10 research outputs found


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    A computer method and software based on the in vitro dissolution ofdrug preparations has been elaborated for the estimation of bioequivalenceusing Microsoft Excel 2007, Visual Basic programming language. Themethod generates a „dissolution surface‖ from the parameters of time (Xaxis),from pH (Y-axis) and from the dissolved amount (A) in % of the drug.This dissolution surface allows the determination of the general dissolutioncurve of the test and reference preparations. By supposing that the absorptionrate constant is known from the literature, the change of the amount ofdissolved drug as the function of time can be determined. On the base of thisfunction the maximum amount of the dissolved drug in the gastrointestinaltract and the AUC can be calculated and the test/reference ratio can bedetermined. In the case of linear pharmacokinetics these ratios are identicalto the ratios of parameters that can be calculated in the circulation. Bygenerating parameters between the allowed biological limits the dissolveddrug – time curves of „volunteers‖ in the necessary number are created withthe randomly generated „residence times‖ and their confidence intervals can be determined, i.e. on the base of dissolution curves bioequivalence can beestimated

    Plasticity and stereotypic rewiring of the transcriptome upon bacterial evolution of antibiotic resistance

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    Bacterial evolution of antibiotic resistance frequently has deleterious side effects on microbial growth, virulence, and susceptibility to other antimicrobial agents. However, it is unclear how these trade-offs could be utilized for manipulating antibiotic resistance in the clinic, not least because the underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. Using laboratory evolution, we demonstrate that clinically relevant resistance mutations in Escherichia coli constitutively rewire a large fraction of the transcriptome in a repeatable and stereotypic manner. Strikingly, lineages adapted to functionally distinct antibiotics and having no resistance mutations in common show a wide range of parallel gene expression changes that alter oxidative stress response, iron homeostasis, and the composition of the bacterial outer membrane and cell surface. These common physiological alterations are associated with changes in cell morphology and enhanced sensitivity to antimicrobial peptides. Finally, the constitutive transcriptomic changes induced by resistance mutations are largely distinct from those induced by antibiotic stresses in the wild-type. This indicates a limited role for genetic assimilation of the induced antibiotic stress response during resistance evolution. Our work suggests that diverse resistance mutations converge on similar global transcriptomic states that shape genetic susceptibility to antimicrobial compounds

    Rapid evolution of reduced susceptibility against a balanced dual targeting antibiotic through stepping-stone mutations

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    Multi-targeting antibiotics, i.e., single compounds capable of inhibiting two or more bacterial targets are generally considered as a promising therapeutic strategy against resistance evolution. The rationale for this theory is that multi-targeting antibiotics demand the simultaneous acquisition of multiple mutations at their respective target genes to achieve significant resistance. The theory presumes that individual mutations provide little or no benefit to the bacterial host. Here we propose that such individual, stepping-stone mutations can be prevalent in clinical bacterial isolates, as they provide significant resistance to other antimicrobial agents. To test this possibility, we focused on gepotidacin, an antibiotic candidate that selectively inhibits both bacterial DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV. In a susceptible organism, Klebsiella pneumoniae, a combination of two specific mutations in these target proteins provide an over 2000-fold reduction in susceptibility, while individually none of these mutations affect resistance significantly. Alarmingly, strains with decreased susceptibility against gepotidacin are found to be as virulent as the wild-type Klebsiella pneumoniae strain in a murine model. Moreover, numerous pathogenic isolates carry mutations which could promote the evolution of clinically significant reduction of susceptibility against gepotidacin in the future. As might be expected, prolonged exposure to ciprofloxacin, a clinically widely employed gyrase inhibitor, co-selected for reduced susceptibility against gepotidacin. We conclude that extensive antibiotic usage could select for mutations that serve as stepping-stones towards resistance against antimicrobial compounds still under development. Our research indicates that even balanced multi-targeting antibiotics are prone to resistance evolution

    Integrated evolutionary analysis reveals antimicrobial peptides with limited resistance

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are promising antimicrobials, however, the potential of bacterial resistance is a major concern. Here we systematically study the evolution of resistance to 14 chemically diverse AMPs and 12 antibiotics in Escherichia coli. Our work indicates that evolution of resistance against certain AMPs, such as tachyplesin II and cecropin P1, is limited. Resistance level provided by point mutations and gene amplification is very low and antibiotic-resistant bacteria display no cross-resistance to these AMPs. Moreover, genomic fragments derived from a wide range of soil bacteria confer no detectable resistance against these AMPs when introduced into native host bacteria on plasmids. We have found that simple physicochemical features dictate bacterial propensity to evolve resistance against AMPs. Our work could serve as a promising source for the development of new AMP-based therapeutics less prone to resistance, a feature necessary to avoid any possible interference with our innate immune system

    Rapid decline of bacterial drug-resistance in an antibiotic-free environment through phenotypic reversion.

