6,111 research outputs found

    Distance and reddening of the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 6822

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    On the basis of a new photometric analysis of the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy NCG 6822 based on observations obtained with the Advanced Camera for Surveys onboard the Hubble Space Telescope, we have obtained a new estimate of the extinction of two fields located in the southeast region of the galaxy. Because of significant differences in the distance estimates to NGC 6822 available in literature, we decided to provide an independent determination of the distance to this galaxy based on an updated and self-consistent theoretical calibration of the tip of the red giant branch brightness. As a result we newly determined the distance to NGC 6822 to be equal to (mM)0=23.54±0.05{\rm(m-M)}_0=23.54\pm 0.05, and compared our measurement with the most recent determinations of this distance.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Astronomy & Astrophysics (Research Note), in press (proof correction included

    Co-production in healthcare services: What we know, how we can evaluate it

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    Background In times of increasing population aging, higher incidence of chronic diseases and higher expectations regarding public service provision, healthcare services are under increasing strain to cut costs while keeping quality. In this context, debates on the importance of promoting systems of co-produced health between stakeholders have gained considerable traction both in the literature and in policy debates of the public sector (Dunston et al., 2009, Voorberg et al. 2015; European Commission 2010). Co-production occurs \u201cwhen public service organizations partner with external entities, including other public organizations, third sector, or service user, to jointly produce services that they previously produced on their own\u201d (Thomas, 2013, p. 788). In this perspective, co-production is not only a patient involvement tool, but mainly a managerial tool, where partner in the production process could influence the methods used to organise and manage the service delivery (Sorrentino et al., 2015; Brandsen and Honingh, 2015; Gilardi et al., 2016). Despite this widespread acceptance, minimal consensus exists on the mechanisms for evaluating the actual impacts of the co-production in healthcare sector. More specifically, little has been produced on how the results of these changing structures, practices and goals in healthcare management and provision can be monitored and evaluated (Hardyman et al., 2015; Gilardi et al., 2016; Palumbo, 2016). Objectives The study aims at filling this gap by developing a conceptual framework for assessing co-production in healthcare. Specifically, drawing on existing literature on co-production in healthcare, we develop an original analytical evaluation framework with respect to: i) the multidimensional perspectives to be taken into consideration; ii) the dimensions to be analysed; iii) the methods that allow implementing our framework in practice. Methodolody First of all, a quantitative bibliometric analysis, using Bibliometrix software (Aria and Cuccurullo, 2017), is carried out. The reference database chosen is WoS and the inclusion criterion is \u201cco-production AND heath* OR coproduction AND health*\u201d in topic. Moreover, the search is refined by language, i.e. English, and type of publication, i.e. journal academic article. No time limitation is selected. After deleting non-inherent papers, our final sample was made up of 213 papers. As second stage, a qualitative content analysis based on PRISMA protocol is developed, focusing on those papers targeting evaluation issues. Finally, a preliminary co-production evaluation model proposal is proposed and discussed. Main results The study shows an increasing attention on the co-production topic, as highlighted by an annual percentage growth rate of about 26% and the big increase in the last 5 years in number of publications. The countries with a highest number of publications and collaborations are UK (mainly England), Netherlands, Australia and USA. As expected, the most repeated keyword is co-production, however, it is interesting to underline the presence of \u201cmental health\u201d and \u201cpublic health\u201d, that can be assumed as the main topic of studies analyzed. Nonetheless, only few studies focus on the evaluation of outcomes. Among them, the content analysis has revealed a predominantly mono-dimensional and mono-stakeholder approach. Specifically, clinical, economic or psychological-social - mainly in terms of patient satisfaction \u2013 impacts (i.e. Lwembe et al., 2016; Harvey et al., 2017) are assessed. The analysis reveals that one of the main challenges of assessing co-production lies in its multi-dimensional nature; thus a multiple perspectives framework has to be adopted. To contribute filling this gap, we developed a preliminary multidimensional (i.e. performance indicators) and multi-stakeholder (i.e. different actors involved) evaluation model (Figure 1). Specifically, the framework takes into account the three main outcome domains \u2013 i) economic, ii) managerial/organisational and iii) clinical \u2013 and three main stakeholders involved \u2013 i) hospital, ii) healthcare professionals, iii) patients and their families. The economic and efficiency measures concerning direct and indirect cost for hospital and patients/family, should be integrated with clinical and managerial measures for each stakeholder: 1. Hospital: administrative efficiency, activating capacity, inclusiveness of decision making, stability/flexibility of rules, conflict resolution and collaboration climate, frequency of interaction. 2 Patient (and caregiver or family): objective (i.e. compliance) and subjective (i.e. quality of life, quality of care perception, patient satisfaction) indicators. 3. Healthcare professional and staff: objective (e.g. turnover rate, absences, injuries and work-related ill health) and subjective (e.g. burnout, satisfaction, healthcare professional engagement, occupational health, risk perception) indicators

