7 research outputs found
Effektív elméletek nehézion ütközésekben = Effective theories in heavy ion collisions
A pályázat keretében egyrészt tovább folytattuk a nukleáris hatások tanulmányozását nagyobb energiákon (LHC), másrészt a szakirodalomban megjelent legújabb hadron modifikációs illesztések jóságát és hibáit becsültük meg RHIC és LHC energiákon. Emelett elkezdtük a két részecske korrelációk vizsgálatát és kidolgoztuk az ehhez szükséges elméleti modellünket. A kísérleti eredmények tükrében kutatásainkra is építve az utóbbi években az elfogadott nézet szerint a nehézionütközésekben a régebben elképzelt kvark-glüon gáz helyett egy erősen kölcsönható kvark-glüon folyadék jön létre. Azonban kutatásaink azt mutatják, hogy RHIC energián még nem érjük el a telítettséget, az itt tapasztalt elnyomási jelenségek a részecskekeltésben összeegyeztethetők a nukleáris modifikációs elméletekkel. Kiszámoltuk a modellünk jóslatát a magasabb LHC energiákra is, melyek kísérleti ellenőrzésére a közeljövőben lesz lehetőség. Az elért kutatási eredményeinket 18 referált folyóiratban megjelent cikkben publikaltuk, valamint 8 konferencián adtuk elő. A projekt keretében támogattunk két nagy nemzetközi, Magyarországon általunk rendezett konferencián ifjú kutatók és hallgatók részvételét és bemutatkozását. | During this project we continued our previous studies of nuclear modification at higher energies (LHC) and additionally studied the validity and error ranges of the nuclear modification fits published recently in the literature, at RHIC and LHC energies. Furthermore, a first analysis of two-particle correlation was presented and the theoretical model developed. Based on the recent experiments and partly on our results the previous concept of quark-gluon gas appearing in heavy ion collisions was modified to a strongly interacting quark-gluon liquid. However, our results showed, that the saturation of the liquid was not yet reached at RHIC energies, the observed suppression pattern in particle production are consistent with the theories based on nuclear modification. Our predictions for LHC were published and the experimental check will be available soon. The result were published in 18 papers in refereed journals and presented in 8 international workshops and conferences. The project supported the participation and presentation of young researchers and students at two conferences organized by us in Hungary
Effects of acute citrulline malate supplementation on CrossFit® exercise performance:a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study
Given the increasing popularity of CrossFit® as a high-intensity functional training program and the potential benefits of citrulline malate (CM) in enhancing exercise performance through its role as a precursor to L-arginine and nitric oxide production, this study aimed to investigate the acute effects of CM supplementation on CrossFit® performance and cardiovascular function. Using a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over design, 21 recreationally active participants (mean age 22.2 ± 2.6 years, mean body weight 75.9 ± 10.4 kg) with CrossFit® experience completed the “Cindy” workout under CM and placebo conditions. Participants consumed 4.4 g of CM or a placebo 60 min before the workout, and the performance was measured by the number of rounds completed. Secondary outcomes included heart rate response, time spent in different heart rate intensity zones, and post-exercise recovery time. The results indicated no significant difference in the number of rounds completed between the CM and placebo conditions (13.5 ± 5.2 vs. 13.8 ± 6.7 rounds, respectively; p = 0.587). However, the time spent in zone 4 (80–90% of HR max) was significantly increased in the CM condition (527 ± 395 s vs. 453 ± 334 s; p = 0.017), suggesting a potential benefit for aerobic capacity and anaerobic threshold. No significant differences in post-exercise recovery time were observed (6.6 ± 4.7 h vs. 6.9 ± 4.7 h; p = 0.475). This study highlights the need for further research with larger sample sizes, both genders, and different CM dosages to clarify these findings and better understand CM’s role in enhancing athletic performance