5,640 research outputs found

    Renormalization of transition matrix elements of particle number operators due to strong electron correlation

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    Renormalization of non-magnetic and magnetic impurities due to electron double occupancy prohibition is derived analytically by an improved Gutzwiller approximation. Non-magnetic impurities are effectively weakened by the same renormalization factor as that for the hopping amplitude, whereas magnetic impurities are strengthened by the square root of the spin-exchange renormalization factor, in contrast to results by the conventional Gutzwiller approximation. We demonstrate it by showing that transition matrix elements of number operators between assumed excited states and between an assumed ground state and excited states are renormalized differently than diagonal matrix elements. Deviation from such simple renormalization with a factor is also discussed. In addition, as related calculation, we correct an error in treatment of renormalization of charge interaction in the literature. Namely, terms from the second order of the transition matrix elements are strongly suppressed. Since all these results do not depend on the signs of impurity potential or charge interaction parameter, they are valid both in attractive and repulsive cases.Comment: 12 page

    Isentropic thermodynamics in the PNJL model

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    We discuss the isentropic trajectories on the QCD phase diagram in the temperature and the quark chemical potential plane using the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model with the Polyakov loop coupling (PNJL model). We impose a constraint on the strange quark chemical potential so that the strange quark density is zero, which is the case in the ultra relativistic heavy-ion collisions. We compare our numerical results with the truncated estimates by the Taylor expansion in terms of the chemical potential to quantify the reliability of the expansion used in the lattice QCD simulation. We finally discuss the strange quark chemical potential induced by the strangeness neutrality condition and relate it to the ratio of the Polyakov loop and the anti-Polyakov loop.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Mechanics of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface of a jet

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    We report the results of an experimental investigation of the mechanics and transport processes at the bounding interface between the turbulent and nonturbulent regions of flow in a turbulent jet, which shows the existence of a finite jump in the tangential velocity at the interface. This is associated with small-scale eddying motion at the outward propagating interface (nibbling) by which irrotational fluid becomes turbulent, and this implies that large-scale engulfment is not the dominant entrainment process. Interpretation of the jump as a singular structure yields an essential and significant contribution to the mean shear in the jet mixing region. Finally, our observations provide a justification for Prandtl’s original hypothesis of a constant eddy viscosity in the nonturbulent outer jet region

    Hybrid stars in the light of the massive pulsar PSR J1614-2230

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    We perform a systematic study of hybrid star configurations using several parametrizations of a relativistic mean-field hadronic EoS and the NJL model for three-flavor quark matter. For the hadronic phase we use the stiff GM1 and TM1 parametrizations, as well as the very stiff NL3 model. In the NJL Lagrangian we include scalar, vector and 't Hooft interactions. The vector coupling constant gvg_v is treated as a free parameter. We also consider that there is a split between the deconfinement and the chiral phase transitions which is controlled by changing the conventional value of the vacuum pressure Ω0- \Omega_0 in the NJL thermodynamic potential by (Ω0+δΩ0)- (\Omega_0 + \delta \Omega_0), being δΩ0\delta \Omega_0 a free parameter. We find that, as we increase the value of δΩ0\delta \Omega_0, hybrid stars have a larger maximum mass but are less stable, i.e. hybrid configurations are stable within a smaller range of central densities. For large enough δΩ0\delta \Omega_0, stable hybrid configurations are not possible at all. The effect of increasing the coupling constant gvg_v is very similar. We show that stable hybrid configurations with a maximum mass larger than the observed mass of the pulsar PSR J1614-2230 are possible for a large region of the parameter space of gvg_v and δΩ0\delta \Omega_0 provided the hadronic equation of state contains nucleons only. When the baryon octet is included in the hadronic phase, only a very small region of the parameter space allows to explain the mass of PSR J1614-2230. We compare our results with previous calculations of hybrid stars within the NJL model. We show that it is possible to obtain stable hybrid configurations also in the case δΩ0=0\delta \Omega_0=0 that corresponds to the conventional NJL model for which the pressure and density vanish at zero temperature and chemical potential.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures; typos in Table 1 have been correcte

