953 research outputs found

    Comparing software prediction techniques using simulation

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    The need for accurate software prediction systems increases as software becomes much larger and more complex. We believe that the underlying characteristics: size, number of features, type of distribution, etc., of the data set influence the choice of the prediction system to be used. For this reason, we would like to control the characteristics of such data sets in order to systematically explore the relationship between accuracy, choice of prediction system, and data set characteristic. It would also be useful to have a large validation data set. Our solution is to simulate data allowing both control and the possibility of large (1000) validation cases. The authors compare four prediction techniques: regression, rule induction, nearest neighbor (a form of case-based reasoning), and neural nets. The results suggest that there are significant differences depending upon the characteristics of the data set. Consequently, researchers should consider prediction context when evaluating competing prediction systems. We observed that the more "messy" the data and the more complex the relationship with the dependent variable, the more variability in the results. In the more complex cases, we observed significantly different results depending upon the particular training set that has been sampled from the underlying data set. However, our most important result is that it is more fruitful to ask which is the best prediction system in a particular context rather than which is the "best" prediction system

    The “Eyeballing” technique : an emerging and alerting trend of alcohol misuse

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    Alternative methods of alcohol consumption have recently emerged among adolescents and young adults, including the alcohol “eyeballing”, which consist in the direct pouring of alcoholic substances on the ocular surface epithelium. In a context of drug and behavioural addictions change, “eyeballing” can be seen as one of the latest and potentially highly risky new trends. We aimed to analyze the existing medical literature as well as online material on this emerging trend of alcohol misusePeer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Dissociative symptoms in female patients with mood and anxiety disorders: a psychopathological and temperamental investigation.

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE: Dissociative symptoms are frequent among psychiatric patients and may considerably affect patients' psychopathological condition and treatment outcomes. The objectives of the study are to assess the presence of dissociative symptoms in female patients with mood and anxiety disorders, to investigate their correlation with the clinical severity of the disorders and to investigate those personality traits that are more frequent in patients with high levels of dissociation. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 50 Caucasian females were enrolled in the study. Patients were assessed through the Self-Report Symptom Check-List, the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) and rating scales for Depression and Anxiety. RESULTS: The mean DES score in the overall sample was 16.6. 32% of patients had a DES score > 20. Depressive symptoms positively correlated with the DES total scores. Dissociator patients presented some significantly different temperamental characteristics in comparison with non dissociator patients. CONCLUSIONS: Dissociative symptoms are highly present in patients with mood and anxiety disorders and correlate with the severity of depressive symptoms. Specific personality traits more frequently observed in dissociator people may represent predisposing factors; their early identification could be clinically relevant

    Negative symptoms as key features of depression among cannabis users: a preliminary report.

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    OBJECTIVE: Cannabis use is frequent among depressed patients and may lead to the so-called "amotivational syndrome", which combines symptoms of affective flattening and loss of emotional reactivity (i.e. the so-called "negative" symptomatology). The aim of this study was to investigate the negative symptomatology in depressed patients with concomitant cannabis use disorders (CUDs) in comparison with depressed patients without CUDs. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Fifty-one patients with a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and concomitant CUD and fifty-one MDD patients were enrolled in the study. The 21-Item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) and the negative symptoms subscales of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) were used to assess depressive and negative symptomatology. RESULTS: Patients with cannabis use disorders presented significantly more severe negative symptoms in comparison with patients without cannabis use (15.18 ± 2.25 vs 13.75 ± 2.44; t100 = 3.25 p = 0.002). DISCUSSION: A deeper knowledge of the "negative" psychopathological profile of MDD patients who use cannabis may lead to novel etiopathogenetic models of MDD and to more appropriate treatment approaches

    OCRL1 engages with the F-BAR protein pacsin 2 to promote biogenesis of membrane-trafficking intermediates