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    Antibiotic resistance typically induces a fitness cost that shapes the fate of antibiotic-resistant bacterial populations. However, the cost of resistance can be mitigated by compensatory mutations elsewhere in the genome, and therefore the loss of resistance may proceed too slowly to be of practical importance. We present our study on the efficacy and phenotypic impact of compensatory evolution in Escherichia coli strains carrying multiple resistance mutations. We have demonstrated that drug-resistance frequently declines within 480 generations during exposure to an antibiotic-free environment. The extent of resistance loss was found to be generally antibiotic-specific, driven by mutations that reduce both resistance level and fitness costs of antibiotic-resistance mutations. We conclude that phenotypic reversion to the antibiotic-sensitive state can be mediated by the acquisition of additional mutations, while maintaining the original resistance mutations. Our study indicates that restricting antimicrobial usage could be a useful policy, but for certain antibiotics only

    Limited water stress modulates expression of circadian clock genes in Brachypodium distachyon roots

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    Organisms have evolved a circadian clock for the precise timing of their biological processes. Studies primarily on model dicots have shown the complexity of the inner timekeeper responsible for maintaining circadian oscillation in plants and have highlighted that circadian regulation is more than relevant to a wide range of biological processes, especially organ development and timing of flowering. Contribution of the circadian clock to overall plant fitness and yield has also long been known. Nevertheless, the organ- and species-specific functions of the circadian clock and its relation to stress adaptation have only recently been identified. Here we report transcriptional changes of core clock genes of the model monocot Brachypodium distachyon under three different light regimes (18:6 light:dark, 24:0 light and 0:24 dark) in response to mild drought stress in roots and green plant parts. Comparative monitoring of core clock gene expression in roots and green plant parts has shown that both phase and amplitude of expression in the roots of Brachypodium plants differ markedly from those in the green plant parts, even under well-watered conditions. Moreover, circadian clock genes responded to water depletion differently in root and shoot. These results suggest an organ-specific form and functions of the circadian clock in Brachypodium roots

    Analysis of Drosophila melanogaster testis transcriptome

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    Abstract Background The formation of matured and individual sperm involves a series of molecular and spectacular morphological changes of the developing cysts in Drosophila melanogaster testis. Recent advances in RNA Sequencing (RNA-Seq) technology help us to understand the complexity of eukaryotic transcriptomes by dissecting different tissues and developmental stages of organisms. To gain a better understanding of cellular differentiation of spermatogenesis, we applied RNA-Seq to analyse the testis-specific transcriptome, including coding and non-coding genes. Results We isolated three different parts of the wild-type testis by dissecting and cutting the different regions: 1.) the apical region, which contains stem cells and developing spermatocytes 2.) the middle region, with enrichment of meiotic cysts 3.) the basal region, which contains elongated post-meiotic cysts with spermatids. Total RNA was isolated from each region and analysed by next-generation sequencing. We collected data from the annotated 17412 Drosophila genes and identified 5381 genes with significant transcript accumulation differences between the regions, representing the main stages of spermatogenesis. We demonstrated for the first time the presence and region specific distribution of 2061 lncRNAs in testis, with 203 significant differences. Using the available modENCODE RNA-Seq data, we determined the tissue specificity indices of Drosophila genes. Combining the indices with our results, we identified genes with region-specific enrichment in testis. Conclusion By multiple analyses of our results and integrating existing knowledge about Drosophila melanogaster spermatogenesis to our dataset, we were able to describe transcript composition of different regions of Drosophila testis, including several stage-specific transcripts. We present searchable visualizations that can facilitate the identification of new components that play role in the organisation and composition of different stages of spermatogenesis, including the less known, but complex regulation of post-meiotic stages

    Antibiotic-resistant bacteria show widespread collateral sensitivity to antimicrobial peptides

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    Antimicrobial peptides are promising alternative antimicrobial agents. However, little is known about whether resistance to small-molecule antibiotics leads to cross-resistance (decreased sensitivity) or collateral sensitivity (increased sensitivity) to antimicrobial peptides. We systematically addressed this question by studying the susceptibilities of a comprehensive set of 60 antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli strains towards 24 antimicrobial peptides. Strikingly, antibiotic-resistant bacteria show a high frequency of collateral sensitivity to antimicrobial peptides, whereas cross-resistance is relatively rare. We identify clinically relevant multidrug-resistance mutations that increase bacterial sensitivity to antimicrobial peptides. Collateral sensitivity in multidrug-resistant bacteria arises partly through regulatory changes shaping the lipopolysaccharide composition of the bacterial outer membrane. These advances allow the identification of antimicrobial peptide-antibiotic combinations that enhance antibiotic activity against multidrug-resistant bacteria and slow down de novo evolution of resistance. In particular, when co-administered as an adjuvant, the antimicrobial peptide glycine-leucine-amide caused up to 30-fold decrease in the antibiotic resistance level of resistant bacteria. Our work provides guidelines for the development of efficient peptide-based therapies of antibiotic-resistant infections