195 research outputs found

    Rifting and arc-related early Paleozoic volcanism along the North Gondwana margin: geochemical and geological evidence from Sardinia (Italy)

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    Three series of volcanic rocks accumulated during the Cambrian to Silurian in the metasediment-dominated Variscan basement of Sardinia. They provide a record of the changing geodynamic setting of the North Gondwana margin between Upper Cambrian and earliest Silurian. A continuous Upper Cambrian–Lower Ordovician succession of felsic submarine and subaerial rocks, dominantly transitional alkaline in character (ca. 492–480 Ma), is present throughout the Variscan nappes. Trace element data, together with Nd isotope data that point to a depleted mantle source, indicate an ensialic environment. A Middle Ordovician (ca. 465 Ma) calc-alkaline bimodal suite, restricted to the external Variscan nappes, overlies the Sardic Unconformity. Negative ϵNdi values (−3.03 to −5.75) indicate that the suite is a product of arc volcanism from a variably enriched mantle. A Late Ordovician–Early Silurian (ca. 440 Ma) volcano-sedimentary cycle consists of an alkalic mafic suite in a post-Caradocian transgressive sequence. Feeder dykes cut the pre-Sardic sequence. The alkali basalts are enriched in Nb-Ta and have Zr/Nb ratios in the range 4.20–30.90 (typical of a rift environment) and positive ϵNdi values that indicate a depleted mantle source. Trachyandesite lavas have trace element contents characteristic of within-plate basalt differentiates, with evidence of minor crustal contamination

    Mechanical influence of inherited folds in thrust development: A case study from the variscan fold-and-thrust belt in SW sardinia (Italy)

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    Fold-and-thrust belts have a high variability of structural styles, whose investigation provides continuous updates of the predictive models that try to better approximate the geometries recognized in the field. The majority of studies are focused on the geometry and development of folds and thrust surfaces and the amount of displacement, taking into account the role played by the involved stratigraphic succession assumed as a layer cake. We present a case study from the external zone of the Variscan fold-and-thrust belt in SW Sardinia, where it was possible to investigate the lateral and vertical variations of the mechanical properties of the involved succession, how they related to previous folding, control thrust geometry, and kinematics. In this case, the superposition of two fold systems acted as a buttress that induced extensive back-thrusting. We found that there is a close connection between the attitude of the bedding and the geometry of back thrust surfaces, shear strength during thrust propagation, and variation in the shortening amount, de-pending on which part of the folds were cut across. The folding-related mechanical anisotropy also seems to have induced a ductile deformation in the footwall of back-thrusts. Although the case study considers the development of back-thrust, the relations between thrust and not-layer cake geometries could also be applied to fore-thrust development

    MYflow - A simple computer program for rheological modelling of mylonites

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    In this study, we present a new Matlab-derived software, MYflow, developed to perform rheological modelling of high-strain rocks and mylonites. The software handles both monomineralic and compositionally heterogeneous rocks made of various proportions of the most common minerals such as quartz, feldspar, calcite, olivine, plagioclase, micas, pyroxene, amphibole and garnet. The rheology of composite mylonites is evaluated using a suite of mixing models combined with two complementary mechanical constraints derived from the assumption of either uniform stress or strain-rate. Various compositions can be used to run either 0th dimensional rheological models corresponding to classical strength profiles, or 2D maps showing the grain-scale spatial variability of stress and strain rate as a function of composition, grain size and effective deformation mechanism. The applicability of the code, along with its main functionalities, is demonstrated using a model of composite mylonite that reproduces the typical microstructure of rocks deformed in high-strain zones. The software is further benchmarked by modelling the grain-scale distribution of effective deformation mechanism, stress, and strain-rate of three natural mylonite developed under different pressure, temperature, and strain-rate conditions. The outcomes of our modelling approach are compared to the results obtained from classical paleopiezometry studies and evaluated in relation to the processes that yield to partitioning of stress and strain rate in shear zones. Finally, we discuss the significance of mean stress and strain rate in mylonites addressing the applicability of recrystallized grain-size paleopiezometry

