90 research outputs found

    Responsibility to the employees' health unavoidable in the creative and innovative design of office spaces

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    Office space should be designed to provide better productivity and creativity of employees, while preserving their health. Majority of the employees spend most of the day in the office. Workspaces greatly affect the psychological well-being and activities and abilities of employees. Health of employees, which directly affects productivity, is conditioned by the office type. The main objective of this paper is to show the influence of innovative office space design on the employees’ health and to highlight the harmful environmental factors that affect human health. The findings of this study show that office design is very vital in terms of causing or preventing physiological and psychological reactions. Functional features of various types of offices have a different effect on the employee’s ability to perform the personal control. In the case of different types of offices, there are different perceptions of stress in men and women. Some negative health outcomes, like stress, decreasing ability of personal control and TMD-related symptoms are considered

    Institutional Framework of Brownfield Regeneration in Serbia

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    The general objective of this study is to present the existing institutional framework of brownfield regeneration in Serbia. However, as the research proceeds on the assumption that successful brownfield regeneration requires the active cooperation of different sectors and disciplines, there are several specific research objectives. Firstly, it is important to elucidate the nature of cooperation between the sectors at the same level, but also between different levels of spatial development. Furthermore, it is interesting to examine if there are specific institutions solely responsible for brownfield regeneration. Thus, the focus of the analysis will be directed to the institutional representatives (at different levels of spatial development) − their roles, responsibilities and limitations regarding the problem of brownfield regeneration. Also, documents relating to brownfield regeneration − laws, strategies, plans, concepts and spatial development programmes will be clarified. Proposed analytical strategy will shed light on the degree of integration between different sectors, disciplines and institutions within the same organisational level, tending to determine the extent of the socalled horizontal collaboration. In addition, the analysis elucidates the vertical collaboration between relevant institutions at national, regional and local level. Furthermore, it provides insight into the position of expert agencies within a certain institutional context. Finally, the analysis clarifies the character (formal or informal) of institutional collaboration. Such an extensive analysis of existing institutional framework of brownfield regeneration in Serbia provides guidelines for its improvement in the context of smarth urban growth

    Mali restoran u centru Beograda: "BG Burger Bar"

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    Interior design of a small restaurant "BG Burger Bar" located in Belgrade centre, Kolarčeva Street No. 5 is presented in this paper. Following a brief discourse on fast food restaurant, "BG Burger Bar" (BBB) design is considered. BBB, fast food restaurant having usable area of 78 m2 and constructed in 2014, consists of a basement, ground floor and gallery. Adopted industrial style interior of BBB is realized using rough walls and metal elements. Construction of BBB is performed with quality, within budget, and on time. The presented interior architecture case of BBB shows that simple design can attract many visitors in a prestigious location of city centre

    Rural Revival Financing in Serbia: Kikinda Municipality Case Study

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    In Serbia, similar to other European countries, towns grow, while villages lose population and fertile land disappears. Identification of potential resources for rural revival financing represents a research challenge. The aim of this paper is to evaluate Kikinda municipal budget increase as potential financial resource for revival of villages around Kikinda. New communal company in Kikinda, formed recently by five old communal companies merging, not only provides good services, but also enlarges municipal budget. In this paper, following Serbia rural features review, Kikinda Town and surrounding villages are briefly described. Prosperous village of Mokrin, once train station for the Orient Express, is presented in more detail. Then Kikinda Municipality budget is analyzed. Conclusion is that if the municipal budget surplus exists, small farming holdings can be financially supported to start modern food production. In Kikinda Municipality case, however, existing budget surplus is not sufficient for generous financial support yet

