26,187 research outputs found

    Effect of Decoherence on the Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates in a Double-well Potential

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    We study the dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well potential in the mean-field approximation. Decoherence effects are considered by analyzing the couplings of the condensate to environments. Two kinds of coupling are taken into account. With the first kind of coupling dominated, the decoherence can enhance the self-trapping by increasing the damping of the oscillations in the dynamics, while the decoherence from the second kind of condensate-environment coupling leads to spoiling of the quantum tunneling and self-trapping.Comment: for color figures, see PR

    SU(5) Heterotic Standard Model Bundles

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    We construct a class of stable SU(5) bundles on an elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau threefold with two sections, a variant of the ordinary Weierstrass fibration, which admits a free involution. The bundles are invariant under the involution, solve the topological constraint imposed by the heterotic anomaly equation and give three generations of Standard Model fermions after symmetry breaking by Wilson lines of the intermediate SU(5) GUT-group to the Standard Model gauge group. Among the solutions we find some which can be perturbed to solutions of the Strominger system. Thus these solutions provide a step toward the construction of phenomenologically realistic heterotic flux compactifications via non-Kahler deformations of Calabi-Yau geometries with bundles. This particular class of solutions involves a rank two hidden sector bundle and does not require background fivebranes for anomaly cancellation.Comment: 17 page

    Investigating the role of musical experience in lexical tone perception: non-musicians’ and amateur musicians’ perception of Mandarin tones

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    Previous studies have found that musicians typically discriminate Mandarin tones better than nonmusicians. However, the relationship between musical experience and tone perception is unclear. In the current study, 39 monolingual native English speakers with no previous experience of tone languages and a range of musical backgrounds (non-/ amateur musicians) completed 6 tasks, including lexical tone identification, working memory, L1/L2 segmental perception and the Goldsmiths Musical Sophistication Index which measures musical ability/ experience. Path analysis showed that pitch interval discrimination (PID), but not musical ability or musical training, directly predicted tone identification. There was no relationship with working memory or L1/L2 segmental perception. Follow-up mixed effect models showed that Tone1 and Tone4 identification was associated with PID, musical ability and musical training, whereas Tone2 and Tone3 identification was only associated with musical training and PID respectively. Overall, musical training appears to be linked to PID, which in turn leads to better tone identification

    Momentum Distribution of Near-Zero-Energy Photoelectrons in the Strong-Field Tunneling Ionization in the Long Wavelength Limit

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    We investigate the ionization dynamics of Argon atoms irradiated by an ultrashort intense laser of a wavelength up to 3100 nm, addressing the momentum distribution of the photoelectrons with near-zero-energy. We find a surprising accumulation in the momentum distribution corresponding to meV energy and a \textquotedblleft V"-like structure at the slightly larger transverse momenta. Semiclassical simulations indicate the crucial role of the Coulomb attraction between the escaping electron and the remaining ion at extremely large distance. Tracing back classical trajectories, we find the tunneling electrons born in a certain window of the field phase and transverse velocity are responsible for the striking accumulation. Our theoretical results are consistent with recent meV-resolved high-precision measurements.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Identification and denitrification characteristics of a salt-tolerant denitrifying bacterium Pannonibacter phragmitetus F1

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    A salt-tolerant denitrifying bacterium F1 was isolated in this study, which has high nitrite (NO -N) and nitrate (NO -N) removal abilities. The salt tolerance capacity of strain F1 was further verified and the effects of initial pH, initial NaNO concentration and inoculation size on the denitrification capacity of strain F1 under saline conditions were evaluated. Strain F1 was identified as Pannonibacter phragmitetus and named Pannonibacter phragmitetus F1. This strain can tolerate NaCl concentrations up to 70 g/L, and its most efficient denitrification capacity was observed at NaCl concentrations of 0-10 g/L. Under non-saline condition, the removal percentages of NO -N and NO -N by strain Pannonibacter phragmitetus F1 at pH of 10 and inoculation size of 5% were 100% and 83%, respectively, after cultivation for 5 days. Gas generation was observed during the cultivation, indicating that an efficient denitrification performance was achieved. When pH was 10 and the inoculation size was 5%, both the highest removal percentages of NO -N (99%) and NO -N (95%) by strain Pannonibacter phragmitetus F1 were observed at NaCl concentration of 10 g/L. When the NaCl concentration was 10 g/L, strain Pannonibacter phragmitetus F1 can adapt to a wide range of neutral and alkaline environments (pH of 7-10) and is highly tolerant of NaNO concentration (0.4-1.6 g/L). In conclusion, strain Pannonibacter phragmitetus F1 has a great potential to be applied in the treatment of saline wastewater containing high nitrogen concentrations, e.g. coastal aquaculture wastewater

    Modelling and control of the flame temperature distribution using probability density function shaping

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    This paper presents three control algorithms for the output probability density function (PDF) control of the 2D and 3D flame distribution systems. For the 2D flame distribution systems, control methods for both static and dynamic flame systems are presented, where at first the temperature distribution of the gas jet flames along the cross-section is approximated. Then the flame energy distribution (FED) is obtained as the output to be controlled by using a B-spline expansion technique. The general static output PDF control algorithm is used in the 2D static flame system, where the dynamic system consists of a static temperature model of gas jet flames and a second-order actuator. This leads to a second-order closed-loop system, where a singular state space model is used to describe the dynamics with the weights of the B-spline functions as the state variables. Finally, a predictive control algorithm is designed for such an output PDF system. For the 3D flame distribution systems, all the temperature values of the flames are firstly mapped into one temperature plane, and the shape of the temperature distribution on this plane can then be controlled by the 3D flame control method proposed in this paper. Three cases are studied for the proposed control methods and desired simulation results have been obtained