36 research outputs found

    Influence of LINE-Assisted Provision of Information about Human Papillomavirus and Cervical Cancer Prevention on HPV Vaccine Intention: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    We conducted a prospective, randomized two-arm, parallel group, and open label trial to investigate whether the use of LINE would increase HPV vaccine intention among not completely vaccinated university students. In June 2020, we recruited students aged between 18 and 35 years from four universities in Japan. Among the 357 enrollees (female, 53%), 178 and 179 participants were randomized into the LINE and Mail groups, respectively. At baseline, within three years, vaccine intention was observed in 40% vs. 42% of participants, respectively. At the first intervention, which provided similar PDF leaflets about HPV vaccine and cervical cancer prevention, there was no significant difference in vaccine intention between the two groups. However, at the second intervention of LINE-assisted knowledge intervention for 5 days per week for 7 weeks, the LINE group had a higher proportion of vaccine intention than the no intervention group (66% vs. 44%, OR: 2.62, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.59-4.35) in per-protocol analysis. The significance remained in the intention-to-treat analysis of multiply imputed datasets. Although LINE did not directly increase HPV vaccine intention compared to conventional posts, the LINE-assisted provision of information was effective in improving HPV vaccine intention among Japanese university and college students

    Hand-assisted laparoscopic subtotal colectomy with cecorectal anastomosis for chronic idiopathic colonic pseudo-obstruction: report of a case

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    Chronic idiopathic colonic pseudo-obstruction (CICP) is characterized by the chronic disturbance of colonic motility without mechanical obstruction, any underlying disease or medication. Currently, there are no established medical treatments for CICP. A 62-year-old female who had undergone right hemicolectomy for splenic flexure syndrome caused by idiopathic megacolon was referred to our hospital with relapse, experiencing palpitation and abdominal fullness. She was diagnosed with CICP according to findings of marked dilation of the colon without mechanical obstruction, dilation of other parts of the gastrointestinal tract, or underlying disease. The dilated colon was surgically removed by hand-assisted laparoscopic subtotal colectomy, followed by cecorectal anastomosis. Histopathologically, there was no degeneration or lack of ganglion cells in Auerbach\u27s plexus. The patient has experienced no severe symptoms after undergoing the present operation

    The global financial crisis, state regime shifts, and urban theory

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    Financial crises, Japan’s state regime shift, and Tokyo’s urban policy

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    The 2008 global financial crisis, a major crisis in the history of capitalist development, has called for drastic state activism and market regulation and may lead to state regime shift in many parts of the world. Relying upon John Maynard Keynes’s crisis theory, that slumps were always possible in a market system left to itself, and that there was therefore a continuous role for government in ensuring that they did not happen, I look at the case of Japan’s state regime shift which two previous financial crises have enabled. I argue that the 1989 crisis catalyzed Japan’s developmental state’s transition to a new direction and the 2008 global crisis continued to push ongoing shift further. I focus on state and Tokyo’s urban policies which played a pivotal role in state regime shift, and assess why state and urban policies have failed to resolve Japan’s contribution to global imbalances and avoidance of further crises. I conclude that state and urban policy analysis in the past few decades cannot be dissociated from financial crises, and that Japan’s state regime shift is a crisis outcome rooted in Japan’s political economy—one of many variations of market economies in the postcrisis multilateral global order.


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