52 research outputs found

    Clonage moléculaire et caractérisation d'antigènes des stades larves nouveau-nées et adultes de Trichinella spiralis et développement d'un test ELISA pour le diagnostic précoce de la trichinellose chez le porc

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    L'hybridation soustractive et l immunocriblage de banques d ADNc ont permis d identifier de nouveaux transcrits des stades larves nouveau-nées (L1NN) et vers adultes de Trichinella spiralis. Certaines protéines (AdTs1, TsSerP, protéine ayant un motif en doigt de zinc FYVE, collagène cuticulaire) n ont montré qu une antigénicité relative. Une famille multigénique polymorphe d au moins 8 membres codant des protéases à sérine putatives a été définie. Une de ces protéases recombinantes a induit une protection partielle contre l infection parasitaire chez des souris. Le clone NBLWN10 présente un motif cystatine précédé de deux domaines répétés à forte identité et antigéniques. Le clone 411 a présenté une forte antigénicité vis à vis de sérums de porcs infectés par Trichinella spp. Un épitope immunodominant issu de la protéase à serine NBL1 a été identifié pour la première fois au stade L1NN de Trichinella et permet le développement d un test ELISA de diagnostic précoce de la trichinellose porcine.Several genes were identified from newborn larvae (NBL) and adult stages of Trichinella spiralis using suppression subtractive hybridization and immunoscreening of cDNA libraries. Certain proteins (AdTs1, TsSerP, a protein with a zinc FYVE finger, a cuticular collagen) only showed a weak antigenicity. A polymorphic multigenic family composed of at least 8 members that encode putative serine proteases was defined. The recombinant protein of one member of this family induced a partial protection against T. spiralis infection in mice. Clone NBLWN10 presents a cystatin domain preceded by two repeated antigenic regions with high identity. Clone 411 showed a strong antigenicity to serums of pigs infected by Trichinella spp. An immunodominant epitope of a NBL stage specific serine protease NBL1 was identified for the first time and allows the development of an ELISA test for the early diagnosis of pig trichinellosis.PARIS12-CRETEIL BU Multidisc. (940282102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Methane Gas Density Monitoring and Predicting Based on RFID Sensor Tag and CNN Algorithm

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    According to the advantages of integrating wireless sensors networks (WSN) and radio frequency identification (RFID), this paper proposes a novel method for methane gas density monitoring and predicting based on a passive RFID sensor tag and a convolutional neural networks (CNN) algorithm. The proposed wireless sensor is based on electronic product code (EPC) generation2 (G2) protocol and the sensor data is embedded into the identification (ID) information of the RFID chip. The wireless sensor consists of a communication section, radio-frequency (RF) front-end section, and digital section. The communication section is used to perform the transmission and reception of wireless signals, modulation, and demodulation. The RF front-end section is adopted to provide the stable supply voltage for other parts. The digital section is employed to achieve sensor data and control the overall operation of the wireless sensor based on EPC protocol. Because the miscellaneous noises will decrease the accuracy during the process of data wireless transmission, the CNN algorithm is adopted to extract the robust feature from raw data. The measurement results show that the exploited RFID sensor can realize a maximum communication distance of 10.3 m and can accurately measure and predict the methane gas density in an underground mine. The RFID sensor technology is a beneficial supplement to the current underground WSN monitoring system

    Isolates from Yaks in Qinghai, China

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    Recently, the yak population has exhibited reproductive disorders, which are considered to be associated with Chlamydia abortus (C. abortus) in Qinghai, China. In this study, a total of 9 aborted fetuses (each from a different herd) and 126 vaginal swab samples from the 9 herds were collected and analyzed. C. abortus DNA was detected from all of the 9 aborted fetuses and 30 of the 126 vaginal swab samples (23.81%) from yak cows in the selected herds. Four C. abortus strains were isolated from embryonated egg yolk sacs inoculated with foetal organ suspensions. The isolated C. abortus strains were further identified, which showed identical restriction profiles with the C. abortus reference strain using AluI restriction enzyme in the RFLP test. Moreover, the isolated C. abortus strains and C. abortus-positive vaginal swab samples were genotyped by multiple loci variable number tandem repeat analysis and all belonged to the genotype 2 group. These findings suggested that C. abortus played a substantial role in yak abortion in Qinghai, China

    Identification and Characterization of Chlamydia abortus Isolates from Yaks in Qinghai, China

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    Recently, the yak population has exhibited reproductive disorders, which are considered to be associated with Chlamydia abortus (C. abortus) in Qinghai, China. In this study, a total of 9 aborted fetuses (each from a different herd) and 126 vaginal swab samples from the 9 herds were collected and analyzed. C. abortus DNA was detected from all of the 9 aborted fetuses and 30 of the 126 vaginal swab samples (23.81%) from yak cows in the selected herds. Four C. abortus strains were isolated from embryonated egg yolk sacs inoculated with foetal organ suspensions. The isolated C. abortus strains were further identified, which showed identical restriction profiles with the C. abortus reference strain using AluI restriction enzyme in the RFLP test. Moreover, the isolated C. abortus strains and C. abortus-positive vaginal swab samples were genotyped by multiple loci variable number tandem repeat analysis and all belonged to the genotype 2 group. These findings suggested that C. abortus played a substantial role in yak abortion in Qinghai, China

    Cloning and analysis of a novel cDNA from Trichinella spiralis encoding a protein with an FYVE zinc finger domain

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    International audienceA cDNA library from Trichinella spiralis adults 3 days post-infection was screened with a cDNA probe, designated T54, derived from a newborn larvae subtracted cDNA library. Sequence analysis showed that the positive clone contained a cDNA insert of 1464 bp in length with a single open reading frame of 1290 bp, which encoded a protein of 429 amino acids with a putative molecular mass of 49.9 kDa. Database analysis predicted the deduced protein had a leucine zipper motif and an FYVE zinc finger domain. The recombinant fusion protein was expressed and rabbit anti-recombinant protein sera reacted with a single peptide migrating at approximately 55 kDa in crude worm extract from muscle larvae, adults and newborn larvae stages
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