224 research outputs found

    Sleep quality in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome

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    Objective To assess the sleep quality in primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS) patients and evaluate its relationship with the disease, quality of life and mood disorders. Methods The sleep quality of 29 pSS women and 29 matched controls was assessed by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Seven domains are grouped according to three factors: F1 perceived sleep quality (subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, use of sleeping medication), F2 sleep efficiency (sleep duration, habitual sleep efficiency) and F3 daily disturbances (sleep disturbances, daytime dysfunction). These domains are scored as a single factor of global sleep quality. The Short Form Health Survey (SF-36), Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy (FACIT) fatigue scale and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were also administered. Disease activity and damage were evaluated with the EULAR Sjögren’s syndrome disease activity index (ESSDAI), the Sjögren’s Syndrome Disease Activity and Damage Indexes (SSDAI, SSDDI). Results The mean PSQI global score had higher pathological values (8.6±4.6) compared with controls (5.6±2.2) (p=0.002). F1 and F3 were significantly worse in cases (p=0.01, p=0.009). A negative correlation was found between SF-36 subscales and the global PSQI, F2 and F3. The anxiety HADS correlated with F2 and F3, while depression only with F3. No correlation with FACIT and disease indexes emerged. Conclusion Using PSQI, an impaired sleep quality was demonstrated in pSS patients, especially with perceived quality and the daily disturbances. It is associated with a reduced quality of life but not with disease-related variables.Objective To assess the sleep quality in primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS) patients and evaluate its relationship with the disease, quality of life and mood disorders. Methods The sleep quality of 29 pSS women and 29 matched controls was assessed by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Seven domains are grouped according to three factors: F1 perceived sleep quality (subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, use of sleeping medication), F2 sleep efficiency (sleep duration, habitual sleep efficiency) and F3 daily disturbances (sleep disturbances, daytime dysfunction). These domains are scored as a single factor of global sleep quality. The Short Form Health Survey (SF-36), Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy (FACIT) fatigue scale and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were also administered. Disease activity and damage were evaluated with the EULAR Sjögren’s syndrome disease activity index (ESSDAI), the Sjögren’s Syndrome Disease Activity and Damage Indexes (SSDAI, SSDDI). Results The mean PSQI global score had higher pathological values (8.6±4.6) compared with controls (5.6±2.2) (p=0.002). F1 and F3 were significantly worse in cases (p=0.01, p=0.009). A negative correlation was found between SF-36 subscales and the global PSQI, F2 and F3. The anxiety HADS correlated with F2 and F3, while depression only with F3. No correlation with FACIT and disease indexes emerged. Conclusion Using PSQI, an impaired sleep quality was demonstrated in pSS patients, especially with perceived quality and the daily disturbances. It is associated with a reduced quality of life but not with disease-related variables

    Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the external auditory canal: case report.

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    This study reports a case of mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) of the external auditory canal, which to date has only been described once in literature. Because the lesion is extremely rare, it is particularly difficult to classify it into stages following normal diagnostic parameters. This obviously limits the possibilities of treatment that consequently are either empirical or based on those of squamous cell carcinoma. The problems in the diagnosis and the possible methods of treatment of mucoepidermoid carcinoma are discusse

    Social geography of rhinoscleroma and qualitatively and quantitatively abnormal cell-mediated immunity

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    Rhinoscleroma is a progressive chronic granulomatous disease of the upper respiratory tract that may extend to the tracheobronchial tract. It is common belief that the pathology is determined by Klebsiella Rhinoscleromatis. In the authors' opinion, the infection with Klebsiella Rhinoscleromatis may not represent the only etiopathogenic factor of the disease. Rhinoscleroma is reported in many countries, but has a peculiar social and geographic distribution, in that it assumes an endemic character only in some regions of the Middle East, West Russia, North Africa, Indonesia, Central and South America. In Europe, most of the cases are reported in Poland, Hungary and Romania. In Italy, Rhinoscleroma is almost exclusively located in the southern and island regions. Rhinoscleroma is predominantly reported in rural areas, in the presence of poor socio-economic conditions, which according to many authors would be a co-factor triggering the disease. In this article, the authors review some inconsistencies in etiology, histology and epidemiology of Rhinoscleroma. Based on the overall picture, they propose that intrinsic factors, possibly of genetic origin, may give rise to the disease, and suggest possible lines of research to distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic factors as determinants for Rhinoscleroma

