19 research outputs found

    Development and validation of a questionnaire to assess perceived quality in sports services

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    The aim of this research was to examine the factorial structure of a questionnaire to assess perceived quality in sports services. For this purpose, three different studies were performed with a total sample of 867 users (426 men and 431 women), age between 14 and 81 years. The results showed that the instrument has adequate psychometric properties. The discrimination index of the items showed values above .40 and the level of internal consistency was adequate in all subscales (α > 0.75). Principal component analysis showed a stable structure composed of eleven factors, which explained more than 50% of the variance in each subscale. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated an adequate goodness-of-fit-indexes for the model obtained. Additionally, through a multi-group analysis, the findings indicate that the dimensions are not significantly different among gender, showing structural and metrical equivalence. Futures studies should apply different nature and ownership to services, as well as examine the measurement invariance in other cultures.El objetivo del presente estudio fue examinar la estructura factorial del Cuestionario de Evaluación de la Calidad Percibida en Servicios Deportivos. Para ello se realizaron tres estudios diferentes con una muestra total de 867 usuarios (426 hombres y 431 mujeres), con edades comprendidas entre los 14 y los 81 años. Los resultados mostraron que el instrumento presenta adecuadas propiedades psicométricas. El índice de discriminación de los ítems mostró valores superiores a .40 y el nivel de consistencia interna fue adecuado en todas las subescalas (α > 0,75). El análisis de componentes principales mostró una solución estable compuesta por once factores, que explicaban más del 50% de la varianza en cada una. Los índices de bondad de ajuste para el modelo obtenido y puesto a prueba mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio fueron adecuados. Además, esta estructura dimensional se mostró invariante en función del género, mostrando equivalencia factorial y métrica. Futuros estudios deberían aplicarse a servicios de naturaleza y titularidad diferente, así como examinar la invarianza de medición en otras culturas

    Client Profile of Spanish Fitness Centers: Segmentation by Loyalty and Characteristics of the Client

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    Capítulo del libro "Peris-Ortiz M., Álvarez-García J., Del Río-Rama M. (eds) (2017) Sports Management as an Emerging Economic Activity. Springer, Cham.With the growth of the fitness sector, a concern for client loyalty emerges as managers recognize its importance. Loyalty is the client’s predisposition to select a preferred provider and the tendency to resist any persuasion from the competition (Crosby and Johnson, Marketing Management 13(4):12-13, 2004). In particular, loyalty could be assessed with objective and subjective measures. First is the keeping or repurchasing of sport services. In the case of subjective loyalty, it could be said client behavior intention or the recommendation to other possible clients. Based on these premises, the objective of this study was to examine the subjective and objective measures of loyalty toward private fitness center by sociodemographic and behavior variables. For this a questionnaire measuring longevity of membership and behavior intentions was administered to 2931 clients (1221 women and 1710 men) from 101 fitness centers in Spain. A descriptive analysis, factorial exploratory analysis, analysis of variance, and a two-way luster analysis were conducted. The principal results show five subgroups of client segments from the objective measure and two subgroups in the subjective measure. The results demonstrate significant differences in both subgroups with regard to behavior intentions but not according to membership longevity. This study suggests a difference in the subjective perception of the client and their behavior with regard to the purchase of service

    Validation of a short version of CECASDEP in sports services users

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    The aim of this study was to develop a short version of CECASDEP and to obtain evidence of its validity and reliability in two different samples. A total of 882 individuals, 432 male and 440 female aged 14 to 81 (M=34.89; DT=12.57) were included in the study. Internal structure was examined, using confirmatory factor analysis, and a good adjustment of the model to the data was obtained. Besides, cross-validity was evaluated through multi-group analysis. The resulting model is composed of 25 items and 5 dimensions, with psychometric properties reflecting good internal consistency, convergent validity and discriminant validity. Confirmatory factor analysis showed an acceptable adjustment of the model to the data and multi-group analysis reflected that the structure factor is stable in two independent samples. The results confirm that the proposed model is a valid tool to assess the perceived quality in sports services.El objetivo planteado consistió en desarrollar una versión reducida del CECASDEP y obtener evidencias de su validez y fiabilidad en 2 muestras diferentes. Participaron 882 personas con un rango de edad que oscilaba entre 14 y 81 años (M=34.89; DT=12.57), de los que 432 eran hombres y 440 mujeres. Se examinó la estructura interna mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio y la validez cruzada mediante análisis multigrupo, obteniendo un buen ajuste en los distintos índices. El modelo resultante está compuesto por 25 ítems y 5 dimensiones, con propiedades psicométricas que mostraron buena consistencia interna, validez convergente y discriminante. El análisis factorial confirmatorio mostró buen ajuste en los distintos índices y el análisis multigrupo ofreció una estructura estable en 2 muestras independientes. Los resultados indican que el modelo propuesto supone una herramienta válida para evaluar la calidad percibida en servicios deportivos

