654 research outputs found

    The Cordilleran Ice Sheet and the Glacial Geomorphology of Southern and Central British Colombia

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    This paper reviews the current state of knowledge about the Cordilleran Ice Sheet in southern and central British Columbia. Reconstructions of the ice sheet and the styles of ice expansion and déglaciation are based on extensive and varied glacigenic sediments and landforms that date from Late Wisconsinan (Fraser) Glaciation. Late-glacial lakes and sea level changes are also described and related to isostatic and eustatic effects. The timing of ice expansion and recession during Fraser Glaciation was markedly asymmetric: ice build-up commenced about 29 000 years BP, culminated between 14 500 and 14 000 years BP1 and déglaciation was largely completed by 11 500 years BP. Most of this interval appears to have been dominated by montane glaciation, which produced striking erosional landforms. A Cordilleran Ice Sheet existed from only about 19 000 to 13 500 years BP. An older glaciation, probably of Early Wisconsinan age, has been recognized from widespread exposures of drift that underlies Middle Wisconsinan non-glacial sediments. Pre-Wisconsinan drift is present near Vancouver. Drifts of late Tertiary to Middle Pleistocene age have been dated by association with volcanic sequences in the southern Coast Mountains and the central Interior, and by paleomagnetic studies in the southern Interior.On résume ici l'état des connaissances sur l'Inlandsis de la Cordillère du sud et du centre de la Colombie-Britannique. Les reconstitutions de l'inlandsis et les modes d'englaciation et de déglaciation sont fondés sur les formes et les sédiments glaciaires qui datent de la glaciation du Wisconsinien supérieur (Fraser). On décrit également les lacs tardiglaciaires et les changements du niveau marin en relation avec les conséquences sur les niveaux isostatique et eustatique. Les rythmes de la progression et du retrait glaciaire ont été tout à fait différents; la giaciation a commencé vers 29 000 BP, a connu son optimum entre 14 500 et 14 000 BP et la déglaciation était à toutes fins utiles terminée dès 11 500 BP. La plus grande partie de cette époque a été dominée par une glaciation de type alpin, qui a engendré des formes d'érosion remarquables. L'Inlandsis de la Cordillère n'a existé que de 19 000 à 13 500 BP. On a identifié une glaciation plus ancienne, probablement du Wisconsinien inférieur, à partir des affleurements répandus de dépôts glaciaires sous-jacents aux sédiments non glaciaires du Wisconsinien moyen. On a observé des dépôts glaciaires pré-wisconsiniens près de Vancouver. Les dépôts glaciaires datant du Tertiaire supérieur au Pleistocene moyen ont été datés par association aux séquences volcaniques du sud des montagnes Côtières et du centre de l'Intérieur et grâce à des études de paléomagnétisme menées dans le sud du système de l'Intérieur.Dieser Artikel gibt einen uberblick ûber den gegenwartigen Forschungsstand zur Kordilleren-Eisdecke im Sùden und im Zentrum von British Columbia. Die Rekonstruktionen der Eisdecke und der Art und Weise der Eisausdehnung und Enteisung stùtzen sich auf extensive und mannigfache glazigene Sedimente und Landformen, die aus der Spât-Wisconsin- (Fraser) Vereisung stammen. Spàtglaziale Seen und Meeresniveauwechsel werden auch beschrieben und in Beziehung zu isostatischen und eustatischen Auswirkungen gesetzt. Der zeitliche Ablauf der Eisausdehnung und des Eisrùckzugs wàhrend der Fraser-Vereisung war deutlich asymmetrisch : die Vereisung begann um etwa 29 000 Jahre v.u.Z., erreichte ihren Hôchststand zwischen 14 500 und 14 000 Jahren v.u.Z. und die Enteisung war weitgehend vollendet um 11 500 Jahre v.u.Z. Der grôfîte Tail dieses Zeitraums scheint von einer alpinen Vereisung beherrscht gewesen zu sein, welche eindrucksvolle Erosions-Landformen hervorbrachte. Eine Kordilleren-Eisdecke existierte nur von etwa 19 000 bis 13 500 Jahre v.u.Z. Eine altère Vereisung, môglicherweise aus dem frùhen Wisconsin konnte anhand ausgedehnter Anlagen von glazialen Ablagerungen, die sich unter nichtglazialen Sedimenten des mittleren Wiskonsin befinden, identifiziert werden. Abgelagerte Bildungen aus dem Spàttertiâr bis zum mittleren Pleistozân wurden in Verbindung mit vulkanischen Sequenzen in den Bergen der Sùdkùste und dem zentralen Landesinnern und mittels palàomagnetischen Studien im sûdlichen Landesinnern datiert

