4,028 research outputs found

    Waved albatrosses can navigate with strong magnets attached to their head

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    The foraging excursions of waved albatrosses Phoebastria irrorata during incubation are ideally suited for navigational studies because they navigate between their Galápagos breeding site and one specific foraging site in the upwelling zone of Peru along highly predictable, straight-line routes. We used satellite telemetry to follow free-flying albatrosses after manipulating magnetic orientation cues by attaching magnets to strategic places on the birds' heads. All experimental, sham-manipulated and control birds, were able to navigate back and forth from Galápagos to their normal foraging sites at the Peruvian coast over 1000 km away. Birds subjected to the three treatments did not differ in the routes flown or in the duration and speed of the trips. The interpretations and implications of this result depend on which of the current suggested magnetic sensory mechanisms is actually being used by the birds

    The MgSiO_3 system at high pressure: Thermodynamic properties of perovskite, postperovskite, and melt from global inversion of shock and static compression data

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    We present new equation-of-state (EoS) data acquired by shock loading to pressures up to 245 GPa on both low-density samples (MgSiO_3 glass) and high-density, polycrystalline aggregates (MgSiO_3 perovskite + majorite). The latter samples were synthesized using a large-volume press. Modeling indicates that these materials transform to perovskite, postperovskite, and/or melt with increasing pressure on their Hugoniots. We fit our results together with existing P-V-T data from dynamic and static compression experiments to constrain the thermal EoS for the three phases, all of which are of fundamental importance to the dynamics of the lower mantle. The EoS for perovskite and postperovskite are well described with third-order Birch-Murnaghan isentropes, offset with a Mie-Grüneisen-Debye formulation for thermal pressure. The addition of shock data helps to distinguish among discrepant static studies of perovskite, and for postperovskite, constrain a value of K' significantly larger than 4. For the melt, we define for the first time a single EoS that fits experimental data from ambient pressure to 230 GPa; the best fit requires a fourth-order isentrope. We also provide a new EoS for Mg_2SiO_4 liquid, calculated in a similar manner. The Grüneisen parameters of the solid phases decrease with pressure, whereas those of the melts increase, consistent with previous shock wave experiments as well as molecular dynamics simulations. We discuss implications of our modeling for thermal expansion in the lower mantle, stabilization of ultra-low-velocity zones associated with melting at the core-mantle boundary, and crystallization of a terrestrial magma ocean

    The Effect of Particle Strength on the Ballistic Resistance of Shear Thickening Fluids

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    The response of shear thickening fluids (STFs) under ballistic impact has received considerable attention due to its field-responsive nature. While efforts have primarily focused on the response of traditional ballistic fabrics impregnated with fluids, the response of pure STFs to penetration has received limited attention. In the present study, the ballistic response of pure STFs is investigated and the effect of fluid density and particle strength on ballistic performance is isolated. The loss of ballistic resistance of STFs at higher impact velocities is governed by particle strength, indicating the range of velocities over which they may provide effective armor solutions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Advanced Placement American History in 3-D

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    The purpose of this project is to create an online collection of visual works that will enable high school teachers to supplement their instruction of AP American history as well as local history in Spartanburg, SC. We are grateful for this grant from the Arthur Vining Davis Foundation and believe that this project will be a credit to their generosity. It is a commonly acknowledge fact in pedagogy today that visual stimulation enhances learning and makes it more enjoyable. Art can introduce social studies, literature, civics, and even science and math in an immediate, tangible way. In AP American History, students can develop a deeper understanding of history and our shared human through visual works of art. As more and more teachers are now utilizing visual technology in the classroom, there is exponentially greater demand for visual illustrations of historical themes. Yet, the supply of such material has not kept up with the demand. Teachers often complain that they must scavenge the Internet for works of art, political cartoons, or other media in order to prepare for class. The advantage of this project is to collect this kind of material in a single website complete with lesson plans and an historical narrative. We therefore hope that our project will not only prove to be of great benefit to AP American history teachers, but a model for the development of similar sites for other academic fields

    Simultaneous partitioning of silicon and oxygen into the Earth’s core during early Earth differentiation