    Pea seeds (Pisum sativum), faba beans (Vicia faba var. minor) and lupin seeds (Lupinus albus var. multitalia) as protein sources in broiler diets: effect of extrusion on growth performance

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    The effect of extrusion of pea seeds (Pisum sativum) (PS), faba bean (Vicia faba, variety minor) (FB) and lupin seeds (Lupinus albus, variety multitalia) (LS) on broiler performance were evaluated. Four hundred sixty two 1d-old Ross male chicks, Marek vaccinated, were randomly assigned to seven dietary treatments (3 pens per treatment/22 birds per pen). Chicks were floor housed, ad libitum fed isocaloric and isonitrogenous diets and had free access to water. Artificial light was provided 10 h/d. The bulk of the base diet (control diet) was corn (48.8%, 53.7% and 57%), solvent-extracted soy- bean meal (42.8%, 37.3% and 33.4%), corn oil (4.4%, 5.2% and 6.3%), plus synthetic amino acids, minerals, trace minerals and vitamins, respectively for the 1-10d-old, 11-28d-old and 29 to 42d-old growing periods. The amounts of PS, FB and LS used on an as fed basis were: PS and extruded PS (EPS): 353 (1-10d-old), 356 (11-28d-old) and 350 (29- 42d-old) g/kg; FB and extruded FB (EFB): 479 (1-10d-old), 497 (11-28d-old) and 500 (29-42d old) g/kg; LS and extrud- ed LS (ELS): 360 (1-10d-old) and 300 (11-42d-old) g/kg. High levels of pea (350 g/kg) and faba bean (500 g/kg) did not show negative effects on body weight gain (BWG) and bird feed intake compared to control. Lupin at the 300 g/kg level reduced (P< 0.05) the BWG during the finishing period (22 to 42 d), however the effect disappeared over the whole experimental period (1-42 d) compared to the control group. The ELS group had a lower (P< 0.01) feed intake com- pared to the control group and to the LS group. The feed conversion rate (FCR) was similar among groups for the whole experimental period; however during the grower period the FCR was higher (P< 0.05) for the PS, FB and EFB groups com- pared to the control group. Birds consuming the PS diet had a reduced (P< 0.05) eviscerated carcass yield compared to the control group. The breast meat percent yield was higher (P< 0.01) for birds consuming the FB and EFB diets compared to the control group. There were no statistical differences in percent yield of the leg quarters and in blood parameters

    Effect of Bt corn on broiler growth performance and fate of feed-derived DNA in the digestive tract

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    Abstract The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect on broiler performance of transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corn containing the Cry1A(b) protein compared with the corresponding near isogenic corn and to analyze the degradation of the Cry1A(b) gene in the digestive tract. Ross male broilers (432) were fed for 42 consecutive days with diets containing Bt or isogenic corn. Diet, Bt corn, and the isogenic form of the Bt corn were analyzed for composition and aflatoxin B1, fumonisin B1, and deoxynivalenol contents. Broiler body weight and feed intake were recorded at regular intervals (d 0, 21, and 42). The presence of the Cry1A(b) gene and plant-specific genes Zein and Sh-2 in gut contents of crop, gizzard, jejunum, cecum, and samples of blood was determined in 10 animals per treatment at the end of the trial using a PCR technique. Chemical composition was not different between Bt and its isogenic form, whereas the fumonisin B1 content for Bt was lower than for isogenic corn (2,039 vs. 1,1034 ppb;

    Raw and extruded pea (Pisum sativum) and lupin (Lupinus albus var. Multitalia) seeds as protein sources in weaned piglets' diets: effect on growth rate and blood parameters