    Classical and quantum communication without a shared reference frame

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    We show that communication without a shared reference frame is possible using entangled states. Both classical and quantum information can be communicated with perfect fidelity without a shared reference frame at a rate that asymptotically approaches one classical bit or one encoded qubit per transmitted qubit. We present an optical scheme to communicate classical bits without a shared reference frame using entangled photon pairs and linear optical Bell state measurements.Comment: 4 pages, published versio

    Three Super-Earths Orbiting HD 7924

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    We report the discovery of two super-Earth mass planets orbiting the nearby K0.5 dwarf HD 7924 which was previously known to host one small planet. The new companions have masses of 7.9 and 6.4 M⊕_\oplus, and orbital periods of 15.3 and 24.5 days. We perform a joint analysis of high-precision radial velocity data from Keck/HIRES and the new Automated Planet Finder Telescope (APF) to robustly detect three total planets in the system. We refine the ephemeris of the previously known planet using five years of new Keck data and high-cadence observations over the last 1.3 years with the APF. With this new ephemeris, we show that a previous transit search for the inner-most planet would have covered 70% of the predicted ingress or egress times. Photometric data collected over the last eight years using the Automated Photometric Telescope shows no evidence for transits of any of the planets, which would be detectable if the planets transit and their compositions are hydrogen-dominated. We detect a long-period signal that we interpret as the stellar magnetic activity cycle since it is strongly correlated with the Ca II H and K activity index. We also detect two additional short-period signals that we attribute to rotationally-modulated starspots and a one month alias. The high-cadence APF data help to distinguish between the true orbital periods and aliases caused by the window function of the Keck data. The planets orbiting HD 7924 are a local example of the compact, multi-planet systems that the Kepler Mission found in great abundance.Comment: Accepted to ApJ on 4/7/201

    Random subspaces for encryption based on a private shared Cartesian frame

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    A private shared Cartesian frame is a novel form of private shared correlation that allows for both private classical and quantum communication. Cryptography using a private shared Cartesian frame has the remarkable property that asymptotically, if perfect privacy is demanded, the private classical capacity is three times the private quantum capacity. We demonstrate that if the requirement for perfect privacy is relaxed, then it is possible to use the properties of random subspaces to nearly triple the private quantum capacity, almost closing the gap between the private classical and quantum capacities.Comment: 9 pages, published versio

    Frequency and number of ultrasound lung rockets ( B-lines ) using a regionally based lung ultrasound examination named Vet BLUE ( veterinary bedside lung ultrasound exsam ) in dogs with radiographicallynormal lung findings

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    Lung ultrasound is superior to lung auscultation and supine chest radiography for many respiratory conditions in human patients. Ultrasound diagnoses are based on easily learned patterns of sonographic findings and artifacts in standardized images. By applying the wet lung (ultrasound lung rockets or B-lines, representing interstitial edema) versus dry lung (A-lines with a glide sign) concept many respiratory conditions can be diagnosed or excluded. The ultrasound probe can be used as a visual stethoscope for the evaluation of human lungs because dry artifacts (A-lines with a glide sign) predominate over wet artifacts (ultrasound lung rockets or B-lines). However, the frequency and number of wet lung ultrasound artifacts in dogs with radiographically normal lungs is unknown. Thus, the primary objective was to determine the baseline frequency and number of ultrasound lung rockets in dogs without clinical signs of respiratory disease and with radiographically normal lung findings using an 8-view novel regionally based lung ultrasound examination called Vet BLUE. Frequency of ultrasound lung rockets were statistically compared based on signalment, body condition score, investigator, and reasons for radiography. Ten left-sided heart failure dogs were similarly enrolled. Overall frequency of ultrasound lung rockets was 11% (95% confidence interval, 6–19%) in dogs without respiratory disease versus 100% (95% confidence interval, 74–100%) in those with left-sided heart failure. The low frequency and number of ultrasound lung rockets observed in dogs without respiratory disease and with radiographically normal lungs suggests that Vet BLUE will be clinically useful for the identification of canine respiratory conditions.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1740-8261hb201
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