200 research outputs found

    The Strategic Adaptation of Chinese-Manadonese in the Reform Era

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    This article is a further discussion of previous research which is a pilot project to observe patterns of cultural interaction within the Chinese community in Indonesia as a part of a project to understand the phenomenon of the multicultural society during the New Order Era. The specific target of this research is to study the socio-cultural interactions within the Chinese community in Manado during the Reform Era (2000-2014). This research aims to study the strategic adaptation of the Chinese in Manado, by analysing the obstacles and opportunities in their socio-cultural interaction with the locals. Using data from field research and literature studies, this qualitative research applies an ethnographic approach by observing various actions in their socio-cultural interactions

    Kajian Pemanfaatan Limbah Beton Sebagai Material Cement Treated Base (Ctb)

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    Teknologi Cement Treated Base (CTB) memungkinkan untuk menggunakan dan memproses bahan limbah yang tidak memiliki nilai guna menjadi bahan material pondasi jalan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode percobaan laboratorium. Pelaksanaan percobaan menggunakan campuran dengan proporsi daur ulang limbah beton sebagai agregat kasar : pasir sebagai agregat halus sebesar 50 : 50 dan 60 : 40. Penelitian ini dibuat Skenario I yaitu menggunakan proporsi 50 : 50 dengan kadar semen 9%, 10%, dan 11% serta kadar air 6%, 8%, 10%, dan 12%. Dalam rangka memaksimalkan daur ulang limbah beton dibuat Skenario II menggunakan proporsi 60 : 40 dengan kadar semen 3%, 4%, dan 5% serta kadar air 4%, 6%, dan 8%. Material daur ulang limbah beton dan pasir memenuhi persyaratan agregat dalam Spesifikasi Umum Bina Marga Tahun 2010. Dari hasil penelitian skenario yang dapat digunakan adalah skenario I dengan proporsi 50 : 50. Kadar air optimum CTB untuk kadar semen 9%, 10%, dan 11% sebesar 8,96%, 9,98%, dan 9,31%. Nilai kuat tekan CTB daur ulang limbah beton umur 7 (tujuh) hari dengan kadar semen 9%, 10%, dan 11% yaitu sebesar 89,59 kg/cm2, 79,89 kg/cm2, dan 98,75 kg/cm2. Nilai kuat tekan CTB daur ulang limbah beton umur 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari dengan kadar semen 9%, 10%, dan 11% yaitu sebesar 88,65 kg/cm2, 104,43 kg/cm2, dan 120,21 kg/cm2. Nilai kuat tekan CTB umur 7 hari memenuhi Spesifikasi Umum Bina Marga Tahun 2010, sedangkan CTB umur 28 hari tidak memenuhi

    Berry phase in generalized chiral QED2QED_2

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    We consider the generalized chiral QED2QED_2 on S1S^1 with a U(1)U(1) gauge field coupled with different charges to both chiral components of a fermionic field. Using the adiabatic approximation we calculate the Berry phase and the corresponding U(1){\rm U}(1) connection and curvature for the vacuum and many particle Fock states. We show that the nonvanishing vacuum Berry phase is associated with a projective representation of the local gauge symmetry group and contributes to the effective action of the model.Comment: LATEX file, 17 pages; extended version of a talk given at Int. Colloquium on Group-Theoretical Methods in Physics, 15-20 July, 1996, Goslar, German

    Relativistic two-body system in (1+1)-dimensions

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    The relativistic two-body system in (1+1)-dimensional quantum electrodynamics is studied. It is proved that the eigenvalue problem for the two-body Hamiltonian without the self-interaction terms reduces to the problem of solving an one-dimensional stationary Schr\"odinger type equation with an energy-dependent effective potential which includes the delta-functional and inverted oscillator parts. The conditions determining the metastable energy spectrum are derived, and the energies and widths of the metastable levels are estimated in the limit of large particle masses. The effects of the self-interaction are discussed.Comment: LATEX file, 21 pp., 4 figure

    Persepsi politik belia India di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam (IPTA) (Political perception of Indian youths in Malaysia’s public higher learning institutions)

