1,499 research outputs found

    Microwave shielding of transparent and conducting single-walled carbon nanotube films

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    The authors measured the transport properties of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) films in the microwave frequency range from 10 MHz to 30 GHz by using the Corbino reflection technique from temperatures of 20-400 K. Based on the real and imaginary parts of the microwave conductivity, they calculated the shielding effectiveness for various film thicknesses. Shielding effectiveness of 43 dB at 10 MHz and 28 dB at 10 GHz are found for films with 90% optical transmittance, which suggests that SWCNT films are promising as a type of transparent microwave shielding material. By combining their data with those from the literature, the conductivity of SWCNT films was established in a broad frequency range from dc to visible.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Proposal for a Topological Plasmon Spin Rectifier

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    We propose a device in which the spin-polarized AC plasmon mode in the surface state of a topological insulator nanostructure induces a static spin accumulation in a resonant, normal metal structure coupled to it. Using a finite-difference time-domain model, we simulate this spin-pump mechanism with drift, diffusion, relaxation, and precession in a magnetic field. This optically-driven system can serve as a DC "spin battery" for spintronic devices.Comment: Eq. 1 corrected; Figs 3 and 4 update

    Transport properties of quantum dots with hard walls

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    Quantum dots are fabricated in a Ga[Al]As-heterostructure by local oxidation with an atomic force microscope. This technique, in combination with top gate voltages, allows us to generate steep walls at the confining edges and small lateral depletion lengths. The confinement is characterized by low-temperature magnetotransport measurements, from which the dots' energy spectrum is reconstructed. We find that in small dots, the addition spectrum can qualitatively be described within a Fock-Darwin model. For a quantitative analysis, however, a hard-wall confinement has to be considered. In large dots, the energy level spectrum deviates even qualitatively from a Fock-Darwin model. The maximum wall steepness achieved is of the order of 0.4 meV/nm.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Transport properties of quantum dots with hard walls

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    Quantum dots are fabricated in a Ga[Al]As-heterostructure by local oxidation with an atomic force microscope. This technique, in combination with top gate voltages, allows us to generate steep walls at the confining edges and small lateral depletion lengths. The confinement is characterized by low-temperature magnetotransport measurements, from which the dots' energy spectrum is reconstructed. We find that in small dots, the addition spectrum can qualitatively be described within a Fock-Darwin model. For a quantitative analysis, however, a hard-wall confinement has to be considered. In large dots, the energy level spectrum deviates even qualitatively from a Fock-Darwin model. The maximum wall steepness achieved is of the order of 0.4 meV/nm.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Universal conductance fluctuations in Dirac materials in the presence of long-range disorder

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    We study quantum transport in Dirac materials with a single fermionic Dirac cone (strong topological insulators and graphene in the absence of intervalley coupling) in the presence of non-Gaussian long-range disorder. We show, by directly calculating numerically the conductance fluctuations, that in the limit of very large system size and disorder strength, quantum transport becomes universal. However, a systematic deviation away from universality is obtained for realistic system parameters. By comparing our results to existing experimental data on 1/f noise, we suggest that many of the graphene samples studied to date are in a non-universal crossover regime of conductance fluctuations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Published versio