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    The 42 days trial was carried out using 140 piglets weaned at 28 days of age. The piglets were allocated according to weight and sex to the 5 dietary treatments with 7 replicates for each treatments (4 pens x 4 castrated males and 3 pens x 4 females). The piglets were fed according to the following experimental design: 1) control diet (CTR) with soybean meal (SBM) 44% c.p. as protein source; 2) CRT diets with 200 g/kg of raw pea (Pisum sativum) (RP); 3) CTR diet with 200 g/kg extruded pea (EP); 4) CRT diet with 170 g/kg raw lupin (Lupinus albusvar. Multitalia) (RL); 5) CTR diet with 170 g/kg of extruded lupin (EL). During the trial, animals were weighed at 0 - 21 and 42 days from the start of the trial. Feed intake was monitored and feed conversion ratio was calculated for the periods 0-21 d and 22-42 d. At the end of the trial, blood samples were taken for 14 animals for each dietary treatment (2 animals per replicate) and analysed for total protein, urea and liver activity (ALT, AST and ALP parameters). Average daily weight gain and feed intake did not differ according to dietary treatments whereas during the total experimental period (0-42 d), feed conversion ratio was higher for EP vsCTR diet (2.35 vs2.09, respectively; P <0.05). The growth rate for diets with extruded protein sources compared with diets containing the raw ingredients did not differ. Feed conversion ratio for the RP was numerically high- er than for the EP (2.35 vs2.16 and 2.76 vs2.32, respectively during 22-42 d and 0-42 d periods). Blood parameters did not show significant difference among dietary treatments except for higher total protein for CTR diet vsRL diet, EL and RP (67.3 vs62.2, 62.8 and 63.6 g/l, respectively; P<0.05) and urea that resulted the highest with CTR diet vsRL and RL (4.7 vs3.7 and 3.8 mmol/l respectively; P<0.05)

    Raw Pea (Pisum sativum), raw Faba bean (Vicia faba var. minor) and raw Lupin (Lupinus albus var. multitalia) as alternative protein sources in broiler diets

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    The ban of the meat and bone meal for entering animal diets and the concern of transgenic feeds poses a challenge toanimal nutritionists in Europe. The challenge is to find homegrown protein-rich feedstuffs, making sure no antinutritionalfactors are present which could interfere in the animals’ performance. The raw Pea (Pisum sativum) (RP), raw Fababean (Vicia faba, variety minor) (RFb) and raw Lupin (Lupinus albus, variety multitalia) (RL) were evaluated as alternativeprotein sources into broiler diets. Six hundred thirty 1d-old Ross male chicks, Marek vaccinated, were randomlyassigned to seven dietary treatments (5 pens per treatment/18 birds per pen). Chicks were floor housed, ad libitum fedisocaloric and isonitrogenous diets and had free access to water. Artificial light was provided 10 h/d. The bulk of the basediet (control diet) was corn (48.7%, 56.6% and 57%), solvent-extracted soybean meal (42.8%, 37.3% and 33.4%), cornoil (4.4%, 5.2% and 6.3%), plus synthetic amino acids, minerals, trace minerals and vitamins, respectively for the 1-10d-old, 11-28d-old and 29 to 42d-old growing periods. The RP, RFb and RL entered diets in substitution of the soybeanand corn according to the cost optimization (P100, Fb100 and L100, respectively for RP, RFb and RL) and at half of theoptimized quantity (RP50, RFb50 and RL50, respectively for RP, RFb and RL). The amount used as fed basis for the higherlevel of inclusion were: P100: 350 g/kg for all diets; Fb100: 480 g/kg (1-10d-old) and 500 g/kg (11-42d-old); L100:360 g/kg (1-10d-old) and 300 g/kg (11-42d-old). The average daily gain (ADG) were lower (P < 0.05) in the RP groupcompared to the control group. Over the whole period of growth, the RFb group had similar ADG compared to the controlgroup and for both levels of inclusion, whereas reduced (P < 0.05) ADG were observed in the RL100 group. Reduced(P < 0.05) ADG were also observed for the RFb100 and the RL100 groups when calculated over the first three weeks ofgrowth. Birds performance was improved (P < 0.05) in the RL50 group. No effects were observed on dressing percentageand breast and leg quarter cuts. The RFb and RL could represent valuable protein feeds in broilers diet formulation

