21 research outputs found

    Activated Bone Marrow-Derived Macrophages Eradicate Alzheimer's-Related Aβ₄₂ Oligomers and Protect Synapses

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    Impaired synaptic integrity and function due to accumulation of amyloid β-protein (Aβ₄₂) oligomers is thought to be a major contributor to cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the exact role of Aβ₄₂ oligomers in synaptotoxicity and the ability of peripheral innate immune cells to rescue synapses remain poorly understood due to the metastable nature of oligomers. Here, we utilized photo-induced cross-linking to stabilize pure oligomers and study their effects vs. fibrils on synapses and protection by Aβ-phagocytic macrophages. We found that cortical neurons were more susceptible to Aβ₄₂ oligomers than fibrils, triggering additional neuritic arborization retraction, functional alterations (hyperactivity and spike waveform), and loss of VGluT1- and PSD95-excitatory synapses. Co-culturing neurons with bone marrow-derived macrophages protected synapses against Aβ₄₂ fibrils; moreover, immune activation with glatiramer acetate (GA) conferred further protection against oligomers. Mechanisms involved increased Aβ₄₂ removal by macrophages, amplified by GA stimulation: fibrils were largely cleared through intracellular CD36/EEA1⁺-early endosomal proteolysis, while oligomers were primarily removed via extracellular/MMP-9 enzymatic degradation. In vivo studies in GA-immunized or CD115⁺-monocyte-grafted APP_(SWE)/PS1_(ΔE9)-transgenic mice followed by pre- and postsynaptic analyses of entorhinal cortex and hippocampal substructures corroborated our in vitro findings of macrophage-mediated synaptic preservation. Together, our data demonstrate that activated macrophages effectively clear Aβ₄₂ oligomers and rescue VGluT1/PSD95 synapses, providing rationale for harnessing macrophages to treat AD

    Activated Bone Marrow-Derived Macrophages Eradicate Alzheimer's-Related Aβ₄₂ Oligomers and Protect Synapses

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    Impaired synaptic integrity and function due to accumulation of amyloid β-protein (Aβ₄₂) oligomers is thought to be a major contributor to cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the exact role of Aβ₄₂ oligomers in synaptotoxicity and the ability of peripheral innate immune cells to rescue synapses remain poorly understood due to the metastable nature of oligomers. Here, we utilized photo-induced cross-linking to stabilize pure oligomers and study their effects vs. fibrils on synapses and protection by Aβ-phagocytic macrophages. We found that cortical neurons were more susceptible to Aβ₄₂ oligomers than fibrils, triggering additional neuritic arborization retraction, functional alterations (hyperactivity and spike waveform), and loss of VGluT1- and PSD95-excitatory synapses. Co-culturing neurons with bone marrow-derived macrophages protected synapses against Aβ₄₂ fibrils; moreover, immune activation with glatiramer acetate (GA) conferred further protection against oligomers. Mechanisms involved increased Aβ₄₂ removal by macrophages, amplified by GA stimulation: fibrils were largely cleared through intracellular CD36/EEA1⁺-early endosomal proteolysis, while oligomers were primarily removed via extracellular/MMP-9 enzymatic degradation. In vivo studies in GA-immunized or CD115⁺-monocyte-grafted APP_(SWE)/PS1_(ΔE9)-transgenic mice followed by pre- and postsynaptic analyses of entorhinal cortex and hippocampal substructures corroborated our in vitro findings of macrophage-mediated synaptic preservation. Together, our data demonstrate that activated macrophages effectively clear Aβ₄₂ oligomers and rescue VGluT1/PSD95 synapses, providing rationale for harnessing macrophages to treat AD

    The effects of enhancing angiotensin converting enzyme in myelomonocytes on ameliorating Alzheimer’s-related disease and preserving cognition

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    This review examines the role of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) in the context of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and its potential therapeutic value. ACE is known to degrade the neurotoxic 42-residue long alloform of amyloid β-protein (Aβ42), a peptide strongly associated with AD. Previous studies in mice, demonstrated that targeted overexpression of ACE in CD115+ myelomonocytic cells (ACE10 models) improved their immune responses to effectively reduce viral and bacterial infection, tumor growth, and atherosclerotic plaque. We further demonstrated that introducing ACE10 myelomonocytes (microglia and peripheral monocytes) into the double transgenic APPSWE/PS1ΔE9 murine model of AD (AD+ mice), diminished neuropathology and enhanced the cognitive functions. These beneficial effects were dependent on ACE catalytic activity and vanished when ACE was pharmacologically blocked. Moreover, we revealed that the therapeutic effects in AD+ mice can be achieved by enhancing ACE expression in bone marrow (BM)-derived CD115+ monocytes alone, without targeting central nervous system (CNS) resident microglia. Following blood enrichment with CD115+ ACE10-monocytes versus wild-type (WT) monocytes, AD+ mice had reduced cerebral vascular and parenchymal Aβ burden, limited microgliosis and astrogliosis, as well as improved synaptic and cognitive preservation. CD115+ ACE10-versus WT-monocyte-derived macrophages (Mo/MΦ) were recruited in higher numbers to the brains of AD+ mice, homing to Aβ plaque lesions and exhibiting a highly Aβ-phagocytic and anti-inflammatory phenotype (reduced TNFα/iNOS and increased MMP-9/IGF-1). Moreover, BM-derived ACE10-Mo/MΦ cultures had enhanced capability to phagocytose Aβ42 fibrils, prion-rod-like, and soluble oligomeric forms that was associated with elongated cell morphology and expression of surface scavenger receptors (i.e., CD36, Scara-1). This review explores the emerging evidence behind the role of ACE in AD, the neuroprotective properties of monocytes overexpressing ACE and the therapeutic potential for exploiting this natural mechanism for ameliorating AD pathogenesis

