276 research outputs found

    Home gardens and Dioscorea species – A case study from the climatic zones of Sri Lanka

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    Home gardens are considered as vital units for enhancing food security particularly in developing nations of South Asia, such as Sri Lanka. Although the yam crop Dioscorea spp. constitute a popular but still minor component in Sri Lankan home gardens, they have the potential of producing large quantities of edible material with minimal inputs. However, their real value in South Asian home gardens is not yet reported. Hence, this study was carried out to get insights into home garden characteristics, gardener demography as well as current management practices within 300 Sri Lankan home garden systems that are located along a climatic gradient. By using interviews and field observations, gardeners, who cultivated in particular Dioscorea species, were studied within 10 of the 25 administrative districts distributed in the wet, intermediate and dry climatic zone of Sri Lanka. Furthermore, current management practices of yams cultivation were analyzed on local scale and compared afterwards with management recommendations published in the year 2006 by the Department of Agriculture. Dioscorea species were found in a majority of home gardens, especially in wet and intermediate zones of Sri Lanka. D. alata was the most prominent species and was managed at a subsistence level and not as per recommendations developed by the Department of Agriculture. Our results revealed that Dioscorea alata is an essential component of Sri Lankan home gardens in rural areas and can yield substantial quantities of edible tubers with low input, especially during times of food scarcities, and has therefore the potential to enhance food security and rural development

    Multi-purpose cowpea inoculation for improved yields in small holder farms in Kenya

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    Introduction In Kenya, cowpea is the most important pulse crop in the dry lands of Eastern and Coastal regions where it is commonly inter cropped with maize and sorghum. The poor yields obtained in small holder farms in Kenya (150 kg ha-1) can in part be attributed to the use of poor yielding varieties, low soil fertility (mainly N and P deficiency) low presence of effective indigenous rhizobia and high occurrence of highly competitive but inefficient indigenous rhizobia strains. Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) through exploitation of the rhizobia-legume symbiosis and use of inoculants coupled with soil amendments such as Phosphorus offers in part a means to improve cowpea yield, nutrition and soil fertility

    Fugues en sol valaisan: phénomène mineur?

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    La fugue ne constituant pas un délit pénal, aucune instance étatique n’est tenue d’établir des statistiques à ce sujet : jusqu’à maintenant, nul n’était en mesure de quantifier ce phénomène en Valais. Par « fugueur » est ici compris tout enfant âgé de moins de 18 ans qui quitte intentionnellement son lieu de vie sans l’accord des personnes responsables de lui, et dont la disparition fait l’objet d’une déclaration aux autorités. La présente étude vise à comprendre et à mesurer l’ampleur de la problématique des fugues d’enfants sur le territoire valaisan, tout en la mettant en relation avec d’autres recherches menées sur ce thème et avec la littérature internationale. Au niveau méthodologique, ce travail se construit autour de trois sources de données principales. Tout d’abord, la littérature scientifique – particulièrement européenne et anglo-saxonne – est étudiée, afin de mettre en exergue les connaissances empiriques relatives à la fugue. Ensuite, dans l’optique de les actualiser et de les adapter au contexte valaisan, des acteurs sociaux sont interrogés dans le cadre d’entretiens ; provenant de divers horizons professionnels, chacun apporte des éclairages sur ses pratiques et sur les procédures appliquées. Enfin, les données de la police cantonale valaisanne concernant les fugues sont présentées, puis analysées à la lumière de la littérature et des entretiens. Bien que la fugue soit un phénomène souvent banalisé et perçu comme « normal » à l’adolescence, les facteurs de risques associés sont nombreux (délits commis ou subis, suicidalité, etc.). Les causes à l’origine des fugues sont diverses : révolte, recherche d’autonomie, désir de changement, fuite devant une situation posant problème, etc. Lorsque ces situations sont annoncées à la police, elles sont inscrites dans le système national de recherche informatisé de police (RiPol). Cependant, toutes n’engendrent pas des recherches actives de la part des forces de police. Les résultats de cette étude montrent que durant la période 2014-2016, 1074 fugues ont été signalées aux autorités policières. En Valais, se produit donc près d’une fugue par jour ; en moyenne, 7 fugueurs sont en permanence signalés disparus. Par rapport à d’autres études, d’intéressantes similitudes en termes de genres, d’âges et d’occurrences sont observables. L’on dénombre 40 % de filles et 60 % de garçons, dont l’âge médian est de 15 ans. Ces situations sont le fait de 373 enfants : la question de la récidive est donc centrale. Les fugues durent en moyenne une semaine et se produisent principalement depuis des foyers (n=867), des domiciles (n=143) et des hôpitaux pédopsychiatriques (n=55). Chaque institution socio-pédagogique a mis en place un cadre clair définissant les procédures en cas de fugue ; tout comme observé dans d’autres pays, les signalements systématiques expliqueraient – du moins en partie – l’augmentation statistique des fugues ces dernières années. Cette étude démontre également que les disparitions de mineurs non accompagnés ne sont que rarement déclarées à la police. Sur ce point, il existe une différence de traitement entre les enfants suisses et requérants d’asile, ce qui constitue une violation des normes nationales et internationales de protection de l’enfance. En définitive, les résultats de cette recherche à caractère exploratoire contribuent à mieux appréhender le phénomène social de la fugue sous ses diverses facettes

