73 research outputs found

    A Scanning Electron Microscopy Study of Human Spleen: Relationship Between the Microcirculation and Functions

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    This paper reviews scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation of the circulatory system of the human spleen, based on our findings on freeze-cracked surfaces and vascular casts of the spleen. Central arteries ran straight in the white pulp without branching out follicular arteries and became penicillar arteries in the red pulp. Some penicillar arteries returned to the marginal zone. Some of their branches ended by opening there, whereas others passed through the marginal zone, entered the white pulp and became follicular arteries. Some of them took the shape of an arteriolar-capillary bundle . Most of the follicular capillaries ended opening into the marginal zone. The penicillar arteries usually ran straight or gently curved among the sinuses of the red pulp and opened into cordal spaces. Occasional arteries formed a labyrinthine structure of arterial channels which directly connected with thin sinuses. This study reveals that three different modes of arterial terminals are available in the human spleen: (1) arterial openings in the marginal zone which seem significant for presentation of antigens to the white pulp, (2) openings into the cords of Billroth which facilitate culling and pitting of blood cells, and (3) direct connections with sinuses (closed circulation) which account for the physiologically known quick blood flow through the spleen

    Distribution of local 137Cs anomalies on the seafloor near the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant

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    An estimated 3.5 ± 0.7 × 1015 Bq of 137Cs is thought to have been discharged into the ocean following the melt down at Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (F1NPP). While efforts have been made to monitor seafloor radiation levels, the sampling techniques used cannot capture the continuous distribution of radionuclides. In this work, we apply in situ measurement techniques using a towed gamma ray spectrometer to map the continuous distribution of 137Cs on the seafloor within 20 km of the F1NPP. The results reveal the existence of local 137Cs anomalies, with levels of 137Cs an order of magnitude higher than the surrounding seafloors. The sizes of the anomalies mapped in this work range from a few meters to a few hundreds of meters in length, and it is demonstrated that the distribution of these anomalies is strongly influenced by meter scale features of the terrain

    Morphological study on biologically distinct vpx/vpr mutants of HIV-2

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    We have previously shown that human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) without functional vpx and vpr genes is severely defective for viral growth in lymphocytic cells, and suggested that the virions produced in the absence of Vpx and Vpr are critically damaged. To examine the nature of replication-defect for the vpx/vpr double mutant, we quantitatively and morphologically studied the virions produced in cells transfected or infected with wild type clone, single (vpx and vpr mutants) or the double mutant. While no significant difference in virion production was found for various virus clones in transfected cells, a major growth retardation in infected cells was readily observed for the vpx and vpx/vpr mutants. In particular, no viral growth was detected for the double mutant. By contrast to the very distinct growth characteristics of the three mutant clones, no appreciable difference in virion morphology was noted. These results indicated that Vpx and Vpr of HIV-2 may cooperatively contribute to virion infectivity without affecting virion morphogenesis

    Generation and characterization of APOBEC3G-positive 293T cells for HIV-1 Vif study

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    We have established a number of 293T cell lines that express a human anti HIV-1 factor APOBEC3G. Out of seven cell clones examined, four were readily demonstrated to express APOBEC3G by immunoblotting analysis. In particular, two clones (A3G-C1 and -C4) were found to produce a much higher level of functional APOBEC3G relative to that by pooled cell clones. The transfection efficiency of all these cell clones were similar to that of the parental cells, producing a comparable level of virions upon transfection of wild type and vif -minus proviral DNA clones. Furthermore, the expression level of APOBEC3G in the best cell line (A3G-C1) was far much higher than those of an APOBEC3G-positive lymphocyte cell line and peripheral blood mononuclear cells. We finally monitored the incorporation of APOBEC3G into virions produced in A3G-C1. APOBEC3G was easily detected in progeny viral particles upon transfection of vif -minus proviral clone but not of wild type. These results indicated that our new A3G-C1 cell line is eminently useful for various studies on the interaction of human APOBEC3G and HIV-1 Vif

    Continuous Monitoring and Future Projection of Ocean Warming, Acidification, and Deoxygenation on the Subarctic Coast of Hokkaido, Japan

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    As the ocean absorbs excessive anthropogenic CO2 and ocean acidification proceeds, it is thought to be harder for marine calcifying organisms, such as shellfish, to form their skeletons and shells made of calcium carbonate. Recent studies have suggested that various marine organisms, both calcifiers and non-calcifiers, will be affected adversely by ocean warming and deoxygenation. However, regardless of their effects on calcifiers, the spatiotemporal variability of parameters affecting ocean acidification and deoxygenation has not been elucidated in the subarctic coasts of Japan. This study conducted the first continuous monitoring and future projection of physical and biogeochemical parameters of the subarctic coast of Hokkaido, Japan. Our results show that the seasonal change in biogeochemical parameters, with higher pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in winter than in summer, was primarily regulated by water temperature. The daily fluctuations, which were higher in the daytime than at night, were mainly affected by daytime photosynthesis by primary producers and respiration by marine organisms at night. Our projected results suggest that, without ambitious commitment to reducing CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions, such as by following the Paris Agreement, the impact of ocean warming and acidification on calcifiers along subarctic coasts will become serious, exceeding the critical level of high temperature for 3 months in summer and being close to the critical level of low saturation state of calcium carbonate for 2 months in mid-winter, respectively, by the end of this century. The impact of deoxygenation might often be prominent assuming that the daily fluctuation in DO concentration in the future is similar to that at present. The results also suggest the importance of adaptation strategies by local coastal industries, especially fisheries, such as modifying aquaculture styles

    児童家庭支援センターが対象とするケースと子ども虐待ケース支援の特徴に関する研究 : 全国児童家庭支援センターへの調査から

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    論文 児童家庭支援センターは児童相談所の補完的機能を果たす相談機関として、1997 年の児童福祉法の改正で設置された。 2015 年に全国104 センターに対し、①相談ケースのうちの要保護児童対策地域協議会への登録ケースの割合、②児童家庭支援センターによる児童虐待ケース支援の特徴、③市町村が対応しているケースや要保護児童対策地域協議会への支援の実際、等についてアンケート調査を行い、次の結果を得た。 (1)児童家庭支援センター設置運営要綱では、相談対象は「専門的知識及び技術を必要とするもの」とされている。それは、要保護児童対策地域協議会の管理ケースと重なっている。調査結果では、相談実績の中の要保護児童対策地域協議会の管理ケースが4.0% であったことは、相談活動が極めて不十分なものであることを示唆している。今後は、要保護・要支援児童への談を中心に据え、支援の質を高めることが必要である。 (2)児童家庭支援センターの児童虐待ケースへの支援には、①児童虐待の予防に視点をおいた支援の可能性がある、②支援の際の困難は、児童家庭支援センターの役割が不鮮明であること等にその要因がある、③児童相談所と市町村の間にあって、独自の役割・機能があること、などが分かった。 (3)市町村と共同して行う連携は進んでいるものの、市町村への技術的助言などの領域へ十分に入り込めていない。市町村への専門的支援ができるように力量を高める必要がある。 (4)児童相談所からの指導委託ケースで、要保護児童対策地域協議会の管理ケースとなっているのは半数にとどまり、課題となっている。 2016 年の改正児童福祉法の具体化により、児童家庭支援センターの存在意義が問われており、活動の質の担保と活動量の拡大が求められている