7,372 research outputs found

    Acute pancreatitis after liver transplantation: incidence and contributing factors

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    In order to assess the incidence and possible predisposing and contributing factors in the development of acute pancreatitis after liver transplantation, we reviewed the medical records of all 1832 adult patients who underwent 2161 orthotopic liver transplantation (OLTx) procedures in our center between January 1987 and September 1992. Of these patients, 55 (3 % incidence) developed clinical pancreatitis and 247 (13.4 % incidence) developed hyperamylasemia (biochemical pancreatitis). Overall mortality in cases of clinical pancreatitis was 63.6 %. The mortality in cases of hyperamylasemia was similar to that found in the general liver transplant population (i. e., 23 %). A strong correlation was found between pancreatitis after liver transplantation and end-stage liver disease due to hepatitis B (30 % of the cases, P = 0.00001). Extensive surgical dissection around the pancreas (P < 0.05), the type of biliary reconstruction following liver transplantation (P < 0.05), and the number of liver grafts received by the same patient (P = 0.00001) appeared to be possible contributing factors as did the duration of venovenous bypass and the quantity of IV calcium chloride administered intraoperatively

    Quantum key distribution with delayed privacy amplification and its application to security proof of a two-way deterministic protocol

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    Privacy amplification (PA) is an essential post-processing step in quantum key distribution (QKD) for removing any information an eavesdropper may have on the final secret key. In this paper, we consider delaying PA of the final key after its use in one-time pad encryption and prove its security. We prove that the security and the key generation rate are not affected by delaying PA. Delaying PA has two applications: it serves as a tool for significantly simplifying the security proof of QKD with a two-way quantum channel, and also it is useful in QKD networks with trusted relays. To illustrate the power of the delayed PA idea, we use it to prove the security of a qubit-based two-way deterministic QKD protocol which uses four states and four encoding operations.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    A Moving Bump in a Continuous Manifold: A Comprehensive Study of the Tracking Dynamics of Continuous Attractor Neural Networks

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    Understanding how the dynamics of a neural network is shaped by the network structure, and consequently how the network structure facilitates the functions implemented by the neural system, is at the core of using mathematical models to elucidate brain functions. This study investigates the tracking dynamics of continuous attractor neural networks (CANNs). Due to the translational invariance of neuronal recurrent interactions, CANNs can hold a continuous family of stationary states. They form a continuous manifold in which the neural system is neutrally stable. We systematically explore how this property facilitates the tracking performance of a CANN, which is believed to have clear correspondence with brain functions. By using the wave functions of the quantum harmonic oscillator as the basis, we demonstrate how the dynamics of a CANN is decomposed into different motion modes, corresponding to distortions in the amplitude, position, width or skewness of the network state. We then develop a perturbative approach that utilizes the dominating movement of the network's stationary states in the state space. This method allows us to approximate the network dynamics up to an arbitrary accuracy depending on the order of perturbation used. We quantify the distortions of a Gaussian bump during tracking, and study their effects on the tracking performance. Results are obtained on the maximum speed for a moving stimulus to be trackable and the reaction time for the network to catch up with an abrupt change in the stimulus.Comment: 43 pages, 10 figure

    Dynamics of Neural Networks with Continuous Attractors

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    We investigate the dynamics of continuous attractor neural networks (CANNs). Due to the translational invariance of their neuronal interactions, CANNs can hold a continuous family of stationary states. We systematically explore how their neutral stability facilitates the tracking performance of a CANN, which is believed to have wide applications in brain functions. We develop a perturbative approach that utilizes the dominant movement of the network stationary states in the state space. We quantify the distortions of the bump shape during tracking, and study their effects on the tracking performance. Results are obtained on the maximum speed for a moving stimulus to be trackable, and the reaction time to catch up an abrupt change in stimulus.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures with 4 caption

    Security proof of a three-state quantum key distribution protocol without rotational symmetry

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    Standard security proofs of quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols often rely on symmetry arguments. In this paper, we prove the security of a three-state protocol that does not possess rotational symmetry. The three-state QKD protocol we consider involves three qubit states, where the first two states, |0_z> and |1_z>, can contribute to key generation and the third state, |+>=(|0_z>+|1_z>)/\sqrt{2}, is for channel estimation. This protocol has been proposed and implemented experimentally in some frequency-based QKD systems where the three states can be prepared easily. Thus, by founding on the security of this three-state protocol, we prove that these QKD schemes are, in fact, unconditionally secure against any attacks allowed by quantum mechanics. The main task in our proof is to upper bound the phase error rate of the qubits given the bit error rates observed. Unconditional security can then be proved not only for the ideal case of a single-photon source and perfect detectors, but also for the realistic case of a phase-randomized weak coherent light source and imperfect threshold detectors. Our result on the phase error rate upper bound is independent of the loss in the channel. Also, we compare the three-state protocol with the BB84 protocol. For the single-photon source case, our result proves that the BB84 protocol strictly tolerates a higher quantum bit error rate than the three-state protocol; while for the coherent-source case, the BB84 protocol achieves a higher key generation rate and secure distance than the three-state protocol when a decoy-state method is used.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 2 column

    Properties of Ridges in Elastic Membranes

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    When a thin elastic sheet is confined to a region much smaller than its size the morphology of the resulting crumpled membrane is a network of straight ridges or folds that meet at sharp vertices. A virial theorem predicts the ratio of the total bending and stretching energies of a ridge. Small strains and curvatures persist far away from the ridge. We discuss several kinds of perturbations that distinguish a ridge in a crumpled sheet from an isolated ridge studied earlier (A. E. Lobkovsky, Phys. Rev. E. 53 3750 (1996)). Linear response as well as buckling properties are investigated. We find that quite generally, the energy of a ridge can change by no more than a finite fraction before it buckles.Comment: 13 pages, RevTeX, acknowledgement adde


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    Recent studies suggested that tibial rotaion was not restored after single bundle anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. This study aimed to determine if excessive tibial rotation would be restored by anatomical double bundle ACL reconstruction. Ten male subjects with unilateral ACL injury were prospectively assessed with a high demanding task before and after ACL reconstruction. Knee kinematics during pivoting movement was measured by a motion analysis system. The tibial rotation was reduced in the reconstructed knee after ACL reconstruction than the deficient knee (

    Struggling and juggling: a comparison of assessment loads in research and teaching-intensive universities

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    In spite of the rising tide of metrics in UK higher education, there has been scant attention paid to assessment loads, when evidence demonstrates that heavy demands lead to surface learning. Our study seeks to redress the situation by defining assessment loads and comparing them across research-and teaching intensive universities. We clarify the concept of ‘assessment load’ in response to findings about high volumes of summative assessment on modular degrees. We define assessment load across whole undergraduate degrees, according to four measures: the volume of summative assessment; volume of formative assessment; proportion of examinations to coursework; number of different varieties of assessment. All four factors contribute to the weight of an assessment load, and influence students’ approaches to learning. Our research compares programme assessment data from 73 programmes in 14 UK universities, across two institutional categories. Research-intensives have higher summative assessment loads and a greater proportion of examinations; teaching-intensives have higher varieties of assessment. Formative assessment does not differ significantly across both university groups. These findings pose particular challenges for students in different parts of the sector. Our study questions the wisdom that ‘more’ is always better, proposing that lighter assessment loads may make room for ‘slow’ and deep learning
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