism (n=112) and was subdivided into group 2, bruxism during sleep (n=22); group 3, awake bruxism (n=44); and group 4 combined bruxism (n=46). As diagnostic tools, the Self-Reported Bruxism Questionnaire (SBQ), the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised-Abbreviated (EPQR-A) were used. HTR2A (rs6313) SNPs were determined by qPCR for all the participants. The packages SPSS, maxLik and EPI-INFO were used for data analysis. The combined bruxism group reported higher scores in bruxism symptoms, mean = 32.21; anxiety symptoms, mean = 14.80; and neuroticism, mean = 3.26. Combined bruxism was associated with a higher degree of neuroticism (OR=15.0; CI 1.52-148.32) and anxiety in grade 3-moderate (OR=3.56; CI 1.27-10.03), and grade 4-severe (OR=8.40; CI 1.45-48.61), as determined using EPISODE computer software. Genotypic homogeneity analysis revealed no significant differences in allele frequency (P=0.612) among the four groups. The population was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (maxLik package). In conclusion, the three instruments confirm traits of bruxism, anxiety and neuroticism in individuals with bruxism. These data were ratified when the sample was divided by genotypic homogeneity. On the other hand, there was no significant difference between the groups in the SNPs rs6313 from the HTR2A gene

    Profiles of Amino Acids and Acylcarnitines Related with Insecticide Exposure in Culex quinquefasciatus (Say).

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    Culex quinquefasciatus Say is a vector of many pathogens of humans, and both domestic and wild animals. Personal protection, reduction of larval habitats, and chemical control are the best ways to reduce mosquito bites and, therefore, the transmission of mosquito-borne pathogens. Currently, to reduce the risk of transmission, the pyrethroids, and other insecticide groups have been extensively used to control both larvae and adult mosquitoes. In this context, amino acids and acylcarnitines have never been associated with insecticide exposure and or insecticide resistance. It has been suggested that changes in acylcarnitines and amino acids profiles could be a powerful diagnostic tool for metabolic alterations. Monitoring these changes could help to better understand the mechanisms involved in insecticide resistance, complementing the strategies for managing this phenomenon in the integrated resistance management. The purpose of the study was to determine the amino acids and acylcarnitines profiles in larvae of Cx. quinquefasciatus after the exposure to different insecticides. Bioassays were performed on Cx. quinquefasciatus larvae exposed to the diagnostic doses (DD) of the insecticides chlorpyrifos (0.001 渭g/mL), temephos (0.002 渭g/mL) and permethrin (0.01 渭g/mL). In each sample, we analyzed the profile of 12 amino acids and 31 acylcarnitines by LC-MS/MS. A t-test was used to determine statistically significant differences between groups and corrections of q-values. Results indicates three changes, the amino acids arginine (ARG), free carnitine (C0) and acetyl-carnitine (C2) that could be involved in energy production and insecticide detoxification. We confirmed that concentrations of amino acids and acylcarnitines in Cx. quinquefasciatus vary with respect to different insecticides. The information generated contributes to understand the possible mechanisms and metabolic changes occurring during insecticide exposure