    Pigs’ husbandry as case study to test effects of vegetable residues’ hydrolysates on animals

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    Soluble biopolymers (SBO) are research products obtained from alkaline hydrolysis of municipal and agriculture bio-residues. They contain a mix of soluble macromolecules with different C types and functional groups. These features make SBO multipurpose products for the chemical industry, agriculture and animal husbandry. As such, they may contribute to the development of bio-based circular economy by recycling renewable carbon over urban and agriculture environments. To foster production and commercialization, assessment of SBO’s compliance with countries’ regulations is mandatory. The authors performed the present in vivo pigs study to investigate quality, safety, and efficacy of SBO’s as animal feed supplement. Total 106 male and female piglets were fed 42 days with protein-based diets containing 0.1 and 0.2 % SBO. Pigs grew from average 7.7 to 26 kg. Average mortality rate was 3.9 %. Relatively to control diets with no added SBO, the diets containing 0.1 and 0.2 % SBO evidenced no significant effects on pigs’ growth, mortality, and anatomy and pathology of dead animals. A previous rabbit study reported similar results for SBO supplemented diets. The authors discuss the economic and environmental implications of the results in relation to SBO potential marketability

    Nuclear changes in pathogen-infected tomato roots.

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    We have investigated nuclear changes induced in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) root plants by two different pathogens, a phytoplasma of the stolbur group and the soil-borne fungus Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica, using light and electron microscopy as well as flow cytometry. Our results show that both pathogens strongly influenced nuclear structure, causing pyknosis and chromatolysis, and induced variations in proportion of nuclear populations with different DNA content, increasing the 2C and decreasing the 4C nuclear populations. These latter results suggest a block of the endoreduplication process in the presynthetic phase of the host cell cycle. Moreover, in pathogen-infected roots, nuclei of the same DNA content were less fluorescent, and therefore had a lower DNA content, compared to those of controls, as confirmed by morphological analyses. Our findings suggest that different stimuli may evoke similar nuclear changes, and confirm the usefulness of flow cytometry as a tool to recognize the stress conditions related to the presence of a pathogen

    Laryngotracheal stenosis treated with multiple surgeries: experience, results and prognostic factors in 70 patients

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    Laryngotracheal stenosis is a complex condition that usually requires multiple procedures to restore physiological respiration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the percentage of decannulation compared to different or multiple surgical treatments. We retrospectively reviewed the charts of 70 patients treated between 1990 and 2005 for laryngotracheal stenosis of various aetiology: iatrogenic stenosis (n = 55), post-traumatic stenosis (n = 11) or other causes (autoimmune disease, n = 3; diphtheria, n = 1). In order to maintain laryngotracheal patency, a Montgomery Safe-T tube was used in all patients as a single dilation treatment or associated with endoscopic and/or open-neck surgery. Fifty-four of the 70 patients (77.1%) were eventually decannulated; 39 of these (72.2%) underwent 3 or fewer surgical procedures, showing a significant difference compared to patients who underwent more than 3 surgeries (p = 0.00002). A total of 257 surgeries were performed. Only seven of 54 patients (13%) were decannulated after more than 5 surgical procedures. Patients over 60 years of age and with a higher grade of stenosis showed a significantly lower success rate (p = 0.0017 and p = 0.007, respectively). There was no significant correlation between the rate of decannulation and gender, aetiology, site of stenosis or surgery. Patients undergoing dilation for laryngotracheal stenosis usually require multiple procedures. The T tube plays an important role in the treatment of this pathology. However, if the tracheostomy is not removed within 3 surgical interventions, the odds of decannulating the patient decrease significantly, and additional surgeries may be of questionable therapeutic benefit
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