    Osteopontin depletion in macrophages perturbs proteostasis via regulating UCHL1-UPS axis and mitochondria-mediated apoptosis

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    IntroductionOsteopontin (OPN; also known as SPP1), an immunomodulatory cytokine highly expressed in bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMMΦ), is known to regulate diverse cellular and molecular immune responses. We previously revealed that glatiramer acetate (GA) stimulation of BMMΦ upregulates OPN expression, promoting an anti-inflammatory, pro-healing phenotype, whereas OPN inhibition triggers a pro-inflammatory phenotype. However, the precise role of OPN in macrophage activation state is unknown.MethodsHere, we applied global proteome profiling via mass spectrometry (MS) analysis to gain a mechanistic understanding of OPN suppression versus induction in primary macrophage cultures. We analyzed protein networks and immune-related functional pathways in BMMΦ either with OPN knockout (OPNKO) or GA-mediated OPN induction compared with wild type (WT) macrophages. The most significant differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) were validated using immunocytochemistry, western blot, and immunoprecipitation assays.Results and discussionWe identified 631 DEPs in OPNKO or GA-stimulated macrophages as compared to WT macrophages. The two topmost downregulated DEPs in OPNKO macrophages were ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCHL1), a crucial component of the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS), and the anti-inflammatory Heme oxygenase 1 (HMOX-1), whereas GA stimulation upregulated their expression. We found that UCHL1, previously described as a neuron-specific protein, is expressed by BMMΦ and its regulation in macrophages was OPN-dependent. Moreover, UCHL1 interacted with OPN in a protein complex. The effects of GA activation on inducing UCHL1 and anti-inflammatory macrophage profiles were mediated by OPN. Functional pathway analyses revealed two inversely regulated pathways in OPN-deficient macrophages: activated oxidative stress and lysosome-mitochondria-mediated apoptosis (e.g., ROS, Lamp1-2, ATP-synthase subunits, cathepsins, and cytochrome C and B subunits) and inhibited translation and proteolytic pathways (e.g., 60S and 40S ribosomal subunits and UPS proteins). In agreement with the proteome-bioinformatics data, western blot and immunocytochemical analyses revealed that OPN deficiency perturbs protein homeostasis in macrophages—inhibiting translation and protein turnover and inducing apoptosis—whereas OPN induction by GA restores cellular proteostasis. Taken together, OPN is essential for macrophage homeostatic balance via the regulation of protein synthesis, UCHL1-UPS axis, and mitochondria-mediated apoptotic processes, indicating its potential application in immune-based therapies

    Glatiramer Acetate Immunomodulation: Evidence of Neuroprotection and Cognitive Preservation

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    Novel, neuroprotective uses of Copaxone (generic name: glatiramer acetate—GA) are being examined, primarily in neurological conditions involving cognitive decline. GA is a well-studied synthetic copolymer that is FDA-approved for immune-based treatment of relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). Clinical studies have explored the potential mechanism of action (MOA) and outcomes of GA immunization in patients. Furthermore, results from these and animal studies suggest that GA has a direct immunomodulatory effect on adaptive and innate immune cell phenotypes and responses. These MOAs have been postulated to have a common neuroprotective impact in several neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases. Notably, several clinical studies report that the use of GA mitigated MS-associated cognitive decline. Its propensity to ameliorate neuro-proinflammatory and degenerative processes ignites increased interest in potential alternate uses such as in age-related macular degeneration (AMD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Preclinical studies are exploring less frequent subcutaneous administration of GA, such as once weekly or monthly or a single dosing regimen. Indeed, cognitive functions were found to be either preserved, reversed, or improved after the less frequent treatment regimens with GA in animal models of AD. In this systematic review, we examine the potential novel uses of GA across clinical and pre-clinical studies, with evidence for its beneficial impact on cognition. Future investigation in large-size, double-blind clinical trials is warranted to establish the impact of GA immunomodulation on neuroprotection and cognitive preservation in various neurological conditions

    Label-free hyperspectral imaging and deep-learning prediction of retinal amyloid β-protein and phosphorylated tau

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a major risk for the aging population. The pathological hallmarks of AD-an abnormal deposition of amyloid β-protein (Aβ) and phosphorylated tau (pTau)-have been demonstrated in the retinas of AD patients, including in prodromal patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Aβ pathology, especially the accumulation of the amyloidogenic 42-residue long alloform (Aβ42), is considered an early and specific sign of AD, and together with tauopathy, confirms AD diagnosis. To visualize retinal Aβ and pTau, state-of-the-art methods use fluorescence. However, administering contrast agents complicates the imaging procedure. To address this problem from fundamentals, ex-vivo studies were performed to develop a label-free hyperspectral imaging method to detect the spectral signatures of Aβ42 and pS396-Tau, and predicted their abundance in retinal cross-sections. For the first time, we reported the spectral signature of pTau and demonstrated an accurate prediction of Aβ and pTau distribution powered by deep learning. We expect our finding will lay the groundwork for label-free detection of AD