    Interactions of maize and Italian ryegrass in a living mulch system: (2)Nitrogen and water dynamics

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    Water and nitrogen availability may limit the growth of the main crop competing with a cover crop in a living mulch system. Some aspects of the dynamics of water (soil water content and deep percolation) and nitrogen (concentration in soil solution and leachate) were studied in maize (Zea mays L.) sown into a bare soil (BS, conventional cropping) or into a living Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) mulch (LM) during three years. Eight lysimeters (1.0 by 1.0m square surface area and 1.1m deep) with ceramic suction cups, TDR probes and a drainage pipe were used each. In LM a 0.3m wide strip was kept free of grass around the maize row. The living mulch reduced the soil water content between 0.3 and 0.9m soil depth, which remained lower even after intense rainfall. Deep percolation over the entire maize crop season was at least 40% lower in the LM compared to the BS treatment. In LM the nitrate concentrations in the soil solution and in the leachate (usually <10mgL−1) were very low. In BS the nitrate concentration in the leachate reached as much as 70mgL−1. Losses of N in LM did not reach 1% of the values observed in BS. Reduced water and N availability in LM contribute to explain the decrease in growth and yield of the maize plants, and are in good agreement with the dense root system developed in this cropping system as compared to BS. The challenge for the development of living mulch systems is to improve the uptake of water and nitrogen by the roots of the main crop in a competitive environment without affecting the capacity of the cover crop to prevent N losses by leachin

    Phosphorus Acquisition Strategies within Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Community of a Single Field Site

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    Diversity in phosphorus (P) acquisition strategies was assessed among eight isolates of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) belonging to three Glomus species, all obtained from the same field site. Maize (Zea mays L. cv. Corso) was used as a test plant. Compartmented cultivation containers coupled with 33P radioisotope labeling of soil P were employed to estimate (1) the distance from the roots that AMF were able to acquire soil P from, (2) the rate of soil colonization, (3) the efficiency of uptake of soil P by AMF, (4) benefits provided to maize in terms of P acquisition and growth. Glomus mosseae and G. intraradices took up P 10cm from roots, whereas G. claroideum only up to 6cm from the roots. G. mosseae most rapidly colonized the available soil volume and transported significant amounts of P to maize from a distance, but provided no net P uptake benefit to the plants. On the other hand, both G. intraradices and three out of four G. claroideum isolates significantly improved net P uptake by maize. These effects seem to be related to variability between and to a limited extent also within AMF species, in mycelium development, efficiency of hyphal P uptake and effects on plant P acquisition via the root pathway. In spite of absence of maize growth responses to inoculation with any of the AMF isolates, this study indicates remarkable functional diversity in the underground component of the studied field sit

    Does low soil base saturation affect fine root properties of European beech ( Fagus sylvatica L.)?

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    It is generally believed that high soil solution Al3+ in acidic soils with low base saturation (BS), negatively influences the properties of fine roots. Fine roots from European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees growing in highly acidic soils with very low BS and potentially high Al3+ concentration in the soil solution were analysed and the dependency of fine root properties on soil BS was measured. The fine roots were sampled down to 1m depth at seven forest sites located on the Swiss Plateau. These sites varied in their BS from 1.4 to 11.4% in the mineral layers. We evaluated relationships between the BS of these mineral layers and fine root properties, such as ratio between bio- and necromass (live/dead ratio), specific root length (SRL), root tip abundance (RTA), root branching abundance (RBA), O2-consumption, and the Ca/Al molar ratio in the fine root tissue. The fine root properties were compared not only with the BS of the soil, but also with the Ca/Al molar ratio in the fine root tissues. Significant relations of fine root properties occurred when the soils of the seven sites were grouped into two BS groups (<5 and 5-10%). The live/dead ratio, the RTA, the RBA, the O2-consumption, and Ca/Al molar ratio were lower in the group of BS <5% than in the group 5-10%. Decreases in the morphological properties and in the O2-consumption were related to decrease in the Ca/Al molar ratio of the fine root tissues. There is evidence that the fine root properties are negatively influenced, nevertheless, fine root systems of mature European beech in their natural ecological environment seem to be able to compensate adverse effects of low B

    A comparative study on plant growth and root plasticity responses of two Brachiaria forage grasses grown in nutrient solution at low and high phosphorus supply