    Sección de monográficos y suplementos, Economía, gestión y márketing en organizaciones deportivas

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    Editorial de la Revista de Psicología del Deporte, volumen 25, suplemento 1

    Service convenience, perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty: A study of consumers from low-cost fitness centers in Spain

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    The fitness sector is a growing industry worldwide. Its continued implementation of business models makes it an attractive market to study. Precisely, the low-cost model has become popular in countries such as Spain for which the study of variables that could influence one of the biggest problems in this industry, customer loyalty is of interest to investigators. Therefore, this work has as its objective to analyze possible differences between service convenience, perceived value, and satisfaction with the characteristics of clients of low-cost fitness center, and to determine if there is a relationship with client loyalty. The sample consisted of 763 clients (381 women and 382 men). A questionnaire to measures the service convenience, perceived value, satisfaction, and future behavior intentions or loyalty was adopted. Scales from similar studies were implemented these being valid and reliable instruments. The study offers a descriptives results, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, t-Student, ANOVA, and multiple linear regression. Results demonstrate significant differences with service convenience for gender, age, and length of time it takes to commute to the fitness center. Furthermore, there was a positive relationship among all variables, with loyalty resulting as the strongest relationship followed by satisfaction then service convenience. The findings of this study brings an understanding regarding the reality of the low-cost fitness center consumer which could possibly be extrapolated to other countries with an emerging fitness industr

    Investigación y análisis de la gestión y economía del deporte

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    Se trata de un artículo de introducción al presente suplemento, en él se presenta un total de 23 trabajos de investigación, los cuales se han tratado en el VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Economía y Gestión del Deporte, en ellos se pueden observar los estándares de calidad y rigor científico habituales en estas disciplinas, con ello esperamos contribuir a una mayor y mejor comprensión de las diferentes perspectivas de la dimensión económica del deporte. De esta manera, es importante hacer hincapié en la naturaleza integradora de las obras seleccionadas, las cuales refuerzan la perspectiva de la investigación en temas relacionados con el deporte y la actividad física. Las áreas de investigación son las siguientes, psicología del deporte, economía del deporte, gestión del deporte y marketing del deporte entre otros.This is an introductory article to the present supplement where it is presented a total of 23 research papers, which has been discussed within the VII Iberoamerican Congress of Economics and Management of Sport, where it will be see the standards of quality and scientific rigor usual in these disciplines, which will contribute to a greater and better understanding of the economic dimension of sport in its different perspectives. In this way, it is important to emphasize the integrative nature of the selected works, which reinforce the interdisciplinary and integrating perspective research on issues relating to sport and physical activity. The research areas are as follows, sports psychology, sports economics, sports management and sports marketing institutions among others

    Validation of an instrumental model for volunteers of recreational-sports events: a pilot study

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    The success in the organization of sports recreation events depends to a large extent on the satisfaction of its employees, and the satisfaction of volunteers who collaborate in the organization of a sporting event is no less important. Therefore, the objective of this work was to perform a preliminary analysis of validation and adaptation of the model for volunteering in recreational-sports events, in order to assess satisfaction (entertainment, efficiency, satisfaction with the work performed, satisfaction with the choice and perceived value and future intention) also implement questions of experience, involvement, training and skills in future professionals of physical activity and sports sciences. In conclusion, the results allow to present a tool capable of knowing the satisfaction, experience, implication, training and competences in future professionals of sciences of the physical activity and the sport.En organizaciones y eventos recreativos depende en gran medida de la satisfacción de sus empleados, pero no es menos importante es la satisfacción de voluntarios ya que se trata del número más e imprescindible que colabora en la organización de un evento deportivo. Por tanto, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue realizar un análisis preliminar de validación y adaptación del modelo para voluntariado en eventos de recreación-deportiva, con el fin de valorar la satisfacción (entretenimiento, eficiencia, satisfacción con el trabajo desempeñado, satisfacción con la elección y valor percibido e intención futura) además implementar cuestiones de experiencia, implicación, formación y competencias en futuros profesionales de ciencias de la actividad física y el deporte. En conclusión, los resultados permiten presentar una herramienta capaz de conocer la satisfacción, experiencia, implicación, formación y competencias en futuros profesionales de ciencias de la actividad física y el deporte

