2,711 research outputs found

    Non-equilibrium transport through a vertical quantum dot in the absence of spin-flip energy relaxation

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    We investigate non-equilibrium transport in the absence of spin-flip energy relaxation in a few-electron quantum dot artificial atom. Novel non-equilibrium tunneling processes involving high-spin states which cannot be excited from the ground state because of spin-blockade, and other processes involving more than two charge states are observed. These processes cannot be explained by orthodox Coulomb blockade theory. The absence of effective spin relaxation induces considerable fluctuation of the spin, charge, and total energy of the quantum dot. Although these features are revealed clearly by pulse excitation measurements, they are also observed in conventional dc current characteristics of quantum dots.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.Let

    Transient current spectroscopy of a quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime

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    Transient current spectroscopy is proposed and demonstrated in order to investigate the energy relaxation inside a quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime. We employ a fast pulse signal to excite an AlGaAs/GaAs quantum dot to an excited state, and analyze the non-equilibrium transient current as a function of the pulse length. The amplitude and time-constant of the transient current are sensitive to the ground and excited spin states. We find that the spin relaxation time is longer than, at least, a few microsecond.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    The Psychophysics of Harmony Perception: Harmony is a Three-Tone Phenomenon

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    In line with musical “common sense” (but contrary to the century-old tradition of musical psychophysics), we show that harmony is an inherently three-tone phenomenon. Previous attempts at explaining the affective response to major/minor chords and resolved/unresolved chords on the basis of the summation of interval dissonance have been notably unsuccessful, but consideration of the relative size of the intervals contained in triads leads directly to solutions to these historical problems. At the heart of our model is Leonard Meyer’s idea from 1956 concerning “intervallic equidistance” – i.e., the perception of “tension” inherent to any three-tone combination that has two intervals of equivalent size (e.g., the augmented chord). By including the effects of the upper partials, a psychophysical explanation of the perceived sonority of the triads (major>minor>diminished>augmented) and the affective valence of major and minor chords is easily achieved. We conclude that the perceptual regularities of traditional diatonic harmony are neither due to the summation of interval effects nor simply arbitrary, learned cultural artifacts, but rather that harmony has a psychophysical basis dependent on three-tone combinations

    Many-body excitations in tunneling current spectra of a few-electron quantum dot

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    Inherent asymmetry in the tunneling barriers of few-electron quantum dots induces intrinsically different tunneling currents for forward and reverse source-drain biases in the non-linear transport regime. Here we show that in addition to spin selection rules, overlap matrix elements between many-body states are crucial for the correct description of tunneling transmission through quantum dots at large magnetic fields. Signatures of excited (N-1)-electron states in the transport process through the N-electron system are clearly identified in the measured transconductances. Our analysis clearly confirms the validity of single-electron quantum transport theory in quantum dots.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Allowed and forbidden transitions in artificial hydrogen and helium atoms

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    The strength of radiative transitions in atoms is governed by selection rules. Spectroscopic studies of allowed transitions in hydrogen and helium provided crucial evidence for the Bohr's model of an atom. Forbidden transitions, which are actually allowed by higher-order processes or other mechanisms, indicate how well the quantum numbers describe the system. We apply these tests to the quantum states in semiconductor quantum dots (QDs), which are regarded as artificial atoms. Electrons in a QD occupy quantized states in the same manner as electrons in real atoms. However, unlike real atoms, the confinement potential of the QD is anisotropic, and the electrons can easily couple with phonons of the material. Understanding the selection rules for such QDs is an important issue for the manipulation of quantum states. Here we investigate allowed and forbidden transitions for phonon emission in one- and two-electron QDs (artificial hydrogen and helium atoms) by electrical pump-and-probe experiments, and find that the total spin is an excellent quantum number in artificial atoms. This is attractive for potential applications to spin based information storage.Comment: slightly longer version of Nature 419, 278 (2002

    Why Not Study Polytonal Psychophysics?

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    The relative consonance/dissonance of 2-tone intervals is well understood both experimentally and theoretically and provides a strong foundation for explaining why diatonic scales or their subsets are used in most musical cultures. Frequent textbook assertions notwithstanding, however, the consonance of intervals fails to account for the basic facts of harmony (3 or more tone combinations). We have recently shown (Cook & Fujisawa, 2006) how consideration of 3-tone psychophysics can explain the fundamental regularities of diatonic harmony. Distinct from the dissonance of 2-tone intervals, 3-tone combinations introduce an effect described by Leonard Meyer (1956) as harmonic “tension”: when a third tone is located midway between an upper and a lower tone, the chord takes on an unresolved, unstable, tense character – a psychoacoustical property inherent to the diminished and augmented chords. If the effects of the upper partials are included in a formal model that includes both 2-tone and 3-tone effects, the perceived sonority of the triads (major>minor> diminished>augmented) is easily explained

    Superposition of photon- and phonon- assisted tunneling in coupled quantum dots

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    We report on electron transport through an artificial molecule formed by two tunnel coupled quantum dots, which are laterally confined in a two-dimensional electron system of an Alx_xGa1x_{1-x}As/GaAs heterostructure. Coherent molecular states in the coupled dots are probed by photon-assisted tunneling (PAT). Above 10 GHz, we observe clear PAT as a result of the resonance between the microwave photons and the molecular states. Below 8 GHz, a pronounced superposition of phonon- and photon-assisted tunneling is observed. Coherent superposition of molecular states persists under excitation of acoustic phonons.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Coherent manipulation of electronic states in a double quantum dot

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    We investigate coherent time-evolution of charge states (pseudo-spin qubit) in a semiconductor double quantum dot. This fully-tunable qubit is manipulated with a high-speed voltage pulse that controls the energy and decoherence of the system. Coherent oscillations of the qubit are observed for several combinations of many-body ground and excited states of the quantum dots. Possible decoherence mechanisms in the present device are also discussed.Comment: RevTe