1,228 research outputs found

    The setting of market economy in Romania - statistical arguments

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    Concerning the period 1990-2004, one can formulate a hypothesis of economic and national industrial cyclical phenomenon of “Juglar” type, with two visible evolution periods, the former of expansion and the latter of recession, and between them, less evident, the crisis and the downward. The Romanian economy crossed two “Juglar” cycles over three electoral periods that succeeded already to outline the elements of electoral cyclical type.cyclical phenomenon, Juglar cycle, market economy, electoral cycle, economic growth

    Orientation Sensitive Terahertz Resonances Observed in Protein Crystals

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    A method is presented for measuring anisotropic THz response for small crystals, Crystal Anisotropy Terahertz Microscopy (CATM). Sucrose CATM measurements find the expected anisotropic phonon resonances. CATM measurements of protein crystals find the expected broadband water absorption is suppressed and strong orientation and hydration dependent resonant features.Comment: 3 page

    Methods of Calculating the A1 / A2 Ratio According to Structural Changes

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    The paper presents the correlation between the physical model of a dynamic system that is in the steady state dynamic equilibrium and the computer one. The computer model follows the physical model of a dynamic system with one degree of freedom with discretely variable damping. nbs

    The Faraday effect revisited: General theory

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    This paper is the first in a series revisiting the Faraday effect, or more generally, the theory of electronic quantum transport/optical response in bulk media in the presence of a constant magnetic field. The independent electron approximation is assumed. At zero temperature and zero frequency, if the Fermi energy lies in a spectral gap, we rigorously prove the Widom-Streda formula. For free electrons, the transverse conductivity can be explicitly computed and coincides with the classical result. In the general case, using magnetic perturbation theory, the conductivity tensor is expanded in powers of the strength of the magnetic field BB. Then the linear term in BB of this expansion is written down in terms of the zero magnetic field Green function and the zero field current operator. In the periodic case, the linear term in BB of the conductivity tensor is expressed in terms of zero magnetic field Bloch functions and energies. No derivatives with respect to the quasi-momentum appear and thereby all ambiguities are removed, in contrast to earlier work.Comment: Final version, accepted for publication in J. Math. Phy

    Testing Identifiable Kernel P Systems Using an X-machine Approach

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    This paper presents a testing approach for kernel P systems (kP systems), based on the X-machine testing framework and the concept of cover automaton. The testing methodology ensures that the implementation conforms the speci cations, under certain conditions, such as the identi ably concept in the context of kernel P systems

    Faraday effect revisited: sum rules and convergence issues

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    This is the third paper of a series revisiting the Faraday effect. The question of the absolute convergence of the sums over the band indices entering the Verdet constant is considered. In general, sum rules and traces per unit volume play an important role in solid state physics, and they give rise to certain convergence problems widely ignored by physicists. We give a complete answer in the case of smooth potentials and formulate an open problem related to less regular perturbations.Comment: Dedicated to the memory of our late friend Pierre Duclos. Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical

    Listening to the quantum vacuum: A perspective on the dynamical Casimir effect

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    Modern quantum field theory has offered us a very intriguing picture of empty space. The vacuum state is no longer an inert, motionless state. We are instead dealing with an entity teeming with fluctuations that continuously produce virtual particles popping in and out of existence. The dynamical Casimir effect is a paradigmatic phenomenon, whereby these particles are converted into real particles (photons) by changing the boundary conditions of the field. It was predicted 50 years ago by Gerald T. Moore and it took more than 40 years until the first experimental verification

    On essential self-adjointness for magnetic Schroedinger and Pauli operators on the unit disc in R^2

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    We study the question of magnetic confinement of quantum particles on the unit disk \ID in \IR^2, i.e. we wish to achieve confinement solely by means of the growth of the magnetic field B(x)B(\vec x) near the boundary of the disk. In the spinless case we show that B(x)321(1r)2131(1r)2ln11rB(\vec x)\ge \frac{\sqrt 3}{2}\cdot\frac{1}{(1-r)^2}-\frac{1}{\sqrt 3}\frac{1}{(1-r)^2\ln \frac{1}{1-r}}, for x|\vec x| close to 1, insures the confinement provided we assume that the non-radially symmetric part of the magnetic field is not very singular near the boundary. Both constants 32\frac{\sqrt 3}{2} and 13-\frac{1}{\sqrt 3} are optimal. This answers, in this context, an open question from Y. Colin de Verdi\`ere and F. Truc. We also derive growth conditions for radially symmetric magnetic fields which lead to confinement of spin 1/2 particles.Comment: 18 pages; the main theorem has been expanded and generalize


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    No matter how favourable the light and humidity conditions may be, plant growth stops when the air and leaf temperature drops below a certain minimum or exceeds a certain maximum value. When air temperatures drop below 0 °C, susceptible crops can be injured, with significant effects on production. Hoar and late frosts occur differently, there are areas where the number of days in the spring months with critical temperature drops are quite numerous, with a frequency in April and exceptionally during May. The negative effect is all the greater as it is recorded after a warm period which can cause an advance of the period of formation of flower buds and the appearance of flowers. The paper presents a series of considerations on the protection of orchards and vineyards against hoar and late frosts