2 research outputs found

    Karakterisasi Antibodi Poliklonal Terhadap Aflatoksin M1

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    The aim of the research was characterized the polyclonal antibody at AFM for diagnostic reagens on track 1 and measure the levels of AFM in milk. The series of experiments are given a polyclonal antibody testing 1 dimetilaminobenzidin (DAB) by dot blot immunoassay (DBIA) so it will look brown color display on the positive control sample; purification and estimation antibody of AFM concentration with ammonium sulfate; 1 dialysis; fractionation using HiTrap Protein A HP column, measured using a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 280 nm; and characterized of IgG using SDS-PAGE. DBIA test results showed a typical reaction betweenantigen AFM1-BSA with AFM1-BSA antibody to rabbit serum in the form of brown dots after addition of DAB substrate. The results of spectrophotometric against rabbit serum fractionation showed the type of IgG heavy chain

    Parasitologi Medik Dasar

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    Buku Parasitologi Medik Dasar yang berada ditangan pembaca ini disuguhkan untuk mengisi khasanah keilmuan di bidang kesehatan/kedokteran yang mengkaji penyakit-penyakit akibat parasit. Ruang lingkup pengkajian meliputi morfologi parasit, siklus hidup, gejala klinis, epidemiologi serta diagnosis laboratorium pemeriksaan parasit. Buku ini tersusun dalam 14 BAB yang berurutan dan sistematis : BAB I Pengantar Parasitologi BAB II Gambaran umum Protozoa BAB III Amoeba patogen BAB IV Amoeba non patogen BAB V Flagellata intestinal, oral dan genital BAB VI Malaria BAB VII Coccidia BAB VIII Balantidium coli BAB IX Gambaran umum Helminth BAB X Soil transmitted Helminth BAB XI Non Soil transmitted Helminth BAB XII Cestoda BAB XIII Trematoda BAB XIV Metode diagnostik dalam Parasitolog