6 research outputs found

    Use of Torula Yeast from Sugar Cane Molasses in White Leghorn Replacement Hens.

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    The use of Torula yeast from sugar cane molasses in the diet of White Leghorn replacement chicks L-33 was eva-luated. Two hundred 15-20 week-old chicks were used in a completely randomized design, comprising 4 treatments (10 birds per cage). Torula rations were 0,  3,  6, and 9 g/animal/day in growing diets  (105-112 days), and prelaying diets (113-140 days, or at the end of the experiment), with 4 repetitions each. The results showed that at 0; 6 and 9 g/animal/day of Torula yeast, the productive behavior of the chicks was affected. Adding 3 g/animal/day of Torula yeast in the diet of White Leghorn L-33 replacement  at the end of the growing stage, led to a higher productive behavior than in the rest of the treatments, similar indicators to their contemporary. Accordingly, identifying chicks with low weight, small size, and poor shape was made easier, and they could be returned to the production areas

    Utilización de la levadura torula de mieles de caña de azúcar en pollonas de reemplazo White Leghorn L-33.

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    Se evaluó el uso de la levadura torula, obtenida  de mieles de caña de azúcar, en la dieta de pollitas de reemplazo White LeghornL-33.  Se utilizaron 200 pollitas  de quince a veinte semanas de edad. Se distribuyeron según diseño completamente aleatorio (10 aves/jaula), en cuatro tratamientos las contemporáneas y  se incluyó 0; 3; 6 y 9 g/animal/día de levadura torula de miel de caña de azúcar, en dietas de desarrollo (105-112 días) y prepostura (113-140 días o al finalizar el experimento), con 4 repeticiones cada una. Los resultados demostraron que niveles  de 0; 6 y 9 g/animal/día  de levadura  torula afectan el comportamiento productivo de las pollitas. Al incluir  3 g/animal/día de levadura torula  en la dieta de reemplazo White Leghorn L-33 al finalizar la etapa de desarrollo se logró un compor-tamiento productivo superior al resto de los tratamientos,  pues alcanzaron indicadores similares a los de sus contemporáneas.Use of Torula Yeast from Sugar Cane Molasses in Replacement White Leghorn Chicks L-33.ABSTRACTThe use of Torula yeast from sugar cane molasses in the diet of White Leghorn replacement chicks L-33 was eva-luated. Two hundred 15-20 week-old chicks were used in a completely randomized design, comprising 4 treatments (10 birds per cage).  Torula rations were 0; 3; 6, and 9 g/animal/day in growing diets  (105-112 days), and pre-laying diets (113-140 days, or at the end of the experiment), with 4 repetitions each. The results showed that at 0; 6, and 9 g/animal/day of torula yeast, the productive behavior of the chicks is affected. Adding 3 g/animal/day of torula yeast in the diet of White Leghorn replacement  L-33 at the end of the growing stage, led to a higher productive be-havior than in the rest of the treatments, similar indicators to their contemporary. Acc ordingly, identifying chicks with low weight, small size, and poor shape was made easier, and they could be returned to the production areas

    Non-Linear Models for Growth, Development, and Posture of L-33 White Leghorn Hens, according to Economic Indicators

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    The Zootechnical Factors established by the main indicators of bioeconomic behavior were determined for the pro-ductive-commercial cycle of L-33 White Leghorn hens in the province of Ciego de Ávila, Cuba. A number of 55 cycles were analyzed for validation of mathematical models between 2002 and 2014; other 18 cycles were studied between 2014 and 2016. Descriptive statistics, generalized mixed models (GLIMMIX), and five-function modelling were used. SAS 9.3 for Windows was also used. The productive cycles were similar to the standard set up for the breed and line in Cuba. Laying was 293 eggs/poultry, with a conversion of 1.40 feed kg/10 eggs, and a cost of $ 0.36 CUP an egg. The starting sheds and year had effects on live weight, tarsus length, uniformity, and daily weight gain up to 175 days. Sexual maturity, conversion, egg production, egg cost, and net income were influenced by farm, whereas each farm´s starting shed and the years, had negative effects on most biological indicators. Low, but significant effects of combined climate variables were observed in the bioeconomic indicators. The Gompertz´s model for growth, and Mc Nally´s for laying, were the best predicting tools for production. Along with GLIMMIX, they will contribute with suitable criteria for better decision making to increase egg production

    Modelación de curvas de puesta de los tres últimos años en gallinas White Leghorn en la provincia Ciego de Ávila.

