502 research outputs found

    Nonlinear phenomena of contact in multibody systems dynamics: a review

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    In the present work, an introduction to the contact phenomena in multibody systems is made. The different existing approaches are described, together with their most distinctive features. Then, the term of coefficient of restitution is emphasized as a tool to characterize impact events and the algorithm for calculating the relative indentation between two convex-shaped bodies is developed. Subsequently, the main penalty contact models developed in the last decades are presented and developed, analysing their advantages and drawbacks, as well as their respective applications. Furthermore, some models with specific peculiarities that could be useful to the reader are included. The aim of this work is to provide a resource to the novice researcher in the field to facilitate the choice of the appropriate contact model for their work.This work was financially supported by the Spanish Government through the MCYT project "RETOS2015: sistema de monitorización integral de conjuntos mecánicos críticos para la mejora del mantenimiento en el transporte-MAQSTATUS"

    Railway Axle Condition Monitoring Technique Based on Wavelet Packet Transform Features and Support Vector Machines

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    Railway axles are critical to the safety of railway vehicles. However, railway axle maintenance is currently based on scheduled preventive maintenance using Nondestructive Testing. The use of condition monitoring techniques would provide information about the status of the axle between periodical inspections, and it would be very valuable in the prevention of catastrophic failures. Nevertheless, in the literature, there are not many studies focusing on this area and there is a lack of experimental data. In this work, a reliable real-time condition-monitoring technique for railway axles is proposed. The technique was validated using vibration measurements obtained at the axle boxes of a full bogie installed on a rig, where four different cracked railway axles were tested. The technique is based on vibration analysis by means of the Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) energy, combined with a Support Vector Machine (SVM) diagnosis model. In all cases, it was observed that the WPT energy of the vibration signals at the first natural frequency of the axle when the wheelset is first installed (the healthy condition) increases when a crack is artificially created. An SVM diagnosis model based on the WPT energy at this frequency demonstrates good reliability, with a false alarm rate of lower than 10% and defect detection for damage occurring in more than 6.5% of the section in more than 90% of the cases. The minimum number of wheelsets required to build a general model to avoid mounting effects, among others things, is also discussed.This research was funded by the Spanish Government through the project MAQSTATUS with grantnumber DPI2015-69325-C2-1-R

    Analysis of the influence of crack location for diagnosis in rotating shafts based on 3 x energy

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    The aim of condition monitoring is to detect faults before a catastrophic failure occurs. Cracks in rotating shafts are especially critical. The present work studies vibration signals obtained from a rotating shaft under different crack depths and locations. Tests were performed in a rig called Rotokit at a steady state at different rotation speeds. Signals obtained are analyzed by means of energy using the Wavelet theory, specifically the Wavelet Packets Transform. Nine crack depths in the shafts were tested, from 4% to 50% of the shaft diameter. Previous related work showed good reliability for crack diagnosis using 3 x energy for cracks in the middle section. In the present work, previous results are compared to the obtained for a crack in a change of section at one side. In both crack locations, large changes in energy are observed at 3 x at high speeds. Energy levels at this harmonic were used for the inverse process of crack detection, and probability of detection curves were calculated by thresholding. Cracks with depths above 12% can be detected with reliability in the locations tested using this method.The authors would like to thankthe Spanish Government for financing through the projects RANKINE21 IDI-20101560 and MAQ-STATUS DPI2015-69325-C2-1-R

    Effective Crack Detection in Railway Axles Using Vibration Signals and WPT Energy

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    Crack detection for railway axles is key to avoiding catastrophic accidents. Currently, non-destructive testing is used for that purpose. The present work applies vibration signal analysis to diagnose cracks in real railway axles installed on a real Y21 bogie working on a rig. Vibration signals were obtained from two wheelsets with cracks at the middle section of the axle with depths from 5.7 to 15 mm, at several conditions of load and speed. Vibration signals were processed by means of wavelet packet transform energy. Energies obtained were used to train an artificial neural network, with reliable diagnosis results. The success rate of 5.7 mm defects was 96.27%, and the reliability in detecting larger defects reached almost 100%, with a false alarm ratio lower than 5.5%.The research work described in this paper was supported by the Spanish Government through the MAQ-STATUS DPI2015-69325-C2-1-R project. Authors would also thank the support provided by the participating companies (Renfe, Alstom Spain, SKF Spain, and Danobat Railway Systems) in this project