    HJ Inequalities Involving Lie Brackets and Feedback Stabilizability with Cost Regulation

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    With reference to an optimal control problem where the state has to approach asymptotically a closed target while paying a non-negative integral cost, we propose a generalization of the classical dissipative relation that defines a Control Lyapunov Function to a weaker differential inequality. The latter involves both the cost and the iterated Lie brackets of the vector fields in the dynamics up to a certain degree k = 1, and we call any of its (suitably defined) solutions a degree -k Minimum Restraint Function. We prove that the existence of a degree -k Minimum Restraint Function allows us to build a Lie-bracket-based feedback which sample stabilizes the system to the target while regulating (i.e., uniformly bounding) the cost

    A state-of-the-art analysis of the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 6822

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    We present a detailed photometric study of the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 6822 aimed at investigating the properties of its stellar populations and, in particular, the presence of stellar radial gradients. Our goal is to analyse the stellar populations in six fields, which cover the whole bar of this dwarf galaxy. We derived the quantitative star formation history (SFH) of the six fields using the IAC method, involving IAC-pop/MinnIAC codes. The solutions we derived show an enhanced star formation rate (SFR) in Fields 1 and 3 during the past 500 Myr. The SFRs of the other fields are almost extinguished at very recent epochs and. We study the radial gradients of the SFR and consider the total mass converted into stars in two time intervals (between 0 and 0.5 Gyr ago and between 0.5 and 13.5 Gyr ago). We find that the scale lengths of the young and intermediate-to-old populations are perfectly compatible, with the exception of the young populations in Fields 1 and 3. The recent SF in these two fields is greater than in the other ones. This might be an indication that in these two fields we are sampling incipient spiral arms. Further evidence and new observations are required to prove this hypothesis. In addition, we derived the age-metallicity relations. As expected, the metallicity increases with time for all of the fields. We do not observe any radial gradient in the metallicity.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, Accepted to A&

    Sexually Transmitted Disease and Male Infertility: A Systematic Review

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    Context Theoretically, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) have the potential to disrupt male fertility; however, the topic remains controversial. Objective To describe the possible association between STDs and male infertility and to explore possible pathophysiologic mechanisms. Evidence acquisition We performed a systematic literature review in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines. PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Library were searched for articles published before January 1, 2016, using the MeSH terms for a variety of STDs and infertility. The search was restricted to human studies performed in men and published in English. Studies were included if they contained original data on a possible association or a cause-and-effect relationship between STD and male infertility. Studies were considered only if they included an appropriate control group and/or comprehensive laboratory data. Due to heterogeneity in the literature, a qualitative analysis was performed. Evidence synthesis Relevant studies on Chlamydia trachomatis, genital mycoplasmas, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Trichomonas vaginalis, and viral infections were identified. For all pathogens, the studies were contradictory and generally of limited quality. In studies confirming an association, there was a tendency for authors to perform multiple analyses without appropriate corrections and to subsequently focus solely on outcomes that seemed to suggest a positive association; however, the body of literature that does not confirm an association between STDs and male infertility is also of inadequate quality. The data regarding possible pathophysiologic mechanisms are inconclusive. Conclusions There may be an association between STDs and male infertility of unknown genesis and possibly with different pathogenic mechanisms for different pathogens. Alternatively, some STDs may cause male infertility, whereas others may not; however, there is hardly a strong correlation. High-quality studies of the subject are needed. Patient summary Sexually transmitted diseases may cause male infertility through unknown mechanisms; however, from the available research, we cannot be sure that there is an association, and more studies are needed