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    Mutation of the inositol 5-phosphatase OCRL1 causes Lowe syndrome and Dent-2 disease. Loss of OCRL1 function perturbs several cellular processes, including membrane traffic, but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly defined. Here we show that OCRL1 is part of the membrane-trafficking machinery operating at the trans-Golgi network (TGN)/endosome interface. OCRL1 interacts via IPIP27A with the F-BAR protein pacsin 2. OCRL1 and IPIP27A localize to mannose 6-phosphate receptor (MPR)–containing trafficking intermediates, and loss of either protein leads to defective MPR carrier biogenesis at the TGN and endosomes. OCRL1 5-phosphatase activity, which is membrane curvature sensitive, is stimulated by IPIP27A-mediated engagement of OCRL1 with pacsin 2 and promotes scission of MPR-containing carriers. Our data indicate a role for OCRL1, via IPIP27A, in regulating the formation of pacsin 2–dependent trafficking intermediates and reveal a mechanism for coupling PtdIns(4,5)P2 hydrolysis with carrier biogenesis on endomembranes

    Lo studio della vittimologia nell’Arma dei Carabinieri

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    La centralitĂ  delle teorie criminologiche Ăš stata per lungo tempo sbilanciata sullo studio di comportamenti antisociali, privilegiando il fascino dell’immagine cruenta e del suo autore alla figura della vittima e ai riflessi psicologici del reato sulla persona offesa. Dalla nascita della vittimologia, quale branca della criminologia, in parallelo con l’evoluzione socio-culturale-giuridica che ne Ăš seguita -anche attraverso una crescente attivitĂ  normativa, soprattutto a livello extracodicistico e ad alcuni interventi internazionali di rilievo- si Ăš assistito ad una progressiva promozione ed elevazione del profilo della vittima a una “key figure” degna delle dovute garanzie legislative. Anche l’Arma dei Carabinieri si Ăš inserita in questo nuovo contesto -facilitata peraltro dalla capillare architettura della sua struttura- partecipando insieme agli altri attori istituzionali del settore sicurezza a quella che Ăš stata definita una “rivoluzione culturale” nell’approccio alla vittima del reato. Espressione di tale nuovo orientamento Ăš il concetto di polizia di prossimitĂ  che, nato dall’idea di essere piĂč vicini alla gente, cerca di colmare il gap esistente tra sicurezza reale e sicurezza percepita, sfruttando quel tradizionale patrimonio motivazionale che aiuta il Carabiniere ad essere primario interlocutore capace di ascoltare, aiutare ed indirizzare. La formazione di base e la specializzazione dei Carabinieri di ogni ordine e grado a questa nuova cultura nell’approccio alla vittima del reato viene pertanto avvertita dall’Istituzione come esigenza primaria, al fine di umanizzare e valorizzare la persona offesa che –spesso violentata nella sua privacy e nei suoi affetti personali- deve trovare di fronte a sĂ© un chiaro e qualificato punto di riferimento, un cittadino che opera a favore di altri cittadini, un professionista capace di aiutare e sostenere. RĂ©sumĂ© Pendant longtemps, la recherche en criminologie s’est concentrĂ©e sur l’étude des comportements dĂ©viants, en privilĂ©giant l’image de l’acte cruel de l’auteur plutĂŽt que de se focaliser sur la victime, en particulier sur les consĂ©quences psychologiques du crime sur cette derniĂšre. Depuis la naissance de la victimologie (branche de la criminologie) et l’intervention des grands noms de la victimologie, puis avec l’évolution socioculturelle et juridique sans cesse croissante, on a assistĂ© Ă  la prise en compte du profil de la victime comme Ă©tant un « Ă©lĂ©ment clĂ© » devant faire l’objet d’une attention accrue. L’Arme des Carabiniers (en raison notamment de sa dispersion sur tout le territoire) s’inscrit dans ce nouveau contexte, en participant avec les autres acteurs institutionnels de la sĂ©curitĂ© Ă  cette « rĂ©volution culturelle », qui se traduit par une meilleure prise en compte de la victime. Expression d’une nouvelle orientation majeure du service, le concept de police de proximitĂ© est nĂ© de l’idĂ©e de rendre l’Arme plus visible et plus proche des citoyens. Ainsi, l’action de proximitĂ© s’efforce de combattre un fort sentiment d’insĂ©curitĂ©, en exploitant les valeurs du Carabinier, Ă©tant gĂ©nĂ©ralement le premier interlocuteur des personnes en dĂ©tresse. Pour une meilleure satisfaction des attentes de la population, le dĂ©veloppement d’une culture de l’accueil des victimes constitue une prioritĂ© pour l’Institution et fait l’objet d’une attention particuliĂšre dans la formation de base et continue de l’ensemble des militaires de l’Arme, tous grades confondus. La victime (souvent physiquement et moralement traumatisĂ©e) doit trouver en face d’elle un militaire, vĂ©ritable professionnel chargĂ© de son soutien et de son assistance, et toujours capable d’apporter des rĂ©ponses empreintes d’humanitĂ©. Abstract The focal point of criminal theories has been, for some time now, uneven in regards to the study of anti-social behavior, because the tendency is to privilege the fascination of a cruel act and of its author rather than giving adequate consideration to the victim of crime and the psychological effects that crime produces on the person who has suffered an assault. Since victimology began as part of the criminology branch, along with the social-cultural-juridical evolution that followed (due also to the growth in rules and special laws that extend beyond the law code and to some very considerable international involvement), we have witnessed the progressive rise of the victim profile, to a “key figure”, worthy of the required legislative assurances. The expression of this new orientation can be found in the concept of “community policing”. This policy derives from the idea of getting closer to the community’s citizens and of filling the gap existing between actual security and sense of security felt. This is a result of having exploited the traditional motivational heritage that helps the Carabiniere Serviceman be a primary interlocutor experienced in listening, providing assistance and advising. The basic training and the skills of the Carabiniere Serviceman, of any social and military rank, for this new way of approaching a victim of crime is therefore perceived by the Institution, as an essential need in order to make the person who suffered an abuse, feel more human and more important, (often his/her privacy and family affection are violated) and bring him/her, to rely on a clear and qualified point of reference, who is a citizen that acts for other fellow citizens and in the same time, an expert capable of providing aid and support

