2,472 research outputs found

    Formation Rates of Black Hole Accretion Disk Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    While many models have been proposed for GRBs, those currently favored are all based upon the formation of and/or rapid accretion into stellar mass black holes. We present population synthesis calculations of these models using a Monte Carlo approach in which the many uncertain parameters intrinsic to such calculations are varied. We estimate the event rate for each class of model as well as the propagation distance for those having significant delay between formation and burst production, i.e., double neutron star (DNS) mergers and black hole-neutron star (BH/NS) mergers. For reasonable assumptions regarding the many uncertainties in population synthesis, we calculate a daily event rate in the universe for i) merging neutron stars: ~100/day; ii) neutron-star black hole mergers: ~450/day; iii) collapsars: ~10,000/day; iv) helium star black hole mergers: ~1000/day; and v) white dwarf black hole mergers: ~20/day. The range of uncertainty in these numbers however, is very large, typically two to three orders of magnitude. These rates must additionally be multiplied by any relevant beaming factor and sampling fraction (if the entire universal set of models is not being observed). Depending upon the mass of the host galaxy, half of the DNS and BH/NS mergers will happen within 60kpc (for a Milky-Way massed galaxy) to 5Mpc (for a galaxy with negligible mass) from the galactic center. Because of the delay time, neutron star and black hole mergers will happen at a redshift 0.5 to 0.8 times that of the other classes of models. Information is still lacking regarding the hosts of short hard bursts, but we suggest that they are due to DNS and BH/NS mergers and thus will ultimately be determined to lie outside of galaxies and at a closer mean distance than long complex bursts (which we attribute to collapsars).Comment: 57 pages total, 23 figures, submitted by Ap

    Iron Opacity and the Pulsar of Supernova 1987A

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    Neutron stars formed in Type II supernovae are likely to be initially obscured by late-time fallback. Although much of the late-time fallback is quickly accreted via neutrino cooling, some material remains on the neutron star, forming an atmosphere which slowly accretes through photon emission. In this paper, we derive structure equations of the fallback atmosphere and present results of one-dimensional simulations of that fallback. The atmosphere remaining after neutrino cooling becomes unimportant (less than the Compton Eddington limit) is only a fraction of the total mass accreted (10^-8 of the accreted mass or 10^-9 solar masses.) Recombined iron dominates the opacity in the outer regions leading to an opacity 1000-10,000 times higher than that of electron scattering alone. The resultant photon emission of the remnant atmosphere is limited to 1/1000th the Compton Eddington Luminosity. The late-time evolution of this system leads to the formation of a photon-driven wind from the accretion of the inner portion of the atmosphere, leaving, for most cases, a bare neutron star on timescales shorter than a year. The degenerate remnant of 1987a may not be a black hole. Instead, the fallback material may have already accreted or blown off in the accretion-driven wind. If the neutron star has either a low magnetic field or a low rotational spin frequency, we would not expect to see the neutron star remnant of 1987a.Comment: 15 pages text + 8 figures, accepted by Ap

    Color Lie rings and PBW deformations of skew group algebras

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    We investigate color Lie rings over finite group algebras and their universal enveloping algebras. We exhibit these universal enveloping algebras as PBW deformations of skew group algebras: Every color Lie ring over a finite group algebra with a particular Yetter-Drinfeld structure has universal enveloping algebra that is a quantum Drinfeld orbifold algebra. Conversely, every quantum Drinfeld orbifold algebra of a particular type arising from the action of an abelian group is the universal enveloping algebra of some color Lie ring over the group algebra. One consequence is that these quantum Drinfeld orbifold algebras are braided Hopf algebras

    3-Dimensional Core-Collapse

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    In this paper, we present the results of 3-dimensional collapse simulations of rotating stars for a range of stellar progenitors. We find that for the fastest spinning stars, rotation does indeed modify the convection above the proto-neutron star, but it is not fast enough to cause core fragmentation. Similarly, although strong magnetic fields can be produced once the proto-neutron star cools and contracts, the proto-neutron star is not spinning fast enough to generate strong magnetic fields quickly after collapse and, for our simulations, magnetic fields will not dominate the supernova explosion mechanism. Even so, the resulting pulsars for our fastest rotating models may emit enough energy to dominate the total explosion energy of the supernova. However, more recent stellar models predict rotation rates that are much too slow to affect the explosion, but these models are not sophisticated enough to determine whether the most recent, or past, stellar rotation rates are most likely. Thus, we must rely upon observational constraints to determine the true rotation rates of stellar cores just before collapse. We conclude with a discussion of the possible constraints on stellar rotation which we can derive from core-collapse supernovae.Comment: 34 pages (5 of 17 figures missing), For full paper, goto http://qso.lanl.gov/~clf/papers/rot.ps.gz accepted by Ap

    Mass Limits For Black Hole Formation

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    We present a series of two-dimensional core-collapse supernova simulations for a range of progenitor masses and different input physics. These models predict a range of supernova energies and compact remnant masses. In particular, we study two mechanisms for black hole formation: prompt collapse and delayed collapse due to fallback. For massive progenitors above 20 solar masses, after a hydrodynamic time for the helium core (a few minutes to a few hours), fallback drives the compact object beyond the maximum neutron star mass causing it to collapse into a black hole. With the current accuracy of the models, progenitors more massive than 40 solar masses form black holes directly with no supernova explosion (if rotating, these black holes may be the progenitors of gamma-ray bursts). We calculate the mass distribution of black holes formed, and compare these predictions to the observations, which represent a small biased subset of the black hole population. Uncertainties in these estimates are discussed.Comment: 15 pages total, 4 figures, Modifications in Conclusion, accepted by Ap
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