    Spatial Algorithms for Geometric Contact Detection in Multibody System Dynamics

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    This article belongs to the Topic Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications.In the present work, different algorithms for contact detection in multibody systems based on smooth contact modelling approaches are presented. Beginning with the simplest ones, some difficult interactions are subsequently introduced. In addition, a brief overview on the different kinds of contact/impact modelling is provided and an underlining of the advantages and the drawbacks of each of them is determined. Finally, some practical examples of each interaction are presented and analyzed and an outline of the issues arisen during the design process and how they have been solved in order to obtain stable and accurate results is given. The main goal of this paper is to provide a resource for the early-stage researchers in the field that serves as an introduction to the modelling of simple contact/impact events in the context of multibody system dynamics.The authors would like to acknowledge the Spanish Government through the MCYT Project "RETOS2015: sistema de monitorización integral de conjuntos mecánicos críticos para la mejora del mantenimiento en el transporte-maqstatus". The authors would also like to acknowledge the financial support received by the Community of Madrid through its multi-year agreement with University Carlos III focused on its policy "Excelencia para el Profesorado Universitario"

    Dynamic Modeling of the Dissipative Contact and Friction Forces of a Passive Biped-Walking Robot

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Optimization of Motion Planning and Control for Automatic Machines, Robots and Multibody Systems.This work presents and discusses a general approach for the dynamic modeling and analysis of a passive biped walking robot, with a particular focus on the feet-ground contact interaction. The main purpose of this investigation is to address the supporting foot slippage and viscoelastic dissipative contact forces of the biped robot-walking model and to develop its dynamics equations for simple and double support phases. For this investigation, special attention has been given to the detection of the contact/impact between the legs of the biped and the ground. The results have been obtained with multibody system dynamics applying forward dynamics. This study aims at examining and comparing several force models dealing with different approaches in the context of multibody system dynamics. The normal contact forces developed during the dynamic walking of the robot are evaluated using several models: Hertz, Kelvin-Voight, Hunt and Crossley, Lankarani and Nikravesh, and Flores. Thanks to this comparison, it was shown that the normal force that works best for this model is the dissipative Nonlinear Flores Contact Force Model (hysteresis damping parameter - energy dissipation). Likewise, the friction contact/impact problem is solved using the Bengisu equations. The numerical results reveal that the stable periodic solutions are robust. Integrators and resolution methods are also purchased, in order to obtain the most efficient ones for this model.This work was financially supported by the Spanish Government through the MCYT project "RETOS2015: sistema de monitorización integral de conjuntos mecánicos críticos para la mejora del mantenimiento en el transporte-maqstatus

    Modelling multiple-simultaneous impact problems with a nonlinear smooth approach: pool/billiard application

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    Smooth approaches are able to model reasonably well contact/impact events between two bodies, showing some peculiarities when dealing with certain geometries and arising certain issues with the detection of the initial instant of contact. The characterization of multiple-simultaneous interaction systems, considering (or not) energy dissipation phenomena (mainly friction), is always an interesting research topic, addressed from different perspectives. In the present work, the process of design, optimization and verification of a multiple-impact, day-to-day multibody novel model is shown. Specifically, we have decided to focus on a pool/billiard game due to its geometry simplicity. The model involves several balls moving freely and rolling, suffering different kinds of contacts/impacts among them and against the cushions and the cloth. In this system, the proper modelling of both contact and friction forces in the multiple, simultaneous contacts and impacts events is critical to obtain consistent results. In addition, these forces are complicated to model because of its nonlinear behaviour. The different existing approaches when dealing with multiple-contact events are briefly described, along with their most distinctive features. Then, the interactions identified on the model are implemented using several nonlinear contact-force models, following a smooth-based approach and considering friction phenomena, aiming at determining the most suitable set of both contact and friction force models for each of these implemented interactions, which take place simultaneously, thus resulting in a complex system with multiple impacts. Subsequently, the solving method that provides the most accurate results at the minimum computational cost is determined by testing a simple shot. Finally, the different interactions on the model are verified using experimental results and previous works. One of the main goals of this work is to show the some of the issues that arise when dealing with multiple-simultaneous impact multibody systems from a smooth-contact approach, and how researchers can deal with them.The authors would like to thank the Spanish Government through the MCYT Project "RETOS2015: sistema de monitorización integral de conjuntos mecánicos críticos para la mejora del mantenimiento en el transportemaqstatus". The authors would also like to acknowledge the support received by the Community of Madrid through its multiyear agreement with University Carlos III focused on its policy "Excelencia para el Profesorado Universitario". Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature

