180 research outputs found

    The Moderating Role of Context in Determining Unethical Managerial Behavior: A Case Survey

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    We examine the moderating role of the situational and organizational contexts in determining unethical managerial behavior, applying the case-survey methodology. On the basis of a holistic, multiple-antecedent perspective, we hypothesize that two key constructs, moral intensity and situational strength, help explain contextual moderating effects on relationships between managers’ individual characteristics and unethical behavior. Based on a quantitative analysis of 52 case studies describing occurrences of real-life unethical conduct, we find empirical support for the hypothesized contextual moderating effects of moral intensity and situational strength. By examining these complex contextual moderators, we aim to contribute to organizational ethics research as we shed light on the critical role that context may play in influencing unethical managerial behavior

    WDX-Analysis of the New Superconductors RO(1-x)F(x)FeAs and Its Consequences on the Electronic Phase Diagram

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    Polycrystalline samples of RO1-xFxFeAs (0 < x < 0.25) (R = La, Sm, Gd) were investigated by wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (WDX) in the electron microscope to determine the composition of the samples, in particular the fluorine content. It was found that the measured fluorine content can deviate considerably from the initial weight. In the lanthanum compound LaO1-xFxFeAs, we found good agreement mainly for x > 0.05, but for x < 0.05 the fluorine hardly goes into the sample. For the samarium compound we measured less than half the fluorine in the sample as initially weighed at all fluorine concentrations. These measured values are taken into account when drawing the electronic phase diagrams of LaO1-xFxFeAs and SmO1-xFxFeAs. This leads to a more consistent picture of both of the diagrams in comparison to the plot of the initial weight.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetis

    Distraction sinking and fossilized coleoid predatory behaviour from the German Early Jurassic

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    Exceptional fossil preservation is required to conserve soft-bodied fossils and even more so to conserve their behaviour. Here, we describe a fossil of a co-occurrence of representatives of two different octobrachian coleoid species. The fossils are from the Toarcian Posidonienschiefer of Ohmden near Holzmaden, Germany. The two animals died in the act of predation, i.e. one had caught the other and had begun to nibble on it, when they possibly sank into hypoxic waters and suffocated (distraction sinking). This supports the idea that primitive vampyromorphs pursued diverse feeding strategies and were not yet adapted to being opportunistic feeders in oxygen minimum zones like their modern relative Vampyroteuthis

    Anatomy and size of Megateuthis, the largest belemnite

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    Belemnite rostra are very abundant in Mesozoic marine deposits in many regions. Despite this abundance, soft-tissue specimens of belemnites informing about anatomy and proportions of these coleoid cephalopods are extremely rare and limited to a few moderately large genera like Passaloteuthis and Hibolithes. For all other genera, we can make inferences on their body proportions and body as well as mantle length by extrapolating from complete material. We collected data of the proportions of the hard parts of some Jurassic belemnites in order to learn about shared characteristics in their gross anatomy. This knowledge is then applied to the Bajocian genus Megateuthis, which is the largest known belemnite genus worldwide. Our results provide simple ratios that can be used to estimate belemnite body size, where only the rostrum is known

    Heat and Charge Transport Properties of MgB2

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    A polycrystalline sample of the MgB_2 superconductor was investigated by measurements of the electrical resistivity, the thermopower and the thermal conductivity in the temperature range between 1.8K and 300K in zero magnetic field. The electrical resistivity shows a superconducting transition at T_c=38.7K and, similarly to borocarbides, a T^2.4 behaviour up to 200K. The electron diffusion thermopower and its bandstructure-derived value indicate the dominant hole character of the charge carriers. The total thermopower can be explained by the diffusion term renormalized by a significant electron-phonon interaction and a phonon drag term. In the thermal conductivity, for decreasing temperature, a significant decrease below T_c is observed resulting in a T^3 behaviour below 7K. The reduced Lorenz number exhibits values smaller than 1 and a characteristic minimum which resembles the behaviour of non-magnetic borocarbides.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures; added references and minor changes; accepted for publication in Physica

    Математическое моделирование возникновения и распространения лесных пожаров с учетом противопожарных барьеров

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    С помощью метода математического моделирования изучается процесс распространения верховых лесных пожаров при наличии противопожарных разрывов и заслонов. Математически данная задача сводится к решению уравнений Рейнольдса для турбулентного течения с учетом химических реакций. Для получения дискретного аналога использован метод контрольного объема. С помощью численных расчетов получены распределения полей скорости, температуры, концентраций кислорода, летучих продуктов пиролиза, горения и объемных долей конденсированной фазы, получены контуры распространения верховых лесных пожаров, определена зависимость размеров противопожарных разрывов и заслонов при которых верховой пожар прекращает распространение.Using the method of mathematical modeling, the propagation of high forest fires in the presence of fire breaks and barriers is studied. Mathematically, this problem reduces to solving the Reynolds equations for a turbulent flow, taking into account chemical reactions. To obtain a discrete analog, the control volume method was used. Using numerical calculations, the distributions of the fields of velocity, temperature, oxygen concentrations, volatile pyrolysis products, combustion, and volume fractions of the condensed phase, the propagation contours of upland forest fires were obtained, the dependence of the size of fire breaks and barriers at which the top fire stops propagation was determined