143 research outputs found

    Extracellular vesicles synchronize cellular phenotypes of differentiating cells

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    細胞外小胞が細胞の分化を同調させる現象の発見. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-10-01.Cells act in unison when next to each other. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-10-01.During embryonic development, cells differentiate in a coordinated manner, aligning their fate decisions and differentiation stages with those of surrounding cells. However, little is known about the mechanisms that regulate this synchrony. Here we show that cells in close proximity synchronize their differentiation stages and cellular phenotypes with each other via extracellular vesicle (EV)-mediated cellular communication. We previously established a mouse embryonic stem cell (ESC) line harbouring an inducible constitutively active protein kinase A (CA-PKA) gene and found that the ESCs rapidly differentiated into mesoderm after PKA activation. In the present study, we performed a co-culture of Control-ESCs and PKA-ESCs, finding that both ESC types rapidly differentiated in synchrony even when PKA was activated only in PKA-ESCs, a phenomenon we named ‘Phenotypic Synchrony of Cells (PSyC)’. We further demonstrated PSyC was mediated by EVs containing miR-132. PKA-ESC-derived EVs and miR-132-containing artificial nano-vesicles similarly enhanced mesoderm and cardiomyocyte differentiation in ESCs and ex vivo embryos, respectively. PSyC is a new form of cell-cell communication mediated by the EV regulation of neighbouring cells and could be broadly involved in tissue development and homeostasis

    GPI-anchored receptor clusters transiently recruit Lyn and Gα for temporary cluster immobilization and Lyn activation: single-molecule tracking study 1

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    The signaling mechanisms for glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored receptors (GPI-ARs) have been investigated by tracking single molecules in living cells. Upon the engagement or colloidal gold–induced cross-linking of CD59 (and other GPI-ARs) at physiological levels, CD59 clusters containing three to nine CD59 molecules were formed, and single molecules of Gαi2 or Lyn (GFP conjugates) exhibited the frequent but transient (133 and 200 ms, respectively) recruitment to CD59 clusters, via both protein–protein and lipid–lipid (raft) interactions. Each CD59 cluster undergoes alternating periods of actin-dependent temporary immobilization (0.57-s lifetime; stimulation-induced temporary arrest of lateral diffusion [STALL], inducing IP3 production) and slow diffusion (1.2 s). STALL of a CD59 cluster was induced right after the recruitment of Gαi2. Because both Gαi2 and Lyn are required for the STALL, and because Lyn is constitutively recruited to CD59 clusters, the STALL of CD59 clusters is likely induced by the Gαi2 binding to, and its subsequent activation of, Lyn within the same CD59 cluster

    Cholesterol- and actin-centered view of the plasma membrane: updating the Singer–Nicolson fluid mosaic model to commemorate its 50th anniversary

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    Two very polarized views exist for understanding the cellular plasma membrane (PM). For some, it is the simple fluid described by the original Singer–Nicolson fluid mosaic model. For others, due to the presence of thousands of molecular species that extensively interact with each other, the PM forms various clusters and domains that are constantly changing and therefore, no simple rules exist that can explain the structure and molecular dynamics of the PM. In this article, we propose that viewing the PM from its two predominant components, cholesterol and actin filaments, provides an excellent and transparent perspective of PM organization, dynamics, and mechanisms for its functions. We focus on the actin-induced membrane compartmentalization and lipid raft domains coexisting in the PM and how they interact with each other to perform PM functions. This view provides an important update of the fluid mosaic model

    Super-long single-molecule tracking reveals dynamic-anchorage-induced integrin function

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    Single-fluorescent-molecule imaging tracking (SMT) is becoming an important tool to study living cells. However, photobleaching and photoblinking (hereafter referred to as photobleaching/photoblinking) of the probe molecules strongly hamper SMT studies of living cells, making it difficult to observe in vivo molecular events and to evaluate their lifetimes (e.g., off rates). The methods used to suppress photobleaching/photoblinking in vitro are difficult to apply to living cells because of their toxicities. Here using 13 organic fluorophores we found that, by combining low concentrations of dissolved oxygen with a reducing-plus-oxidizing system, photobleaching/photoblinking could be strongly suppressed with only minor effects on cells, which enabled SMT for as long as 12,000 frames (~7 min at video rate, as compared to the general 10-s-order durations) with ~22-nm single-molecule localization precisions. SMT of integrins revealed that they underwent temporary (<80-s) immobilizations within the focal adhesion region, which were responsible for the mechanical linkage of the actin cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix

    Development of new ganglioside probes and unraveling of raft domain structure by single-molecule imaging