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    Sokongan kaum India, khususnya belia terhadap MIC (Malaysian Indian Congres) dikatakan kian merosot. MIC tidak lagi relevan sebagai parti yang mewakili masyarakat India seperti yang dibuktikan dalam Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) ke-12, 2008, majoriti calonnya tewas . Artikel ini berttujuan untuk mengkaji persepsi politik belia India di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam (IPTA). Kajian ini melibatkan 150 orang pelajar India dari tiga buah universiti awam, iaitu UKM, UPM dan UM. Berdasarkan kaji selidik dan pemerhatian, dapatan kajian menunjukkan kebanyakan belia India IPTA masih menyokong BN, namun mereka mahukan isu-isu penting dalam masyarakat India iaitu isu pendidikan di sekolah Tamil, pemberian biasiswa, isu kuota, isu agama dan isu sosioekonomi diselesaikan oleh kepemimpinan MIC sebaiknya. Mereka juga melayari laman web untuk mendapatkan maklumat politik terkini dan memilih calon yang mempunyai karisma atau ketokohan, kelayakan akademik yang tinggi dan calon muda serta parti politik yang memperjuangkan isu kemanusiaan seperti ketelusan, keadilan, hak asasi manusia, anti rasuah; memperjuangkan isu alam sekitar. Majoriti belia India IPTA akan memilih MIC dan BN sebagai parti politik mereka dalam PRU ke-13 jika parti tersebut lebih proaktif dalam menangani isu yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat India di Malaysia. Belia India IPTA juga menyatakan hanya MIC yang dapat memperjuangkan hak kaum India dan mereka juga menjangkakan BN akan terus menang dalam PRU akan datang

    Spin operator and spin states in Galilean covariant Fermi field theories

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    Spin degrees of freedom of the Galilean covariant Dirac field in (4+1) dimensions and its nonrelativistic counterpart in (3+1) dimensions are examined. Two standard choices of spin operator, the Galilean covariant and Dirac spin operators, are considered. It is shown that the Dirac spin of the Galilean covariant Dirac field in (4+1) dimensions is not conserved, and the role of non-Galilean boosts in its nonconservation is stressed out. After reduction to (3+1) dimensions the Dirac field turns into a nonrelativistic Fermi field with a conserved Dirac spin. A generalized form of the Levy-Leblond equations for the Fermi field is given. One-particle spin states are constructed. A particle-antiparticle system is discussed.Comment: Minor corrections in the text; journal versio

    Parallelizing Deadlock Resolution in Symbolic Synthesis of Distributed Programs

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    Previous work has shown that there are two major complexity barriers in the synthesis of fault-tolerant distributed programs: (1) generation of fault-span, the set of states reachable in the presence of faults, and (2) resolving deadlock states, from where the program has no outgoing transitions. Of these, the former closely resembles with model checking and, hence, techniques for efficient verification are directly applicable to it. Hence, we focus on expediting the latter with the use of multi-core technology. We present two approaches for parallelization by considering different design choices. The first approach is based on the computation of equivalence classes of program transitions (called group computation) that are needed due to the issue of distribution (i.e., inability of processes to atomically read and write all program variables). We show that in most cases the speedup of this approach is close to the ideal speedup and in some cases it is superlinear. The second approach uses traditional technique of partitioning deadlock states among multiple threads. However, our experiments show that the speedup for this approach is small. Consequently, our analysis demonstrates that a simple approach of parallelizing the group computation is likely to be the effective method for using multi-core computing in the context of deadlock resolution

    Generalised chiral QED2 : Anomaly and Exotic Statistics

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    We study the influence of the anomaly on the physical quantum picture of the generalized chiral Schwinger model defined on the circle. We show that the anomaly i) results in the background linearly rising electric field and ii) makes the spectrum of the physical Hamiltonian nonrelativistic without a massive boson. The physical matter fields acquire exotic statistics . We construct explicitly the algebra of the Poincare generators and show that it differs from the Poincare one. We exhibit the role of the vacuum Berry phase in the failure of the Poincare algebra to close. We prove that, in spite of the background electric field, such phenomenon as the total screening of external charges characteristic for the standard Schwinger model takes place in the generalized chiral Schwinger model, too.Comment: LATEX file, 36 pp., to appear in Phys.Rev.

    An Analysis of the Impact of Boko Haram insurgents on Business Entrepreneurship Environment in Nigeria

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    This paper will examine the impact of boko haram on business entrepreneurship environment in Nigeria. Since the emergence of the group in 2002, the business environment has not been conducive for business related activities due to bombings and attacks on the people. An exploratory method of data collection was carried out using secondary data such as news papers, journals and online information. the findings revealed that businesses no longer takes place in the affected areas such as the northeast part of Nigeria because markets were closed, banking services not rendered or hours of services reduced. The paper then recommends that the source of income; training; and supply of weapons to Boko Haram be blocked by the Nigerian government and also engage in human security such as job creation; and provision of infrastructural facilities so as to combat the activities of the sect and thereby creating enabling environment for business and entrepreneurship to flourish. DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2015.v4n3p3
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