    Truthful Matching with Online Items and Offline Agents

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    We study truthful mechanisms for welfare maximization in online bipartite matching. In our (multiparameter) setting, every buyer is associated with a (possibly private) desired set of items, and has a private value for being assigned an item in her desired set. Unlike most online matching settings, where agents arrive online, in our setting the items arrive online in an adversarial order while the buyers are present for the entire duration of the process. This poses a significant challenge to the design of truthful mechanisms, due to the ability of buyers to strategize over future rounds. We provide an almost full picture of the competitive ratios in different scenarios, including myopic vs. non-myopic agents, tardy vs. prompt payments, and private vs. public desired sets. Among other results, we identify the frontier up to which the celebrated e/(e − 1) competitive ratio for the vertex-weighted online matching of Karp, Vazirani and Vazirani extends to truthful agents and online items.</p

    Técnicas de levantamento e monitoração de populações de carnívoros

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    Diferentes técnicas vêm sendo utilizadas em levantamentos de carnívoros, e o principal fator que influencia as estimativas é a detectabilidade. Raramente todos os animais presentes em uma dada área são detectados num levantamento, e a maioria das estimativas são baseadas em contagens incompletas. Por outro lado, nem sempre se faz necessário a obtenção de estimativas de abundãncia absoluta ou de densidade absoluta, e um índice de abundância pode ser o suficiente para, por exemplo, avaliar as tendências da população. Índices de abundância precisam ter uma forte correlação com a abundância absoluta ou com a densidade, para que sejam úteis. Índices podem ser obtidos de contagens incompletas, em relação ao esforço empregado, usando sinais da presença de animais, fotografia remota e outras técnicas. Métodos para estimar a densidade ou abundância absoluta podem ser divididos em diretas e indiretas.bitstream/CPAP/55978/1/DOC73.pdfFormato Eletrônic

    Probabilistic approaches for assessing rainfall thresholds triggering shallow landslides. The study case of the peri-vesuvian area (Southern Italy)

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    Ash-fall pyroclastic soil deposits covering steep carbonate slopes in the peri-Vesuvian area (southern Italy) are periodically involved in shallow landslides (about 700 events were recorded during the last three centuries, as reported by CASCINI et alii, 2008), triggered by intense and/or prolonged rainfall events, which evolve as catastrophic debris flows. In the last decades, many studies have been focused on estimating reliable relationships among the triggering of shallow landslides and the amount and duration of rainfall events, as well as the role played by antecedent soil hydrological conditions. Results of these studies have been expected to give information on temporal hazard to landslide onset to be used for setting a reliable early warning system. In this paper we present probabilistic approaches to assess rainfall thresholds triggering shallow landslides by classical empirical methods and to manage the uncertainties related to biases of data. At this scope, rainfall events related to the occurrence of debris flows along slopes of the Sarno and Lattari Mountains, known from chronicles of the last century, were analyzed by means of the empirical models of Intensity-Duration (I-D) (CAINE, 1980) and rainfall recorded in the day of the landslide occurrence (P) vs the antecedent cumulated rainfall (Pa) (CROZIER &amp; EYLES, 1980). In order to limit and to assess uncertainties related to biases of rainfall data, a comparison with the regional probability model of high intensity rainfall, carried out in the framework of the VAPI Project (ROSSI &amp; VILLANI, 1994) has been carried out. Moreover, rainfall data were processed by a bivariate logistic regression model resulting in the assessment of probability to landslide triggering, given an assumed rainfall event. The I-D empirical rainfall thresholds obtained by Caine model (1980) were compared to rainfall thresholds estimated by deterministic approaches (DE VITA et alii, 2013; NAPOLITANO et alii, 2016) showing a good match