32 research outputs found

    Being Moved: Louis XIV’s Triumphant Tenderness and the Protestant Object

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    This essay examines the place of affect in Le Triomphe de la Religion, a text from 1687 that praises Louis XIV for the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes and the forced conversion of French Protestants. It explores the role of the material object in this text and contrasts it with seventeenth-century Protestant fears about the seductive power of Catholic objects. Drawing on the work of affect theory, it suggest how attention to the strange relation between emotion and the material object might better illuminate our sense of what it meant to be religiously different in absolutist France

    Dictionnaires, Encyclopédies, XVIIe, XVIIIe

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     « DICTIONAIRE UNIVERSEL, contenant generalement tous les Mots François tant vieux que modernes, & les Termes de toutes les Sciences Et Des Arts...Recueilli & compilé par feu Meffire Antoine Furetiere Abbé de Chalivoy, de l’Academie Françoife » [1690]« COMMUNAUTE. f.f. Societé d’hommes qui habitent en un même lieu. Quand les Edits parlent des Communautez, ils y comprennent les villes, bourgs, villages, Parroiffes, &c. Communauté, fe dit auffi des lieux pieux fondez pour entretenir & faire viv..

    Scarron's city romance made English.

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