59 research outputs found

    Verification of scenario for substorm ignition in the M-I coupling region

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第35回極域宙空圏シンポジウム 11月16日(水) 統計数理研究所 セミナー室

    LF radio observation of storm-time energetic electron precipitation observed in the auroral and sub-auroral regions

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    第3回極域科学シンポジウム/第36回極域宙空圏シンポジウム 11月26日(月)、27日(火) 国立極地研究所 2階ラウン

    Latitudinal dependence of ground VLF transmitter wave power in the inner magnetosphere

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    In this study, we use approximately 3 years of observations from the Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG/Arase) satellite to statistically study the meridional distribution of wave power from very-low-frequency (VLF) ground transmitters in the inner magnetosphere and analyze the corresponding latitudinal dependence. The results show that the mean intensity of NWC transmitter signals decreases as the transmitter emission propagates from the southern latitude (∼—30°) region to the equator in the inner magnetosphere and then increases as the emission propagates to the northern latitude (∼30°) region again. Similar latitudinal dependence can be found from the Van Allen Probes’ observation with a narrower latitude range (∼−20° to 0°). A ray-tracing simulation of the transmitter emission propagation is performed and reproduces a meridional wave power distribution similar to the observation. Similar latitudinal dependence can also be found for NAA, NLK and NLM transmitters

    Spectral riometer observation of atmospheric iononization due to energetic electron precipitation

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    The Tenth Symposium on Polar Science/Special session: [S] Future plan of Antarctic research: Towards phase X of the Japanese Antarctic Research Project (2022-2028) and beyond, Tue. 3 Dec. / Entrance Hall (1st floor) at National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR

    The Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) on board the Arase (ERG) satellite

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    The Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) project aims to study acceleration and loss mechanisms of relativistic electrons around the Earth. The Arase (ERG) satellite was launched on December 20, 2016, to explore in the heart of the Earth’s radiation belt. In the present paper, we introduce the specifications of the Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) on board the Arase satellite. In the inner magnetosphere, plasma waves, such as the whistler-mode chorus, electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave, and magnetosonic wave, are expected to interact with particles over a wide energy range and contribute to high-energy particle loss and/or acceleration processes. Thermal plasma density is another key parameter because it controls the dispersion relation of plasma waves, which affects wave–particle interaction conditions and wave propagation characteristics. The DC electric field also plays an important role in controlling the global dynamics of the inner magnetosphere. The PWE, which consists of an orthogonal electric field sensor (WPT; wire probe antenna), a triaxial magnetic sensor (MSC; magnetic search coil), and receivers named electric field detector (EFD), waveform capture and onboard frequency analyzer (WFC/OFA), and high-frequency analyzer (HFA), was developed to measure the DC electric field and plasma waves in the inner magnetosphere. Using these sensors and receivers, the PWE covers a wide frequency range from DC to 10 MHz for electric fields and from a few Hz to 100 kHz for magnetic fields. We produce continuous ELF/VLF/HF range wave spectra and ELF range waveforms for 24 h each day. We also produce spectral matrices as continuous data for wave direction finding. In addition, we intermittently produce two types of waveform burst data, “chorus burst” and “EMIC burst.” We also input raw waveform data into the software-type wave–particle interaction analyzer (S-WPIA), which derives direct correlation between waves and particles. Finally, we introduce our PWE observation strategy and provide some initial results

    Interhemispheric ionosphere-plasmasphere system shows a high sensitivity to the exospheric neutral hydrogen density: a caution of the global reference atmospheric model hydrogen density

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    This study explores the impact of the exosphere hydrogen (H) density on the ionosphere-plasmasphere system using a model whose key inputs are constrained by ionosphere observations at both ends of the magnetic field line with an L-value of 1.75 in the American longitudinal sector during a period with low solar and magnetic activities. This study is the first to be validated by ground-based and satellite data in the plasmasphere and both hemispheres. The main finding is that the entire ionosphere-plasmasphere system is very sensitive to the neutral hydrogen density in the lower exosphere. It was found that an increase in the H density by a factor of 2.75 from the commonly accepted values was necessary to bring the simulated plasma density into satisfactory agreement with Arase satellite measurements in the plasmasphere and also with DMSP satellite measurements in the topside ionospheres of the northern and southern hemispheres. A factor of 2.75 increase in the H density increases the simulated plasma density in the afternoon plasmasphere up to ∼80% and in the nighttime topside ionosphere up to ∼100%. These results indicate prominently that using the commonly accepted empirical model of the H density causes unacceptable errors in the simulated plasma density of the near-Earth plasma shells. We alert the space science community of this problem

    Magnetic field and energetic particle flux oscillations and high- frequency waves deep in the inner magnetosphere during substorm dipolarization: ERG observations

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    Using Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG or Arase) spacecraft data, we studied low-frequency magnetic field and energetic particle flux oscillations and high-frequency waves deep in the inner magnetosphere at a radial distance of ~4–5 during substorm dipolarization. The magnetic field oscillated alternately between dipole-like and taillike configuration at a period of 1 min during dipolarization. When the magnetic field was dipole-like, the parallel magnetic component of the Pi2 waves was at trough. Both energetic ion and electron fluxes with a few to tens of kiloelectronvolts enhanced out of phase, indicating that magnetosonic waves were in slow mode. Field-aligned currents also oscillated. These observations are consistent with signatures of ballooning instability. In addition, we found that broadband waves from the Pi1 range to above the electron cyclotron frequency tended to appear intermittently in the central plasma sheet near dipole-like configuration