    Economic expenditure in low-cost fitness centers: Differences according to the loyalty and characteristics of the client

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    The growth in the number of fitness centers and their clients, the study sought Co examine and understand the behaviour of consumers of se sport organizations. Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyze for differences in economic expenditures based on customer loyalty and customer profile in low-cost fitness centers. the sample was composed of 8462 clients of which 50.90 (n=4303) were women and 49.1% (n=4159) men. A descriptive analysis was conducted with the variance to address the objective of the study. The principle results indicate significant differences no regards to the economic expenditures according to gender, age, longevity With the organization and behaviour intentions as measured with Net Promoter Score. These findings are of important relevance offering a detailed understanding of clients and variables which should be appropriately managed to increase the clients' expenditure.Debido al incremento en el número de instalaciones y clientes, los centros de fitness están siendo examinados para comprender el comportamiento del consumidor que asiste a estas organizaciones deportivas. Por ello, el objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar si existían diferencias de gasto económico en base al perfil y a la fidelidad de clientes en centros de fitness low-cost. La muestra se compuso de 8462 clientes de los que el 50.9% (n=4303) fueron mujeresy el 49.1% (n=4159) hombres. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos y de la varianza para dar respuesta al objetivo. Los principales resultados indican que existen diferencias significativas en cuanto al gasto económico según el género, la edad, la permanencia en la organización y las intenciones de comportamiento medidas con el Net Promoter Score. Estos hallazgos son de especial relevancia ya que favorecen el conocimiento detallado de los clientes, y de cuáles son las variables que se deberían gestionar adecuadamente para aumentar el gasto

    Approximation to the creation of value in the sports sector: a conceptual approach

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    The aim of this work is intended to help managers of sports companies to achieve better results in their companies. Starting with the creation of value for the clients the sports organizations will achieve better results, and for that, the knowledge management and the knowledge creation is presented as an antecedent of the creation of value for the customer. The present work contributes to explain and to propose how the sports organizations can improve their results, so it is considered of special interest for the executives and sports managers. The creation of knowledge and the absorption capacity process becomes a vehicle and an antecedent for the creation of value and helps to achieve better results and sustainable competitive advantages for the companies of the sports sector. This work is proposed as a conceptual proposal, from the review of previous studies, to be contrasted in an empirical way in an upcoming later study.Con el presente trabajo se pretende ayudar a los gestores de empresas deportivas a lograr mejores resultados en sus empresas. A partir de la creación de valor para los clientes las organizaciones deportivas van a lograr mejores resultados, y para ello, la gestión del conocimiento y la creación de conocimiento se presenta como un antecedente de la creación de valor para el cliente. El presente trabajo contribuye a explicitar y a proponer cómo las organizaciones deportivas pueden mejorar sus resultados, por lo que se considera de especial interés para los directivos y gestores deportivos. La creación del conocimiento a partir del proceso de capacidad de absorción se convierte en el vehículo para la creación de valor y ayudar a lograr mejores resultados y ventajas competitivas sostenibles para las empresas del sector deportivo. Este trabajo se propone como una propuesta conceptual para ser contrastada de modo empírico en un próximo estudio posterior

    Intentions of entrepreneurship in sports science higher education: gender the moderator effect

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to understand the current relationship between factors such as desire and viability and entrepreneurial intention, using the Business Event Model as a point of analysis, as well as to understand the influence of gender as a moderating effect on entrepreneurial intention. Design/methodology/approach A total of 278 students from the Faculty of Education Sciences (University of Seville) were invited to participate with students carrying out degrees in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. Findings There is a positive and similar relationship between desire and viability due to gender-related reasons. In the same way, this study presents a positive relationship in men and women, between desire and viability, desire and entrepreneurial intention and viability and entrepreneurial intention. Practical implications - The public policies of the university should be oriented to the promotion of the desire perceived in women, carrying out sessions or training courses, where the speakers could be women leaders of companies. In addition, public policies should promote the perceived viability of men through training by providing technical resources on the operation of a company. Social implications - This study provides theoretical knowledge on the entrepreneurial intentions of students at the University of Seville and therefore may help to improve policies aimed at promoting entrepreneurship. Originality/value This study provides clear practical implications for the management of students, and the findings facilitate the improvement of university policies designed to promote entrepreneurship in this type of student