    Effects of an android app on mechanical engineering students

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    This paper describes the development and assessment of a Native Android App for learning concepts related with Mechanical Engineering. The designed App, called MaqTest, is an interactive, easy to use and portable tool. The proposed application has been programmed with Android Studio, and it is presented as an executable file accessible for smartphones and tablets. It allows the student to auto-evaluate the conceptual understandings, increasing their level of knowledge and enhancing their academic results. The app has been test with students of the 3rd course of Mechanical Engineering Degree in the subject “Mechanism and Machine Theory.” Comparative results before and after using the app are presented. The assessment results show that there has been a significant improvement

    New support roller profile design for railway wheel re-profiling process by under-floor lathes with a single cutting tool

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    The wheel re-profiling is an important part of railway wheelset maintenance. Researchers and railway operators have been very concerned about how to minimize the loss of time during wheel re-profiling without decreasing safety. Avoiding wheelset disassembly means considerable time savings, while reducing wheel damage during operation. Underfloor wheel lathes are the most appropriate tool to achieve this double objective, and therefore the most used nowadays. Multi-cut tool lathes have the disadvantage of being extremely expensive. On the other hand, with single tool lathes, re-profiling is not smooth or safe enough when current convex profile support rollers are used. It is well known by the companies that during reprofiling the wheel suffers impacts/damaged. In this article, a methodology to optimize the profile of the support rollers used in underfloor single tool lathes for railway wheel re-profiling is proposed. This novel profile design will minimize damage and increase the safety of such lathes, since it proposes a greater smoothness in the process. Simulations of re-profiling process have been carried out by the finite element method showing that the designed roller profile reduces drastically the impact/damage during the operation. The impact generated between the re-profiling wheel and the rollers is avoided. Profile-optimized support rollers have been used in a real underfloor wheel lathe, showing good results.This work was financially supported by the Spanish Government through the MCYT project 395 “RETOS2015: sistema de monitorización integral de conjuntos mecánicos críticos para la mejora del mantenimiento en el transporte-maqstatus.

    Improving the learning of engineering students with interactive teaching applications

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    Over decades, Mechanical Engineering students often find some difficulties to grasp some contents and/or struggle with some parts of the course. With the increasing development of new technologies, promising innovations can be implemented enhancing learning and improving success rates. In this study, a new learning interactive method is proposed and evaluated using the experience of over 600 students of Mechanical Engineering. This study describes a 4-year experiment based on new interactive applications for education. The experiment has been implemented using E-learning techniques and new technologies (a combination of remote and virtual examples, videos, quizzes, and theory). Specifically, several applications have been programmed to be executed on different devices, such as mobile phones and PC/laptops (Android and Windows). The experiment is applied using small applications that help the students identify the most challenging contents and guide them throughout step-by-step. The main objective of this interactive method is to help students find their lack of knowledge and offer them contents to cover it. These didactic applications are portable and intuitive. Thanks to these interactive applications, it is possible to accomplish better practices of “E-learning” and “Computer Simulation and Animation” together. Since they are portable applications, they allow the student to interact and check conceptual understandings at any place. Students really appreciate this aspect. The results of the course titled Mechanism and Machine Theory have been analyzed during these four last years in which these interactive applications have been offered to the students.The authors wish to thank the "Convocatoria De Innovación Docente 2017-2018" of the UC3M