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    Silicon and oxygen are potential light elements in the Earth’s core and may be involved in metal-silicate reactions at the present day core-mantle boundary. We have performed multianvil experiments at 25 GPa and 2770–3080K to understand the simultaneous partitioning of these elements between liquid iron–rich metal and silicate melt. The presence of O in liquid Fe at high temperatures influences the partitioning of Si, causing more Si to partition into the metal than would be expected based on lower temperature measurements. Although Si and O are mutually exclusive in Fe metal at <3000 K, the level at which both element concentrations are similar in the liquid metal rises above 1 wt % at >3000 K. We have developed a thermodynamic model based on these experiments that accounts for the interaction between O and Si in the liquid metal. Comparison between this model and the previous results of diamond-anvil cell experiments up to 71 GPa indicates very little pressure dependence but a strong temperature dependence for O and Si partitioning. Our model predicts that subequal concentrations of Si and O, sufficient to explain the outer core density deficit, would have partitioned into core-forming metal if equilibration occurred between the metal and a magma ocean with a bulk silicate Earth composition at an average depth of ~1200km (~50GPa and ~3300K). An O- and Sienriched buoyant layer may have developed at the top of the outer core as a result of subsequent equilibration with the overlying mantle

    Geotechnical Lessons Learned From Earthquakes

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    Geotechnical earthquake engineering is an experience-driven discipline. Field observations are particularly important because it is difficult to replicate in the laboratory, the characteristics and response of soil deposits built by nature over thousands of years. Further, much of the data generated by a major earthquake is perishable, so it is critical that it is collected soon after the event occurs. Detailed mapping and surveying of damaged and undamaged areas provides the data for the well-documented case histories that drive the development of many of the design procedures used by geotechnical engineers. Thus, documenting the key lessons learned from major earthquake events around the world contributes significantly to advancing research and practice in geotechnical earthquake engineering. This is one of the primary objectives of the Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance (GEER) Association. Some of GEER’s findings from recent earthquakes are described in this paper. In particular, the use of advanced reconnaissance techniques is highlighted, as well as specific technical findings from the 1999 Kocaeli, Turkey earthquake, the 2007 Pisco, Peru earthquake, the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and the 2010 Maule, Chile earthquake

    The importance of sulfur for the behavior of highly-siderophile elements during Earth’s differentiation

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    AbstractThe highly siderophile elements (HSEs) are widely used as geochemical tracers for Earth’s accretion and core formation history. It is generally considered that core formation strongly depleted the Earth’s mantle in HSEs, which were subsequently replenished by a chondritic late veneer. However, open questions remain regarding the origin of suprachondritic Ru/Ir and Pd/Ir ratios that are thought to be characteristic for the primitive upper mantle. In most core-formation models that address the behavior of the HSEs, light elements such as S entering the core have not been taken into account and high P–T experimental data for S-bearing compositions are scarce. Here we present a comprehensive experimental study to investigate the effect of increasing S concentration in the metal on HSE metal–silicate partitioning at 2473K and 11GPa. We show that the HSEs become less siderophile with increasing S concentrations in the metal, rendering core-forming metal less efficient in removing the HSEs from the mantle if S is present. Furthermore, we investigated the FeS sulfide–silicate partitioning of the HSEs as a function of pressure (7–21GPa) and temperature (2373–2673K). The sulfide–silicate partition coefficient for Pt increases strongly with P, whereas those for Pd, Ru and Ir all decrease. The combined effect is such that above ∼20GPa Ru becomes less chalcophile than Pt, which is opposite to their behavior in the metal–silicate system where Ru is always more siderophile than Pt. The newly determined experimental results are used in a simple 2-stage core formation model that takes into account the effect of S on the behavior of the HSEs during core formation. Results of this model show that segregation of a sulfide liquid to the core from a mantle with substantial HSE concentrations plays a key role in reproducing Earth’s mantle HSE abundances. As Ru and Pd are less chalcophile than Pt and Ir at high P–T, some Ru and Pd remain in the mantle after sulfide segregation. Addition of the late veneer then raised the concentrations of all HSE to their current levels. Suprachondritic Ru/Ir and Pd/Ir ratios of the mantle can thus be explained by a combination of sulfide segregation together with the addition of a late veneer without the need to invoke unknown chondritic material

    Macrolides and community-acquired pneumonia: is quorum sensing the key?

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    Combination therapy with two antimicrobial agents is superior to monotherapy in severe community-acquired pneumonia, and recent data suggest that addition of a macrolide as the second antibiotic might be superior to other combinations. This observation requires confirmation in a randomised control trial, but this group of antibiotics have pleiotropic effects that extend beyond bacterial killing. Macrolides inhibit bacterial cell-to-cell communication or quorum sensing, which not only might be an important mechanism of action for these drugs in severe infections but may also provide a novel target for the development of new anti-infective drugs