    Decommissioning of Offshore Platforms in Adriatic Sea: The Total Removal Option from a Life Cycle Assessment Perspective

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    The international energy scenario to date is heavily based on fossil energy sources such as coal, oil or natural gas. According to the international ecological goals of the UNFCCC formalized in the legally binding treaty called the Paris Agreement, the next global challenges will be the decommissioning, dismantling or reconversion of the current fossil energy system into a new, more sustainable system that makes more efficient use of renewable energy technologies. Worldwide, there are about 6500 offshore oil and gas facilities and about 130 of them are located in the Mediterranean basin, mainly in the Adriatic and Ionian Seas: more than 110 offshore gas platforms have been installed in these areas since 1960. In this paper, using Life Cycle Assessment, the environmental and economic impacts of the total removal operations of an existing offshore platform in the context of the Adriatic Sea are assessed based on existing and registered decommissioning projects. In addition, the avoided impacts of primary steel production due to its recovery and recycling from the removed platform are assessed using the system boundary expansion method

    Reduced lysosomal acid lipase activity: A new marker of liver disease severity across the clinical continuum of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease?

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    Lysosomal acid lipase (LAL) plays a key role in intracellular lipid metabolism. Reduced LAL activity promotes increased multi-organ lysosomal cholesterol ester storage, as observed in two recessive autosomal genetic diseases, Wolman disease and Cholesterol ester storage disease. Severe liver steatosis and accelerated liver fibrosis are common features in patients with genetic LAL deficiency. By contrast, few reliable data are available on the modulation of LAL activity in vivo and on the epigenetic and metabolic factors capable of regulating its activity in subjects without homozygous mutations of the Lipase A gene. In the last few years, a less severe and non-genetic reduction of LAL activity was reported in children and adults with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), suggesting a possible role of LAL reduction in the pathogenesis and progression of the disease. Patients with NAFLD show a significant, progressive reduction of LAL activity from simple steatosis to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and cryptogenic cirrhosis. Among cirrhosis of different etiologies, those with cryptogenic cirrhosis show the most significant reductions of LAL activity. These findings suggest that the modulation of LAL activity may become a possible new therapeutic target for patients with more advanced forms of NAFLD. Moreover, the measurement of LAL activity may represent a possible new marker of disease severity in this clinical setting
