2 research outputs found

    Development of Structured Porous Heterogeneous Catalyst for Biodiesel Production by Transesterification of Vegetable Oil

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    Many environmental problems are caused when fossil fuels are used in engines. Biodiesel is a promising option to substitute these fuels because it is renewable, biodegradable and not toxic. The most used process to prepare biodiesel is by homogeneous transesterification of vegetable oils, using NaOH or KOH, but it produces a high concentration of impurities in the product. To overcome this, the use of heterogeneous catalysts is being increasingly studied. Geopolymer (GP) is an inorganic material with a chemical composition similar to zeolite and a variable microstructure, obtained by the reaction of aluminosilicates with a highly alkaline medium forming a continuous 3D network. It can be used as a heterogeneous catalyst, due to the high content of metals such as Na and/or K, as well as high basicity and specific surface area. The great advantage of using heterogeneous catalysts is that they can be recovered by filtration and reused in the process, making the biodiesel production more economical and generating fewer effluents to be treated. This work investigated GP acting as heterogeneous catalysts to produce biodiesel by transesterification reaction of soybean oil with methanol. Three types of GP powder were produced mixing metakaolin with an activating alkaline solution: Na-based, K-based GP and a mixture between them; they were treated at 110, 300, 500 and 700 °C, then lattice-shaped GPs were designed and produced by DIW, adding PEG and filler in the previous formulation and then, they were dried at 110 °C. Porous structures with Ø ~24 mm x 9,6 mm height and unsupported parts were produced. All materials were characterized. The transesterification reaction was carried out using all the samples as a heterogeneous catalyst to evaluate the yield of biodiesel concerning the GP composition, reaction conditions and morphology of samples. According to the results obtained in this study, it was verified that using GP both in powder and structure as catalyst, it was possible to obtain biodiesel from the transesterification of soybean oil. Comparing the materials with the same molar ratios, Na.K_GP treated at 500°C (powder) achieved the highest conversion (~98%). For the 3D structure tested in the reaction (3D_Na_GP1, 110 °C) a conversion was observed, but lower (~41%) compared to Na.K_GP, even in its powdered version (~53%). To verify the conversion efficiency of the other structures (3D_K_GP1, Na.K_GP) further studies are needed

    Development of Structured Porous Heterogeneous Catalyst for Biodiesel Production by Transesterification of Vegetable Oil

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    Many environmental problems are caused when fossil fuels are used in engines. Biodiesel is a promising option to substitute these fuels because it is renewable, biodegradable and not toxic. The most used process to prepare biodiesel is by homogeneous transesterification of vegetable oils, using NaOH or KOH, but it produces a high concentration of impurities in the product. To overcome this, the use of heterogeneous catalysts is being increasingly studied. Geopolymer (GP) is an inorganic material with a chemical composition similar to zeolite and a variable microstructure, obtained by the reaction of aluminosilicates with a highly alkaline medium forming a continuous 3D network. It can be used as a heterogeneous catalyst, due to the high content of metals such as Na and/or K, as well as high basicity and specific surface area. The great advantage of using heterogeneous catalysts is that they can be recovered by filtration and reused in the process, making the biodiesel production more economical and generating fewer effluents to be treated. This work investigated GP acting as heterogeneous catalysts to produce biodiesel by transesterification reaction of soybean oil with methanol. Three types of GP powder were produced mixing metakaolin with an activating alkaline solution: Na-based, K-based GP and a mixture between them; they were treated at 110, 300, 500 and 700 °C, then lattice-shaped GPs were designed and produced by DIW, adding PEG and filler in the previous formulation and then, they were dried at 110 °C. Porous structures with Ø ~24 mm x 9,6 mm height and unsupported parts were produced. All materials were characterized. The transesterification reaction was carried out using all the samples as a heterogeneous catalyst to evaluate the yield of biodiesel concerning the GP composition, reaction conditions and morphology of samples. According to the results obtained in this study, it was verified that using GP both in powder and structure as catalyst, it was possible to obtain biodiesel from the transesterification of soybean oil. Comparing the materials with the same molar ratios, Na.K_GP treated at 500°C (powder) achieved the highest conversion (~98%). For the 3D structure tested in the reaction (3D_Na_GP1, 110 °C) a conversion was observed, but lower (~41%) compared to Na.K_GP, even in its powdered version (~53%). To verify the conversion efficiency of the other structures (3D_K_GP1, Na.K_GP) further studies are needed.Molti problemi ambientali sono causati dall'uso dei combustibili fossili nei motori. Il biodiesel è un'opzione promettente per sostituire questi carburanti perché è rinnovabile, biodegradabile e non tossico. Il processo più utilizzato per preparare il biodiesel è la transesterificazione omogenea degli oli vegetali, utilizzando NaOH o KOH, ma produce un'alta concentrazione di impurità nel prodotto. Per superare questo, l'uso di catalizzatori eterogenei viene sempre più studiato. Geopolymer (GP) è un materiale inorganico con una composizione chimica simile alla zeolite e una microstruttura variabile, ottenuta dalla reazione di alluminosilicati con un mezzo altamente alcalino che forma una rete 3D continua. Può essere usato come catalizzatore eterogeneo, a causa dell'elevato contenuto di metalli come Na e/o K, nonché di un'elevata basicità e di una superficie specifica. Il grande vantaggio dell'utilizzo di catalizzatori eterogenei è che possono essere recuperati mediante filtrazione e riutilizzati nel processo, rendendo la produzione di biodiesel più economica e generando meno effluenti da trattare. Questo lavoro ha indagato su GP che agisce come catalizzatori eterogenei per produrre biodiesel mediante la reazione di transesterificazione dell'olio di soia con metanolo. Sono stati prodotti tre tipi di polvere GP miscelando metacaolino con una soluzione alcalina attivante: GP a base di Na, a base di K e una miscela tra loro; sono stati trattati a 110, 300, 500 e 700 °C, quindi i GP a forma di reticolo sono stati progettati e prodotti da DIW, aggiungendo PEG e filler nella precedente formulazione e quindi, sono stati essiccati a 110 °C. Sono state prodotte strutture porose con Ø ~ 24 mm x 9,6 mm di altezza e parti non supportate. Tutti i materiali sono stati caratterizzati. La reazione di transesterificazione è stata effettuata utilizzando tutti i campioni come catalizzatore eterogeneo per valutare la resa di biodiesel riguardante la composizione GP, le condizioni di reazione e la morfologia dei campioni. In base ai risultati ottenuti in questo studio, è stato verificato che l'utilizzo di GP sia in polvere sia nella struttura come catalizzatore, è stato possibile ottenere biodiesel dalla transesterificazione dell'olio di soia. Confrontando i materiali con gli stessi rapporti molari, Na.K_GP trattato a 500 °C (polvere) ha ottenuto la conversione più alta (~98%). Per la struttura 3D testata nella reazione (3D_Na_GP1, 110 °C) è stata osservata una conversione, ma inferiore (~41%) rispetto a Na.K_GP, anche nella sua versione in polvere (~53%). Per verificare l'efficienza di conversione delle altre strutture (3D_K_GP1, Na.K_GP) sono necessari ulteriori studi