    Color superconducting matter in a magnetic field

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    We investigate the effect of a magnetic field on cold dense three-flavor quark matter using an effective model with four-Fermi interactions with electric and color neutrality taken into account. The gap parameters Delta_1, Delta_2, and Delta_3 representing respectively the predominant pairing between down and strange (d-s) quarks, strange and up (s-u) quarks, and up and down (u-d) quarks, show the de Haas-van Alphen effect, i.e. oscillatory behavior as a function of the modified magnetic field B that can penetrate the color superconducting medium. Without applying electric and color neutrality we find Delta_2 \approx Delta_3 >> Delta_1 for 2 e B / mu_q^2, where e is the modified electromagnetic coupling constant and mu_q is one third of the baryon chemical potential. Because the average Fermi surface for each pairing is affected by taking into account neutrality, the gap structure changes drastically in this case; we find Delta_1 >> Delta_2 \approx Delta_3 for 2 e B > mu_q^2. We point out that the magnetic fields as strong as presumably existing inside magnetars might induce significant deviations from the gap structure Delta_1 \approx Delta_2 \approx Delta_3 at zero magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Effective Model Approach to the Dense State of QCD Matter

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    The first-principle approach to the dense state of QCD matter, i.e. the lattice-QCD simulation at finite baryon density, is not under theoretical control for the moment. The effective model study based on QCD symmetries is a practical alternative. However the model parameters that are fixed by hadronic properties in the vacuum may have unknown dependence on the baryon chemical potential. We propose a new prescription to constrain the effective model parameters by the matching condition with the thermal Statistical Model. In the transitional region where thermal quantities blow up in the Statistical Model, deconfined quarks and gluons should smoothly take over the relevant degrees of freedom from hadrons and resonances. We use the Polyakov-loop coupled Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model as an effective description in the quark side and show how the matching condition is satisfied by a simple ansatz on the Polyakov loop potential. Our results favor a phase diagram with the chiral phase transition located at slightly higher temperature than deconfinement which stays close to the chemical freeze-out points.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; Talk at International Workshop on High Density Nuclear Matter, Cape Town, South Africa, April 6-9, 201

    Views of the Chiral Magnetic Effect

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    My personal views of the Chiral Magnetic Effect are presented, which starts with a story about how we came up with the electric-current formula and continues to unsettled subtleties in the formula. There are desirable features in the formula of the Chiral Magnetic Effect but some considerations would lead us to even more questions than elucidations. The interpretation of the produced current is indeed very non-trivial and it involves a lot of confusions that have not been resolved.Comment: 19 pages, no figure; typos corrected, references significantly updated, to appear in Lect. Notes Phys. "Strongly interacting matter in magnetic fields" (Springer), edited by D. Kharzeev, K. Landsteiner, A. Schmitt, H.-U. Ye

    Are You Tampering With My Data?

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    We propose a novel approach towards adversarial attacks on neural networks (NN), focusing on tampering the data used for training instead of generating attacks on trained models. Our network-agnostic method creates a backdoor during training which can be exploited at test time to force a neural network to exhibit abnormal behaviour. We demonstrate on two widely used datasets (CIFAR-10 and SVHN) that a universal modification of just one pixel per image for all the images of a class in the training set is enough to corrupt the training procedure of several state-of-the-art deep neural networks causing the networks to misclassify any images to which the modification is applied. Our aim is to bring to the attention of the machine learning community, the possibility that even learning-based methods that are personally trained on public datasets can be subject to attacks by a skillful adversary.Comment: 18 page

    Light emission patterns from stadium-shaped semiconductor microcavity lasers

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    We study light emission patterns from stadium-shaped semiconductor (GaAs) microcavity lasers theoretically and experimentally. Performing systematic wave calculations for passive cavity modes, we demonstrate that the averaging by low-loss modes, such as those realized in multi-mode lasing, generates an emission pattern in good agreement with the ray model's prediction. In addition, we show that the dependence of experimental far-field emission patterns on the aspect ratio of the stadium cavity is well reproduced by the ray model.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Far-lateral transcondylar approach: surgical technique and its application in neurenteric cysts of the cervicomedullary junction

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    Journal ArticleNeurenteric cysts are rare benign lesions of the central nervous system that are lined by endodermal cell-derived epithelium. Although they occur mostly in the spine, they can occur intracranially, most often in the posterior fossa. Neurenteric cysts that are located in the anterior cervicomedullary junction are even rarer and often require a skull base approach for adequate resection. The authors describe two cases of neurenteric cysts arising from the cervicomedullary junction that were resected via a far-lateral transcondylar approach. They discuss the surgical approach and operative nuances involved in removing these lesions, and review the clinical presentation of neurenteric cysts in this region as well as the neuroimaging characteristics, histopathological findings, and surgical management. Intraoperative videos are presented