    The idea of cognitive city - a challenge for new technology to promote health

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    New technologies offer us amazing opportunities for the progress of cognitive forms of learning, because they provide a virtual way of observation of the world around us. The concept of cognitive city, as an idea, enables to take advantage of new technologies and their availability in all spheres of society. Health promotion and disease prevention is possible to conduct through the enlightenment of children, youth and people. The program of prevention of human health should be presented in an interesting, user-friendly and modern way. In that sense, an option is as a separate subject or as part of some broader themes in the concept of cognitive cities. For the strategy and the concept of enlightenment, it is necessary to be adapted to the new trends of contemporary strategies of development of urban areas and updated according to the needs of target groups. In addition to providing information, tools are needed that would measure the interest of the people in the topics of health programs with the aim of achieving better results. This paper will indicate the possibilities offered by new technologies implemented as tools for health promotion and disease prevention in the idea of the concept of cognitive cities. The use of multimedia content with the help of new technologies implemented in the concept of cognitive cities can in plastic and entertaining way show the terms and conditions for the use of preventive measures, and why we use them

    Retrofitting of multi-family buildings towards healthier settlements

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    The subject of the paper is retrofitting of suburban multifamily buildings built in the late fifties and early sixties at Karaburma, Belgrade. According to the data collected by Serbia Statistical Office, about 55 percent of the existing housing units in Belgrade were built during the sixties and seventies and they were designed without consideration of energy demands and consumption. The same problem is present in the case of Karaburma settlement. Buildings were in poor condition until the retrofitting in 2009. The retrofitting was carried out on a significant number of buildings and still takes place in the settlement. The main retrofitting objectives are: the identification of housing typologies related to new user’s needs, the complying with new technical regulations in terms of energy efficiency and accessibility for disables. The retrofitting concept was aimed to improve living comfort, especially thermal comfort, in order to achieve energy savings and healthier environments. Solutions for the retrofitting are shown in the paper. The improvement of living comfort and building appearance was achieved by annex of attics, addition of balconies as new structures and organized closing (glazing) of balconies, as well as by laying of thermal insulation on the facade surface and it’s painting in different colors resulting in housing diversity. The benefits are in improving energy performances of the buildings and living conditions generally. The results show that significant energy savings and reduction of CO2 emissions can be obtained with different and simple retrofitting measures

    Дефинисање модела оцене исплативости планираних урбанистичких параметара стамбено-пословних зона Београда

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    Problem of non profitability realization of planned regulations occurs at residentialbusiness zones in Belgrade where approved urban plans are not in accordance with realestate market demands. Economic valuation of urban plan implementation is an assessment of investment in real estate. This dissertation investigates key aspects of property investment: structure, timeframe, critical path, costs and incomes. Urban parameters determine cash flow through the investment project phases. Profitability of cash flow is checked by static and dynamic methods. Results of checking confirm that urban parameters variation changes significantly the profitability of urban plan. The proposed model of profitability evaluation is defined on the basis of investment process. The model performance is examined on measuring subjects. The performed appraisals confirm that the model is applicable, as well at all levels, as for each particular case. Profitability evaluation model of urban parameters of residential-business zones in Belgrade is a system solution for checking planning decisions feasibility. The model can therefore be used as a tool for decision making in the planning process.Проблем недостатка исплативости реализације предлога планских интервенција се у стамбено-пословним зонама Београда јавља на локацијама где усвојени планови нису усклађени са потребама тржишта. Оцена исплативости инвестиције реализације предлога планских интервенција јесте оцена исплативости инвестиције у непокретност. У овој дисертацији истражују се кључни аспекти инвестиције у непокретност: структура, време реализације, критичан пут, трошкови и приходи. Урбанистички параметри одређују новчани ток кроз фазе инвестиционог пројекта. Исплативост новчаног тока проверава се статичким и динамичким методама. Резултати провере потврђују да промена урбанистичких параметара значајно мења степен исплативости предлога планских интервенција. Предложени модел оцене исплативости дефинисан је на основу тока инвестиционог процеса. Функционисање модела je проверено на мерним субјектима. Извршене провере потврђују да је модел применљив, како на свим нивоима, тако и за сваки појединачни случај. Модел оцене исплативости урбанистичких параметара стамбено-пословних зона Београда је системско решење за провере остварљивости планских одлука. Зато се модел може користити као алатка при одлучивању у процесу планирања

