67 research outputs found

    What is the legal relationship between the International Criminal Court and non-state entities? Beyond the case of Palestine

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    In April 2012 the International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor declined to review the admissibility of the Palestinian National Authori- ty’s declaration recognizing the Court’s jurisdiction, which was lodged in 2009 under Article 12(3) of the Rome Statute. This provision allows states not party to the Statute to accept the ICC jurisdiction with re- spect to crimes committed on their territory or by their nationals. The Prosecutor declined the authority to rule on such admissibility, since he was not empowered to define the term ‘state’ for the purposes of Arti- cle 12(3). This competence instead rested with the UN Secretary General (UNSG) and the UN General Assembly (UNGA). Potentially the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) could also in due course decide to ad- dress the matter. In concluding, the Prosecutor announced that he could consider future allegations of crimes perpetrated in Palestine, should the competent organs of the UN resolve the legal issue relevant to an assessment on the basis of Article 12, or should the UN Security Council (UNSC) make a referral according to Article 13(b)

    Cooperation of States

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    Provisional Release

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    Lavagem de dinheiro e consequências económicas da transição para uma sociedade sem dinheiro

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    One of the biggest revolutions we are witnessing is in the field of financial transactions, where efforts are being made to bring payments to a completely electronic way. There are many benefits expected from this step, but few are the evidence reported, especially as regards the repercussions on Money Laundering and Economic Growth. In this work, I want to investigate a relationship between the increase in electronic money at the expense of paper money with the trend of money laundering with subsequent overall analysis in economic growth. To compensate for the limited amount of data that can be obtained for a different number of countries, and analysis composed of several different analyzes will be carried out, examining the effects of electronic money on some of the components of money laundering. This ensures the validity of the analysis. It will be seen that the results found will confirm some previous assumptions but will open the way to new issues since if in some ways electronic money is at a disadvantage of money laundering, in other ways, there are new opportunities that open up also for potential criminals.Uma das maiores mudanças que se verifica nos nossos dias é na área das transações financeiras, onde estão a ser feitos esforços para que os pagamentos em dinheiro sejam substituídos completamente por pagamentos através de meios eletrónicos. Há muitos benefícios esperados para essa etapa, mas poucas são as evidências relatadas, principalmente no que diz respeito às repercussões sobre a lavagem de dinheiro e o crescimento económico. Neste trabalho, tem-se como objetivo investigar a relação entre o aumento do dinheiro eletrónico em detrimento da moeda fiduciária e a tendência de lavagem de dinheiro com uma análise geral subsequente do crescimento económico. Para compensar a quantidade limitada de dados que podem ser obtidos para um número diferente de países, será realizada uma análise composta por várias análises diferentes, examinando os efeitos da moeda eletrónica em alguns dos componentes da lavagem de dinheiro, garantindo, assim, a validade da análise. Os resultados obtidos confirmam algumas premissas anteriores, mas abrem caminho para novas questões, pois, se de alguma maneira, o dinheiro eletrónico está em desvantagem na lavagem de dinheiro, de outra forma, há novas oportunidades que também se abrem para potenciais criminosos.Mestrado em Economi
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