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    Brachiaria forage grasses are widely used for livestock production in the tropics. Signalgrass (Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk, CIAT 606) is better adapted to low phosphorus (P) soils than ruzigrass (B. ruziziensis cv. Kennedy, CIAT 654), but the physiological basis of differences in low-P adaptation is unknown. We characterized morphological and physiological responses of signalgrass and ruzigrass to low P supply by growing both grasses for 30days in nutrient solution with two levels of P supply using the hydroxyapatite pouch system. Ruzigrass produced more biomass at both levels of P supply whilst signalgrass appears to be a slower-growing grass. Both grasses increased biomass allocation to roots and had higher root acid phosphatase and phytase activities at low P supply. At low P supply, ruzigrass showed greater morphological plasticity as its leaf mass density and lateral root fraction increased. For signalgrass, morphological traits that are not responsive to variation in P supply might confer long-term ecological advantages contributing to its superior field persistence: greater shoot tissue mass density (dry matter content) might lower nutrient requirements while maintenance of lateral root growth might be important for nutrient acquisition in patchy soils. Physiological plasticity in nutrient partitioning between root classes was also evident for signalgrass as main roots had higher nutrient concentrations at high P supply. Our results highlight the importance of analyzing morphological and physiological trait profiles and determining the role of phenotypic plasticity to characterize differences in low-P adaptation between Brachiaria genotype

    Nitrogen Budgets and Soil Nitrogen Stocks of Organic and Conventional Cropping Systems: Trade-Off between Efficiency and Sustainability of Nitrogen Use

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    Organic and conventional cropping systems differ in the nature and amounts of nitrogen (N) inputs, which may affect efficiency and sustainability of N use. In the DOK (bio-Dynamic, bio-Organic, Konventionell) field experiment, organic and conventional cropping systems have been compared since 1978 at two fertilization levels. Nitrogen inputs via manure and/or mineral fertilizers, and N exports from plots with harvested products have throughout been recorded. For all treatments, N outputs with harvests have exceeded the inputs with fertilizers. Over the past years, symbiotic N2 fixation by soybean and clover grown in the trial has additionally been assessed, indicating average annual inputs of about 100 kg ha-1 yr-1 of N fixed from the atmosphere. Soil surface budgets opposing N inputs via fertilization, symbiotic fixation, seeds and deposition to N outputs via harvested products have been computed at the plot level for the duration from 1985 to 2012. The resulting balances range from negative values of about -20 kg N ha-1 yr-1 (where outputs exceed the sum of said N inputs) to surpluses of about +50 kg N ha-1 yr-1. The budget based N use efficiency (NUE; N output via harvested products divided by sum of N inputs) in the case of negative balances suggests irrationally high NUE (>100%), while positive balances are related to lower NUE for treatments with inputs exceeding outputs. Negative balances, however, indicate soil N mining, while surpluses point to a risk of N losses, and/or N accumulation in the soil. Estimation of soil N stock changes based on yearly total N concentration measurements in the topsoil layer is currently ongoing. Preliminary results suggest that soil N stocks in the topsoil decreased under all treatments more than expected from the N balance, and that positive N balances are needed to maintain topsoil N stocks. An increase in soil N concentration was observed in none of the treatments. In conclusion, the results indicate an efficiency-sustainability trade-off. Treatments with a higher NUE lose more soil stock N than those with a lower NUE. Treatments with lower NUE indicate higher N losses from the studied crop-topsoil system. Sustainable soil N management in addition to organic fertilizer inputs might at this site require reduced soil tillage. The significance of N contained in deeper soil layers, and deep rooting crops in recovering leached N should as well be investigated

    Traits related to differences in function among three arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

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    Diversity in phosphorus (P) acquisition strategies was assessed among three species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) isolated from a single field in Switzerland. Medicago truncatula was used as a test plant. It was grown in a compartmented system with root and root-free zones separated by a fine mesh. Dual radioisotope labeling (32P and 33P) was employed in the root-free zone as follows: 33P labeling determined hyphal P uptake from different distances from roots over the entire growth period, whereas 32P labeling investigated hyphal P uptake close to the roots over the 48 hours immediately prior to harvest. Glomus intraradices, Glomus claroideum and Gigaspora margarita were able to take up and deliver P to the plants from maximal distances of 10, 6 and 1cm from the roots, respectively. Glomus intraradices most rapidly colonized the available substrate and transported significant amounts of P towards the roots, but provided the same growth benefit as compared to Glomus claroideum, whose mycelium was less efficient in soil exploration and in P uptake and delivery to the roots. These differences are probably related to different carbon requirements by these different Glomus species. Gigaspora margarita provided low P benefits to the plants and formed dense mycelium networks close to the roots where P was probably transiently immobilized. Numerical modeling identified possible mechanisms underlying the observed differences in patterns of mycelium growth. High external hyphal production at the root-fungus interface together with rapid hyphal turnover were pointed out as important factors governing hyphal network development by Gigaspora, whereas nonlinearity in apical branching and hyphal anastomoses were key features for G. intraradices and G. claroideum, respectivel

    Below ground nitrogen dynamics in the sequence clover-grass maize in the DOK long term experiment

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    We investigated the effect of organic versus conventional cropping systems on the below ground nitrogen inputs of Trifolium pratense L., its transfer to corresponding grass and the fate in the soil organic matter in the clover-grass ley of the DOK long term experiment, Switzerland. BGN tended to be largest in conventional and organic treatments with standard fertilisation and decreased with lower fertilisation intensity. The largest amount of clover N transferred to grass was observed in the minerally fertilised conventional treatment. Clover N derived from rhizodeposition was rapidly stabilised in all treatments to clay rich fractions and thus clover N will have a relatively low direct N contribution to subsequent nonlegumes
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