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    Se utilizaron 15 976 registros de producción de huevos, correspondientes a tres crianzas del 2016 en la provincia Ciego de Ávila. Se caracterizó la curva de puesta en condiciones similares a las propuestas por IIA (2013) en la República de Cuba.  Se muestra la estimación de las curvas de puesta realizadas con  las producciones medias corres-pondientes a tres etapas de 12 meses. Se aplicaron cuatro modelos matemáticos para el ajuste a dicha curva: Mc N a-lly, Wood, Cuadrática logarítmica y lineal hiperbólica. Para la validación se tomaron diferentes criterios estadí sticos: coeficiente de determinación (R2), (R2 A), además del análisis de los residuos entre otros. Para cada período se o b-tuvo la media, desviación estándar DE, error estándar (EE) y coeficiente de variación (CV). La producción de huevos alcanzó valores entre 84,35 y 60,61 % de puesta y el mejor año fue el 2016, mientras que los valores más altos de EE y CV correspondieron al final del periodo de producción, como era de esperar. La bondad de ajuste y discriminación entre los modelos utilizados demostraron un alto criterio de ajuste en los cuatro modelos, pero el mejor fue  Mc Nally (1971) con R2 de 99,60 %, los R2 ajustados con 99,42 %. La expresión Mc Nally, alcanzó los valores más altos de ajuste YM=-2233,62-18583,8*(MES/426)-029,0*(MES/426**2+780,241*log(426/MES)-68,1269*(log(426/MES))*2 y describe mejor la producción huevo de gallinas White Leghorn L33 en las condiciones de Ciego de Ávila.Laying Curve Model of White Leghorn Hens in the Last Three Years in the Province of Ciego de Avila, Cuba.ABSTRACTA number of 15 976 egg production records from three hen batches in Ciego de Avila (2016) were used. The laying curve was characterized in similar conditions to IIA (2013), Republic of Cuba. E stimation of the laying curves made to mean productions from three stages in a year, was presented. Four mathematical models were applied for curve adjustment: McNally, Wood, quadratic logarithmic, and linear hyperbolic. Different statistical criteria were used for validation: determination coefficient (R2), (R2A), as well as residue analysis and others. Mean, standard deviation (SD), standard error (SE), and variation coefficient (VC) were achieved for each period. Egg production accounted for 84.35 and 60.61% of total laying, 2016 was the best year. The highest values of SE and VC were observed at the end of production, as expected. Adjustment and discrimination showed a high adjustment criterion in the four models, but the best values were observed with McNally (1971), in R2 (99.60%), and adjusted R2 (99.42%). McNally reached the highest adjustment values: YM=-2233.62-18583.8* (MONTH/426)-029.0*(MONTH/426**2+780.241*log (426/MONTH)-68.1269*(log  (426/MONTH))*2, and it described the best production of White Leghorn L33 hens in Ciego de Avil

    Gestión del conocimiento. Perspectiva multidisciplinaria. Volumen 10

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    El libro “Gestión del Conocimiento. Perspectiva Multidisciplinaria”, Volumen 10, de la Colección Unión Global, es resultado de investigaciones. Los capítulos del libro, son resultados de investigaciones desarrolladas por sus autores. El libro es una publicación internacional, seriada, continua, arbitrada de acceso abierto a todas las áreas del conocimiento, que cuenta con el esfuerzo de investigadores de varios países del mundo, orientada a contribuir con procesos de gestión del conocimiento científico, tecnológico y humanístico que consoliden la transformación del conocimiento en diferentes escenarios, tanto organizacionales como universitarios, para el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas del quehacer diario. La gestión del conocimiento es un camino para consolidar una plataforma en las empresas públicas o privadas, entidades educativas, organizaciones no gubernamentales, ya sea generando políticas para todas las jerarquías o un modelo de gestión para la administración, donde es fundamental articular el conocimiento, los trabajadores, directivos, el espacio de trabajo, hacia la creación de ambientes propicios para el desarrollo integral de las instituciones

    Dulaglutide and cardiovascular outcomes in type 2 diabetes (REWIND): a double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled trial

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