22 research outputs found

    The Influence of Limits to Growth and Global 2000 on U.S. Environmental Governance

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    This paper assesses the influence of two reports, “The Limits to Growth” and “The Global 2000 Report to the President—Entering the Twenty-First Century,” on environmental governance in the United States. Published in 1972 and 1980, respectively, both reports used different methodologies to project changes to the global environment, but reached similar conclusions: business-as-usual economic growth was unsustainable and would lead to the collapse Earth’s life-support systems in the 21st century. Relying on eight oral interviews conducted with experienced and influential persons from environmental NGOs, academia, and the U.S. government, supplemented by a systematic literature review, this analysis finds Limits and Global 2000 had a limited influence on U.S. environmental governance. The reports contributed to greater awareness of the need for sustainable growth, especially among environmentalists, the U.S. government, and the business community; introduced system dynamics and computer modeling to the environmental policymaking process; and directly catalyzed some policy development, particularly in the context of international environmental negotiations. Despite these achievements, Limits and Global 2000 could not catalyze movement toward sustainable development at sufficient scale. The reports’ recommendations were rebuffed by the hostile political agenda of the Reagan Administration, their proponents frustrated by policymaking tools ill-suited to long-term system-level decisionmaking, and their message subsumed by the drive for short-term economic growth. The reports’ projections remain largely valid, but decisionmakers have long dismissed them as irrelevant

    Pollution Risks Accompanied with Economic Integration of ASEAN Countries and the Fragmentation of Production Processes

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    Economic integration in the Southeast Asian region has been rapidly progressing resulting in an accelerating fragmentation of the production processes. Thai multinational corporations have moved factories over their national borders. Similar fragmentation arose along the US-Mexico border from the 1970s and resulted in serious industrial pollution in Mexico along the national border. This paper examines the risks of pollution accompanied with the fragmentation of the production processes. The current state of industrial areas in Cambodia and Myanmar, along the national border of Thailand, is analyzed in relation to Maquiladoras in Mexico and industrial areas in India. An international environmental agreement, similar to what was agreed upon between Mexico and the US, would seem to be the most effective way to prevent pollution

    Long-term outcome of islet transplantation on insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: An observational cohort study

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    Aims/Introduction: Among 619 patients diagnosed as insulin‐dependent diabetes mellitus or type 1 diabetes at Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, seven patients were selected as the ITx group and 26 age‐matched patients with no endogenous insulin secretion were selected as the MDI/CSII group. Hemoglobin A1c, aspartate aminotransferase/alanine aminotransferase (AST/ALT) and creatinine were assessed retrospectively at 1, 2, 5 and 10 years for both groups; serum C‐peptide immunoreactivity was assessed for the ITx group. Major clinical events were also assessed. Results: Hemoglobin A1c improvement in ITx was significant at 1 year (8.4% [7.8–9.9%] at baseline to 7.1% [6.3–7.4%] in ITx vs 8.2% [7.4–9.8%] at baseline to 8.1% [7.3–9.5%] in MDI/CSII, P < 0.01 between groups), and was maintained at 2 years (7.4% [6.3–8.2%] vs 8.4% [7.4–9.6%], P = 0.11). The increase of stimulated C‐peptide immunoreactivity was significant at 1 year (0.57 ng/mL [0.26–0.99 ng/mL], P < 0.05 from baseline) and 2 years (0.43 ng/mL [0.19–0.67 ng/mL], P < 0.05), although it became insignificant thereafter. There was no significant difference in AST/ALT or creatinine at 10 years, although a transient AST/ALT elevation was observed in ITx. In regard to clinical events, the occurrence of severe hypoglycemia was 14% vs 31% (relative risk 0.46, P = 0.64), that of infectious disease was 43% vs 12% (relative risk 3.71, P = 0.09) and digestive symptoms was 43% vs 7.7% (relative risk 5.57, P = 0.05) in ITx vs MDI/CSII, respectively. No patient died in either group. Conclusions: The present findings showed that ITx was considered to contribute to the reduction of hypoglycemia and better glycemic control with tolerable, but attention‐requiring, risks over a period of 10 years compared with MDI/CSII

    A unique profile of insulin antibody titer in islet‐transplanted patients

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    Insulin antibodies (IAs) can cause glycemic variability. Islet transplantation (ITx) is a treatment for insulin-deficient diabetes that aims to establish on-target glycemic control in the absence of hypoglycemia. To date, there has not been a detailed case study of the association between ITx and IA levels. In this study, we identified a unique profile of IA titers, which differed from glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody titers, in four ITx patients. IA levels decreased with intensified immunosuppressive therapy, whereas glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies increased transiently after ITx. These data suggest the possibility that IAs, unlike other islet autoantibodies, were eliminated due to immunosuppression after transplantation therapy. The disappearance of IAs, as well as the restoration of regulated insulin secretion after ITx, might have a positive effect on glycemic control in recipients with diabetes. Furthermore, this unique feature is suggestive of immunological pathogenesis and has implications for the treatment of IA-causing disease conditions