    Dataset on the energy performance of atrium type hotel buildings

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    The data presented in this article are related to the research article entitled "The Influence of Atrium on Energy Performance of Hotel Building" (Vujosevic and Krstic-Furundzic, 2017) [1], which describes the annual energy performance of atrium type hotel building in Belgrade climate conditions, with the objective to present the impact of the atrium on the hotel building's energy demands for space heating and cooling. This dataset is made publicly available to show energy performance of selected hotel design alternatives, in order to enable extended analyzes of these data for other researchers

    Economic aspect of solar thermal collectors integration into facade of multifamily housing

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    The subject of this research is the Life cycle costs analysis of the building in order to evaluate the economic efficiency and cost-effectiveness of investments in various variants of application of active solar systems in aim to achieve the reduction of energy consumption and environmental pollution. Different variants of solar thermal collector’s application to the existing prefabricated residential building in the settlement Konjarnik in Belgrade, Serbia, are considered from the economic point of view. Cost-effectiveness and feasibility of various scenarios of energy optimization achieved by application of solar thermal collectors into the building envelope are evaluated on the basis of final energy consumption (within the EU-ISO standards). The methodological approach involves the analysis of the costs of energy consumption for water heating, financial analysis of costs and savings over the life cycle of the existing building in case of solar thermal collectors’ application to the building envelope as well as a comparative analysis of achieved results. Criteria for the economic analysis include the amount of investment, energy costs and life cycle costs of the building. According to the adopted criteria, the most suitable models are selected. This methodological approach is generally applicable in the analysis of investments in improvement of building energy performances, while possible technical solutions and the resulting economic benefits must be carefully considered

    Prirodno osvetljenje u adaptiranim industrijskim objektima

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    This paper assesses the potential of historical industrial buildings to be reused as office spaces. Belgrade’s industrial heritage has been classified according to the criteria that influence visual comfort, including glazing area, floor depth, and orientation. Daylight performance of two representative buildings has been analyzed using daylight factor, point in time illuminance and spatial daylight autonomy. Potential improvement strategies that would not have a negative impact on the historical character of buildings have then been discussed. Further studies include increased internal surface reflectance and introduction of roof-lights. The impact of roof-lights on the annual cooling and heating load has been addressed in parallel. Since LEED is the dominant sustainability assessment tool in Serbia, preliminary compliance with LEED v4 Daylight credit has been assessed for all options. The methodology and findings can be applied to a wide range of industrial buildings in similar climatic conditions.U radu je analizirana prenamena industrijskih objekata izgrađenih pre Drugog svetskog rata u poslovne. Industrijsko nasleđe Beograda je klasifikovano prema kriterijuma koji utiču na vizuelni komfor, uključujući veličinu prozora, dubinu osnove i orijentaciju objekata. Količina prirodne svetlosti je analizirana korišćenjem faktora dnevne osvetljenosti (daylight factor), nivoa osvetljenosti (point in time illuminance) i prostorne autonomije dnevne svetlosti (spatial daylight autonomy). Nakon analiza, razmatrane su potencijalne strategije za unapređenje nivoa osvetljenosti koje ne bi imale negativan uticaj na istorijski karakter zgrada. Dalje analize uključuju povećanje vrednosti refleksije površina prostorije i uvođenje krovnih prozora. Uticaj krovnih prozora na godišnju potrebnu energiju za grejanje i hlađenje objekata je takođe razmatrano. LEED je dominantan program za sertifikaciju poslovnih zgrada u Srbiji. Stoga, rad uključuje preliminarane analize svih opcija za usklađenost sa zahtevima LEED v4 kredita “Prirodno osvetljenje”. Metodologija i zaključci ovog istraživanja mogu se primeniti na širok spektar industrijskih objekata u sličnim klimatskim uslovima