8 research outputs found

    コトナル フタツ ノ セイソクイキ ニオケル ヤセイ ニホンザル ノ ナイブ キセイチュウ チョウサ

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    ニホンザルの内部寄生虫は、宿主であるニホンザル自体の疾病や死亡原因となるだけでなく、ヒト社会と生息域が重なることにより、公衆衛生上の問題として人獣共通感染症(zoonosis)の病原体ともなりうる。私たちは異なる生息地にすむ二つの野生ニホンザル群から糞を採取、分析、内部寄生虫保有率を比較した。調査対象は、人里に近い帝京科学大学に近接する山梨県大月市の野生ニホンザル群と、無人の宮城県金華山島の野生ニホンザル群である。大月群での内部寄生虫保有率は75%、金華山群では18,8%であり、主たる寄生虫は鞭虫(Trichuris sp.)であった。結果は、二つの群れの自然人為環境の違いが内部寄生虫保有率の違いに影響を与えていることを示唆する。Endoparasites in Japanese Macaques not only bring harm to their host, but also possibly become the pathogen of zoonosis, because the habitat areas of Japanese Macaques are often close to humans. We collected and examined the fecal sample of wild Japanese Macaques of two troops living in the different habitats, and compared the possession rate of endoparasites. One of the target troops was Kinkazan troop, ranging in the uninhabited Kinkazan island in Miyagi Prefecture, and another was Otsuki troop, ranging near to human habitat in Otsuki City, Yamanashi Prefecture, that is close to Teikyo University Science and Technology. Based on these samples, we performed the fetal examination of endoparasites. The possession rate of endoparasites was 75% in Otuki troop, and 18,8% in Kinkazan troop, and the main endoparasites was Trichuris sp.. The results suggest that the difference of the habitats of both troops influenced on the difference of the possession rate of endoparasites

    セキセイ インコ ノ ハッセイ コウドウ ニ オケル キソ ケンキュウ

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    Budgerigars use contact calls and warble-songs. Previous studies have found that they acquire these songs through vocallearning, but to date, there have been no long term experimental studies of their vocalizations or social interactions. Thepurpose of this study was to establish a basic understanding of budgerigar vocal ethnology. We recorded all sounds made byfour budgerigars (male=4, female=3) kept in separate cages in a same experimental box for fixed periods (12-h light/darkcycle). There was great diurnal variation in vocalizations, but the variation decreased from lights up to off and during thelights-off period. The variation in vocalizations was also positively related to changes in humidity. The frequency of soundsproduced by the group of males was higher than that of the group of males and females mixed together. The response rate forcontact call varied among individuals which suggests that hierarchy existed in vocal communication. However, the hierarchychanged depending on the membership in a group

    ネコ ノ スイブン セッシュリョウ ト ニョウリョウ ニョウ ヒジュウチ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

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    Domestic cats (Felissilvestriscatus ) are known to have lesser and hypertonic urine excretion(urine volume: 22–30 mL/kg per day; specific gravity: 1.015–1.050) than those of domestic dogs( Canislupus familiaris); urine volume: 24–40 mL/kg perday; specific gravity: 1.015–1.040). These have been implicated as factors for feline incidence of struviteurolithiasis and felinelower urinary tract disease, which are diseases that affect the bladder or urethra. We conducted comparative studies on therelationship between fluid intake and urine volume/urine specific gravity under 2 conditions—diet (condition A) comprising"dry food"( 5.6% moisture) and ad libitum drinking water and diet( condition B) comprising" wet food"( 74.8% moisture) andad libitum drinking water—in acclimated cats( n=7) kept separately in cat cages in an animal rearing room at 25°C. The perdiem water intake (apparent water intake) in condition A was on an average 66.9 ± 22.1(mL), while the totalfluid intake (absolute water intake), which is the sum of the amounts of water in the food and the water intake, was on anaverage68.2 ± 23.3(mL).Further, the average water intake under condition B was only 22.7 ± 20.13( mL), but the absolutewater intake was on average 95.6 ± 37.6( mL), meaning that wet food resulted in a higher absolute water intake amountthan dry food. Regarding the urine volume and the urine specific gravity, urine volume and urine specific gravity with the dry food diet(condition A) were 28.8 ± 11.8 (mL) and 1.049 ± 0.01, respectively, but the mean urine volume and urine specific gravityunder condition B were 49.5 ± 31.4(mL) and 1.030 ± 0.01, respectively, showing that compared to the dry food group, thewet food group had a significantly higher urine volume and lower urine specific gravity. The present study proves that in an average rearing environment, the urine volume does not increase and urine specificgravity is hypertonic when the cats are provided dry food diet, despite increase in the apparent water intake. Further, theurine volume increases and urine specific gravity decreases when the cats are provided wet food diet( canned or pouched),although the apparent water intake is low. The present study shows that differences in the diet are factors for the increasedincidence of struviteurolithiasis and FLUTD in cats

    Chorus-like synchronized vocalizations(Big Chorus) in budgerigars

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    A number of recent studies have reported how budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus ) are capable of mimicking variousbehaviors, and that individual vocalizations are strongly influenced by those of other conspecific birds in their vicinity. Weexamined this effect by placing four budgerigars in separate cages adjacent to each other, and then recording and analyzing allof their vocalizations over a two-week period. Time-based comparisons of the amount of time spent performing warble-songsover a 10 min period revealed a strong correlation between the duration of vocalization when all of the animals were males.However, no such correlation was observed when groups consisted of two males and two females. In the male-only group,whenever one male sang, the others would join in and singing would be synchronized. We repeatedly observed synchronizedvocalizations where all of the birds sang together in what could be described as a chorus. While we were unable todemonstrate the functional significance of this behavior, since budgerigars are flocking birds, these synchronized vocalizationswere not considered to function as territorial calls or for courtship

    イヌ ノ ヒマンド ハンテイ ニ オケル BCSホウ ト イヌヨウ タイシボウケイ ニ ヨル タイシボウリツ ソクテイ ノ ヒカク

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    Body condition score (BCS) is assigned on the 5-point scale which is based on visual inspectiion of dogs. This is one of the most common methods in veterinary clinical. Body fat percentage is obtained by bioelectric device (BID) to evaluate bioelectric impedance of body composition. To estimate the relationship between the body condition score and the body fat percentage, physical examination records for nineteen healthy family dogs kept by TUS students were conducted. . With simple regression analysis a significant relationship was found between BCS and body fat percentage (r=0.489,P<0.05). Both noninvasive methods of using the BCS and body fat percentage as measured by the BID were effective to determine obesity of dogs in the veterinary hospital. These procedures proved to be useful as clinical techniques that should be utilized by veterinary nurses

    イヌ ノ コウクウナイ エイセイ イジ ノタメノ コウカテキナ ハミガキ ホウホウ ノ ケンキュウ

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    In recent years, ongoing daily dental cleaning to domestic dogs has been clinically evaluated by veterinary clinicians to be effective in the prevention of periodontal diseases including zoonoses, especially in the aging dogs. In this study, in order to improve the canine oral hygiene, we have compared the various dental cleaning methods based on the number of bacteria on the teeth using dental care products for dogs which are commercially available. In addition, we have isolated zoonotic bacteria of Capnocytophaga spp and then examined changes in the number of the bacteria after the dental cleaning. Of the seven methods of dental cleaning (direct methods; n=4, indirect methods; n=3), all the direct dental cleaning methods achieved a high rate of bacterial reduction and appeared to be effective in the prevention of periodontal diseases in dogs. The present findings indicate that ongoing canine dental cleaning significantly reduces intraoral bacteria as well as dental plaques, thus reducing the risk of periodontal diseases