    Tracing the boundaries of Cenozoic volcanic edifices from Sardinia (Italy): a geomorphometric contribution

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    Unequivocal delimitation of landforms is an important issue for different purposes, from sciencedriven morphometric analysis to legal issues related to land conservation. This study is aimed at giving a new contribution to the morphometric approach for the delineation of the boundaries of volcanic edifices, applied to 13 monogenetic volcanoes (scoria cones) related to the Pliocene–Pleistocene volcanic cycle in Sardinia (Italy). External boundary delimitation of the edifices is discussed based on an integrated methodology using automatic elaboration of digital elevation models together with geomorphological and geological observations. Different elaborations of surface slope and profile curvature have been proposed and discussed; among them, two algorithms based on simple mathematical functions combining slope and profile curvature well fit the requirements of this study. One of theses algorithms is a modification of a function introduced by Grosse et al. (2011), which better performs for recognizing and tracing the boundary between the volcanic scoria cone and its basement. Although the geological constraints still drive the final decision, the proposed method improves the existing tools for a semi-automatic tracing of the boundaries

    Ordovician tectonics of the South European Variscan Realm: new insights from Sardinia

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    Although much is known about the Ordovician tectonics of the South European Variscides, aspects of their geodynamic evolution and palaeogeographic reconstruction remain uncertain. In Sardinia, Variscan tectonic units include significant vestiges of Ordovician evolution, such as a fold system that affected only the Cambrian-Lower Ordovician successions, and are cut by a regional angular unconformity. A comparison of the stratigraphy and tectonic structures of the successions below and above the Lower Ordovician unconformity and a reinterpretation of biostratigraphic data allow us to identify significant differences between the stacked tectonic units. The unconformity is sealed as follows: (i) in the Sulcis-Iglesiente Unit (Variscan External Zone, SW Sardinia) by Middle-Upper Ordovician continental and tidal deposits; and (ii) in the Sarrabus and Gerrei units (part of the Variscan Nappe Zone, SE Sardinia) by Middle-Upper Ordovician calc-alkaline volcanic rocks. Therefore, at the same time, one tectonic unit was situated close to a rifting setting and the others were involved in a convergent margin. Of note are the different durations associated with the unconformities in the tectonic units (17 Myr in the Sulcis-Iglesiente Unit, 6 Myr in the Sarrabus and Gerrei units) and the occurrence (or absence) of glacio-marine deposits indicating that the units were located at different palaeo-latitudes during the Ordovician. These results suggest that the SW and SE Sardinia blocks did not share the same geodynamic setting during the Ordovician, implying that they were situated in different palaeogeographic positions at this time and subsequently amalgamated during the Variscan Orogeny. Furthermore, stratigraphic and tectonic correlations with neighbouring areas, such as the eastern Pyrenees, imply alternative palaeogeographic reconstructions to those proposed previously for some peri-Mediterranean Variscan terranes

    An infrared thermography approach to evaluate the strength of a rock cliff

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    The mechanical strength is a fundamental characteristic of rock masses that can be empirically related to a number of properties and to the likelihood of instability phenomena. Direct field acquisition of mechanical information on tall cliffs, however, is challenging, particularly in coastal and alpine environments. Here, we propose a method to evaluate the compressive strength of rock blocks by monitoring their thermal behaviour over a 24-h period by infrared thermography. Using a drone-mounted thermal camera and a Schmidt (rebound) hammer, we surveyed granitoid and aphanitic blocks in a coastal cliff in south-east Sardinia, Italy. We observed a strong correlation between a simple cooling index, evaluated in the hours succeeding the temperature peak, and strength values estimated from rebound hammer test results. We also noticed different heatingcooling patterns in relation to the nature and structure of the rock blocks and to the size of the fractures. Although further validation is warranted in different morpho-lithological settings, we believe the proposed method may prove a valid tool for the characterisation of non-directly accessible rock faces, and may serve as a basis for the formulation, calibration, and validation of thermo-hydro-mechanical constitutive models
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