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    Gangliosides are involved in a variety of biological roles and are a component of lipid rafts found in cell plasma membranes (PMs). Gangliosides are especially abundant in neuronal PMs and are essential to their physiological functions. However, the dynamic behaviors of gangliosides have not been investigated in living cells due to a lack of fluorescent probes that behave like their parental molecules. We have recently developed, using an entirely chemical method, four new ganglioside probes (GM1, GM2, GM3, and GD1b) that act similarly to their parental molecules in terms of raft partitioning and binding affinity. Using single fluorescent-molecule imaging, we have found that ganglioside probes dynamically enter and leave rafts featuring CD59, a GPI-anchored protein. This occurs both before and after stimulation. The residency time of our ganglioside probes in rafts with CD59 oligomers was 48 ms, after stimulation. The residency times in CD59 homodimer and monomer rafts were 40 ms and 12 ms, respectively. In this review, we introduce an entirely chemical-based ganglioside analog synthesis method and describe its application in single-molecule imaging and for the study of the dynamic behavior of gangliosides in cell PMs. Finally, we discuss how raft domains are formed, both before and after receptor engagement. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Neuro-glycoscience, edited by Kenji Kadomatsu and Hiroshi Kitagawa

    The Class-A GPCR Dopamine D2 Receptor Forms Transient Dimers Stabilized by Agonists: Detection by Single-Molecule Tracking

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    Whether class-A G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) exist and work as monomers or dimers has drawn extensive attention. A class-A GPCR dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) is involved in many physiological and pathological processes and diseases, indicating its critical role in proper functioning of neuronal circuits. In particular, D2R homodimers might play key roles in schizophrenia development and amphetamine-induced psychosis. Here, using single-molecule imaging, we directly tracked single D2R molecules in the plasma membrane at a physiological temperature of 37 degrees C, and unequivocally determined that D2R forms transient dimers with a lifetime of 68 ms in its resting state. Agonist addition prolonged the dimer lifetime by a factor of ~1.5, suggesting the possibility that transient dimers might be involved in signaling

    Development of ultrafast camera-based single fluorescent-molecule imaging for cell biology

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    細胞膜上の分子がバレエの群舞のように見えてきた: 1蛍光分子の感度で、究極速度で撮像できるカメラを開発. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-06-06.The spatial resolution of fluorescence microscopy has recently been greatly enhanced. However, improvements in temporal resolution have been limited, despite their importance for examining living cells. Here, we developed an ultrafast camera system that enables the highest time resolutions in single fluorescent-molecule imaging to date, which were photon-limited by fluorophore photophysics: 33 and 100 µs with single-molecule localization precisions of 34 and 20 nm, respectively, for Cy3, the optimal fluorophore we identified. Using theoretical frameworks developed for the analysis of single-molecule trajectories in the plasma membrane (PM), this camera successfully detected fast hop diffusion of membrane molecules in the PM, previously detectable only in the apical PM using less preferable 40-nm gold probes, thus helping to elucidate the principles governing the PM organization and molecular dynamics. Furthermore, as described in the companion paper, this camera allows simultaneous data acquisitions for PALM/dSTORM at as fast as 1 kHz, with 29/19 nm localization precisions in the 640 × 640 pixel view-field

    Ultrafast single-molecule imaging reveals focal adhesion nano-architecture and molecular dynamics

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    細胞膜上の分子がバレエの群舞のように見えてきた: 1蛍光分子の感度で、究極速度で撮像できるカメラを開発. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-06-06.Using our newly developed ultrafast camera described in the companion paper, we reduced the data acquisition periods required for photoactivation/photoconversion localization microscopy (PALM, using mEos3.2) and direct stochastic reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM, using HMSiR) by a factor of ≈30 compared with standard methods, for much greater view-fields, with localization precisions of 29 and 19 nm, respectively, thus opening up previously inaccessible spatiotemporal scales to cell biology research. Simultaneous two-color PALM-dSTORM and PALM-ultrafast (10 kHz) single fluorescent-molecule imaging-tracking has been realized. They revealed the dynamic nanoorganization of the focal adhesion (FA), leading to the compartmentalized archipelago FA model, consisting of FA-protein islands with broad diversities in size (13–100 nm; mean island diameter ≈30 nm), protein copy numbers, compositions, and stoichiometries, which dot the partitioned fluid membrane (74-nm compartments in the FA vs. 109-nm compartments outside the FA). Integrins are recruited to these islands by hop diffusion. The FA-protein islands form loose ≈320 nm clusters and function as units for recruiting FA proteins

    High-speed single-molecule imaging reveals signal transduction by induced transbilayer raft phases

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    Using single-molecule imaging with enhanced time resolutions down to 5 ms, we found that CD59 cluster rafts and GM1 cluster rafts were stably induced in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane (PM), which triggered the activation of Lyn, H-Ras, and ERK and continually recruited Lyn and H-Ras right beneath them in the inner leaflet with dwell lifetimes <0.1 s. The detection was possible due to the enhanced time resolutions employed here. The recruitment depended on the PM cholesterol and saturated alkyl chains of Lyn and H-Ras, whereas it was blocked by the nonraftophilic transmembrane protein moiety and unsaturated alkyl chains linked to the inner-leaflet molecules. Because GM1 cluster rafts recruited Lyn and H-Ras as efficiently as CD59 cluster rafts, and because the protein moieties of Lyn and H-Ras were not required for the recruitment, we conclude that the transbilayer raft phases induced by the outer-leaflet stabilized rafts recruit lipid-anchored signaling molecules by lateral raft-lipid interactions and thus serve as a key signal transduction platform