    Reduced glycemic variability and flexible graft function after islet transplantation: A case report

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    To date, studies of patients with islet transplantation addressing intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring profile and the flexibility of the graft islet function under different doses of insulin administration, both of which reflect the real daily life of patients, are quite limited. Here, we report a case of a 46‐year‐old woman who received islet transplantation after kidney transplantation. The patient was followed up over a period of 2 years after initial islet transplantation. Our results show that intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring can be useful for monitoring the reduction of glycemic variability, and suggest the appropriate regulation of insulin secretion from graft islets during mixed‐meal test by using different doses of exogenous insulin administration. Additionally, during the 2‐year observational period, glucagon elevation was detected only at hypoglycemia, whereas the level was within the normal range at normoglycemia or hyperglycemia

    Elucidation of HHEX in pancreatic endoderm differentiation using a human iPSC differentiation model

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    ヒトiPS細胞分化モデルを用いた膵内胚葉分化におけるHHEXの役割の解明. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-06-09.Identification of HHEX as a crucial factor in pancreatic endoderm differentiation using a human iPS cell differentiation model. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-06-15.For pluripotent stem cell (PSC)-based regenerative therapy against diabetes, the differentiation efficiency to pancreatic lineage cells needs to be improved based on the mechanistic understanding of pancreatic differentiation. Here, we aimed to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying pancreatic endoderm differentiation by searching for factors that regulate a crucial pancreatic endoderm marker gene, NKX6.1. Unbiasedly screening an siRNA knockdown library, we identified a candidate transcription factor, HHEX. HHEX knockdown suppressed the expression of another pancreatic endoderm marker gene, PTF1A, as well as NKX6.1, independently of PDX1, a known regulator of NKX6.1 expression. In contrast, the overexpression of HHEX upregulated the expressions of NKX6.1 and PTF1A. RNA-seq analysis showed decreased expressions of several genes related to pancreatic development, such as NKX6.1, PTF1A, ONECUT1 and ONECUT3, in HHEX knockdown pancreatic endoderm. These results suggest that HHEX plays a key role in pancreatic endoderm differentiation

    A study on experts’ judgement on the future perspective of a country: a case study for China

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    The future of the environment in China until the year 2050 has been forecasted through a heuristic approach. A questionnaire survey was given to a group of Japanese experts concerning 47 selected indices, including past data and reference data about other countries. The indices were related to aspects of the economy, population, food, energy, transportation, and the environment. The experts were requested to plot a graph for each index up to 2050 based on their intuition. The lines drawn by 60 experts were compiled along with their comments, and the characteristics of each index were analyzed. Different values for the indices regarding transportation and per capita GDP were forecasted by the experts, while rather similar values were obtained for those referencing population and food consumption. The respective fields of the experts were found to affect their perspectives on the future. Economists tended to show rather optimistic views, expressing a business-as-usual scenario, while engineers predicted limited growth but technological innovation

    Financial allocation strategy for the regional pollution abatement cost of reducing sulfur dioxide emissions in the thermal power sector in China

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    This study explores empirical evidence for two hypotheses through a macro productivity analysis using the nonparametric directional distance function approach applied to the thermal power sector. The first hypothesis is that the marginal abatement cost has significantly declined in recent years mainly due to domestic flue gas desulfurization technology in China, which has become available at a reasonable cost. The second is the existence of a certain budget scale, which, with policy intervention, would have significant outcomes. These hypotheses are successfully addressed through the findings that the marginal abatement cost in 2006 had declined by half since 2003 and that the strategic allocation of 10 billion yuan for SO2 emissions abatement would result in an additional 550,000 tonnes of SO2 reductions.Sulfur dioxide Directional distance function China

    Family and Community Obligations Motivate People to Immigrate—A Case Study from the Republic of the Marshall Islands

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    A questionnaire survey was conducted in the Marshall Islands among 308 citizens of Majuro in order to analyze the factors that led them to immigrate. Using the results from the questionnaire items that indicate the motivations for emigration as independent variables, we extracted the factors with significantly high correlation coefficients; they suggest that the desire to escape from the many obligations within the family and regional community are predominant push factors for migrating overseas while the economic disparity between the United State and their home countries are predominant pull factors. Independently, the Permutation Feature Importance was used to extract the salient factors motivating migration, which provides similar results. Furthermore, the result of structural equation modeling verified the hypothesis that an escape from many obligations and economic disparity is a major motivation for migration at a significance level of 0.1%