11 research outputs found

    Măiestria de a trăi miracolul unei noi vieţi

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    Savant şi chirurg de vocaţie, deschizător de drumuri în chirurgie. Academicianul Gheorghe Ghidirim la cea de-a 70-ea aniversare

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    Cuvânt de deschidere

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    Problema sănătății și sanocreatologia

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    În articol sunt prezentate date privind amenințările existenței societății contemporane cauzate de starea alarmantă a sănătății populației: rata înaltă a morbidității și mortalității populației; întinerirea bolilor cronice; vectorul ascendent al morbidității bolilor noninvazive (cardiovasculare, oncologice, endocrine, mintale etc.); degradarea biologică precoce a speciei Homo sapiens; etc. Sunt aduse dovezi referitor la unica cale de soluționare a problemei sănătății prin crearea, menținerea și fortifi carea dirijată a sănătății – obiective primordiale ale direcției noi în biomedicină – sanocreatologia, precum și prezentate succint bazele științifi ce ale acesteia

    Insights on Monosaccharides and Bioethanol Production from Sweet Sorghum Stalks Using Dilute Acid Pretreatment

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    Sweet sorghum is a unique bioenergy crop that produces stalks with fermentable free sugars. The purpose of this study was to evaluate how the production of hemicellulosic saccharides and bioethanol from sweet sorghum stalks (SSS) can be influenced by a dilute sulfuric acid (H2SO4) pretreatment under different isothermal conditions. The bioethanol production from untreated SSS and pretreated solid phases was achieved through the Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (SSF) process. A good SSS fractionation and an extensive hemicellulose hydrolysis into soluble saccharides were obtained, the most abundant hemicellulose-derived compounds present in the pretreated liquid phase being monosaccharides, with up to 17.22 g/L of glucose and 16.64 g/L of xylose in the pretreatments performed with 3% and 1% H2SO4 for 30 min at 134 °C, respectively. The SSF process of untreated SSS allowed a maximum bioethanol concentration of 9.78 g/L, corresponding to a maximum glucan conversion into ethanol of 49.8%. Bioethanol production from untreated SSS led to a higher bioethanol concentration and conversion than in the case of using acid pretreated solid phases obtained under the most severe conditions (with 3% H2SO4 for 30, 60 and 120 min at 134 °C), suggesting that, in the case of this biomass naturally rich in soluble sugars, the acidic pretreatment could negatively influence the fermentative process

    Transport phenomena in La(2-x)Ba(x)CuO(y) epitaxial thin films

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    The (001) oriented thin films of La(2-x)Ba(x)CuO(4+d) on SrAlO4 substrates with barium composition x = 0 to 2 were grown by DC sputtering and characterized by X-ray diffraction and resistivity measurement. The films with oxygen composition d = 0 showed superconductivity for x between 0.055 and 0.30. For x = 0.15, the superconducting transition was maximized to 4.3 K. When the films had d > 0, Tc reached 47 K. These values are higher than those for bulk samples. The depression of T(c) around x = 0.125 is smaller than that for the bulk samples. The compressive strain expands the c-axis and suppresses formation of the low-temperature tetragonal phase. Both effects result in an increase in the bond length between Cu and the apical oxygen, which is responsible for the enhancement of T(c). The samples with lower residual resistivity show a higher T(c), so we suppose that the T(c) enhancement is caused by reduced antiferromagnetic spin fluctuation in the CuO2 planes due to the change in the Cu-O apical bond length.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe