37 research outputs found

    Galanin jelentősége a vízanyagcsere szabályozásában, a neurohipofízis hormonok szintézisében és kiválasztásában in vivo és in vitro körülmények között patkányban = Significance of galanin in the regulation of the water metabolism; the neurohiphophyseal hormone synthesys and secretion in rat (in vivo and in vitro study)

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    Galanin (GAL) hatását vizsgáltuk a vízanyagcserére és a neurohipofízis (NH) hormonok kiválasztására, ill. a GAL-monoaminerg interakciót tanulmányoztuk in vivo és in vitro körülmények között. Az in vivo kísérletek során megállapítottuk, hogy intravénás (i.v.), ill. intracerebroventrikuláris (i.c.v.) módon adagolt GAL a plazma vazopresszin (VP) és oxytocin (OT) bazális szintjét nem változtatta meg, viszont i.c.v. GAL kezelés kivédte az ozmotikus inger és hisztamin adagolás hatására fellépő VP szint emelkedést, mérsékelte a szoptatás alatt észlelt OT szint fokozódást. Patkány, sertés és humán GAL effektusa közt nem találtunk eltérést. Megállapítottuk, hogy a humán GAL 1-16 N-terminális fragmens képezi a biológiailag aktív centrumot, a C-terminális 16-30 fragmens hatástalan. In vitro kísérleteink alkalmával megfigyeltük, hogy izolált patkány NH szövetkultúra szupernatans médiumához adott GAL dózistól függően csökkentette a VP és OT koncentrációt, míg a monoaminerg vegyületek, mint dopamin, szerotonin, adrenalin, ill. noradrenalin fokozta a VP és OT szekréciót. A médiumhoz előzetesen adott GAL részben, vagy teljes mértékben kivédte a monoamineg kezelés által kiváltott VP és OT szint emelkedést. Eredményeink arra utalnak, hogy a GAL-rendszer direkt módon képes befolyásolni a VP és OT kiválasztást. A VP ésOT szekréció GAL-erg kontrollja és a GAL-monoaminerg interakció az izolált NH szövetkultúrában a hipotalamusztól függetlenül, a hipofízis hátsólebeny szintjén is érvényesül. | The effects of galanin (GAL) on the water metabolism and neurohypophyseal (NH) hormone secretion, and the GAL-monoaminergic interaction were examined by in vivo and in vitro methods. The in vivo experiments revealed that there were no changes in basal vasopressin (VP) secretion after GAL administration, but i.c.v. GAL treatment prevented the VP level enhancement induced by 2.5% NaCl or histamine administration, and reduced the increased plasma oxytocin (OT) level during suckling. There was no significant difference in the inhibitory effects of rat, porcine or human GAL. The human GAL 1-16 N terminal fragment was biologically active, but the 16-30 C terminal fragment was inactive. In vitro techniques demonstrated a significantly decreased VP content in NH tissue culture media following GAL administration. The monoaminergic compounds, dopamine, histamine, serotonin, adrenaline and noradrenaline uniformly increased VP or OT secretion into the supernatant media. These NH hormone level elevations were partially or totally blocked by GAL administration before monoaminergic treatment. The results indicate that NH hormone release is influenced directly by the GAL-ergic system. The GAL-ergic control and GAL-monoaminergic interaction relating to VP and OT secretion from the NH tissue in rats can occur independently of the hypothalamus, at the level of the posterior pituitary

    Magnesium-dependent atpase as a possibility for the investigation of deponating environmental loads in a hepatocyte model

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    Chemicals that load the environment can be chlorobenzenes with massive chemical stability. They induce a dose-dependent toxic effect in the cells of affected tissues, and because of their high frequency of occurrence in the food chain, they can be used as expositors in environmental exposure models. In this work, we wanted to investigate the magnesium-dependent ATPase activity of chlorobenzenes in hepatocytes

    Sugar substitute compounds as environmental exposures - aspects from neuroendocrine functions

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    It is an extremely interesting question to what extent elements of psychic activity (e.g. cognition) in social existence can change by mediating neuroendocrine communication when it is necessarily altered by chemical environmental influences (e.g. nutritional biological agents) through real technosphere exposures. In the processes of learning and memory, biological mechanisms regulated by the neuro-endocrine system appear predominantly, showing a network relationship with essential local system properties. Exposures (dietary supplements) are tested on in vitro models by monitoring the events of neuro-endocrinological communication (hormone secretions, monoamine /adrenaline and serotonine/) and their changes in exposure

    Effect of subtoxic dose, extreme low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic field (EMF) treatments on liver enzyme changes in in vivo Turkey model experiments

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    Natural electromagnetic field background radiation in Earth is 20-30 µT, which is a condition in terrestrial evolution. Today, however, in the technosphere-determined environment, intermittent extreme low-frequency electromagnetic fields are predominant. In the present work, we aim to investigate this topic area by in vivo systematic study of subtoxic and chronic electromagnetic field exposures in a turkey model

    Chlorobenzene compounds as possible immuno-disruptor agents

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    Dichlorobenzenes are lipophilic, depositable, colorless liquids that appear as an exposure factor because they are continuously present in households, but are also used in agriculture in large quantities in e.g. insecticides and fungicides. As there is a constant interaction between the living systems and its environment and the internal organizational stability of biological systems is controlled by homeostasis, these agents may disrupt the homeostasis, therefore it is especially important to study the effect of these compounds on the immune system

    A fibrocyte model for monitoring environmental chemicals

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    Human activity affects all elements of the Earth's environment and the system of relationships between them. Chlorobenzenes created during chemicalization are capable of modulating the adaptation potential of biological organisms and because of their high frequency of occurrence in the food chain, they can be used as expositors in environmental exposure models. It is necessary to develop a biological model system suitable for the investigation of environmental pollutant chemical agents, which indicates changes quickly and easily

    The effects of chlorobenzenes with the combination of extreme low electromagnetic field

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    Conditions of the evolution (phyisical, chemical and biological factors) determined the emergence and the survival of the earthly life. Natural conditions have been transformed by the presence of the society, change its contact networks. Accordingly, evolution takes place deterministically to the new condition. There are some physical expositions which are not researched because of its low energy. Electromagnetic field is a very significant and it is caused by the electrical equipments