23 research outputs found

    N-(2-Chloro-4-nitro­phen­yl)maleamic acid monohydrate

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    The title compound, C10H7ClN2O5·H2O, crystallizes with a half-mol­ecule each of N-(2-chloro-4-nitro­phen­yl)maleamic acid (located on a mirror plane) and water (located on a twofold rotation axis) in the asymmetric unit. The main mol­ecule is planar by symmetry and its conformation is stabilized by an intra­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bond. In the crystal, N—H⋯O and O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into a three-dimensional network


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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C15H15NO, contains two independent mol­ecules, which differ in the dihedral angle between the aromatic rings [48.98 (9) and 57.48 (8)°]. The methyl groups in para positions are disordered over two equally occupied positions. An intra­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bond occurs. The crystal structure is stabilized by inter­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds which link the mol­ecules into chains running along the b axis

    Strategies of militarising nationalism. The case study of Saudi Arabia and UAE

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    Istnieje szereg perspektyw badawczych teorii nacjonalistycznych. Na potrzeby niniejszej pracy skupiam się na szkole modernistycznej, która podkreśla polityczną naturę narodu. Oba badane państwa prowadzą odgórny dyskurs nacjonalistyczny. W obu przypadkach wykorzystywane są elementy dziedzictwa kulturowego. Zarówno w Arabii Saudyjskiej, jak i Zjednoczonych Emiratach Arabskich rolę odgrywają również siły zbrojne, jednak w innych proporcjach. W Arabii Saudyjskiej istotniejszą rolę niż w ZEA odgrywa program reform gospodarczych. Oba państwa łączy przy tym chęć odejścia od modelu państwa rentierskiego, opartego na silnej roli przemysłu naftowego w gospodarce. Stawiam następujące pytania badawcze: jakie są wykorzystywane strategie militaryzacji dyskursów nacjonalistycznych Arabii Saudyjskiej i ZEA? Jaki mają cel i skutek? Metodologia pracy wykorzystuje badania jakościowe, w ramach których dokonuję analizy dyskursu najważniejszych wybranych narracji narodowych dotyczących narodu i wojska.There exists a number of scientific perspectives focused on theories of nationalism. For the purposes of this thesis, I focus on the modernist school, which underlines the political nature of nations. Both studied states lead a top-down nationalist discourse. In both cases, elements of national heritage are used. At the same time, both in Saudi Arabia and the UAE, the armed forces play a role, but in different proportions. In Saudi Arabia, the economic reforms programme is more important. Nonetheless, both states are linked by the desire to do away with being the rentier states in whose economies the oil industry holds an key role.My research questions are the following: what are the strategies of militarizing nationalist discourses Saudi Arabia and the UAE are deploying? What are the goals and the results? This thesis's methodology uses qualitative research, through which I analyze the most important chosen national narrations, which concern the nation and the army

    Experimental electronic structure of copper complexes with biphenyldiimino dithioether – model of blue copper proteins

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    Abstract The experimental electron density distribution in two coordination compounds, one with a central atom Cu(I) and the other with Cu(II), coordinated by the same biphenyldiimino dithioether-type ligand (bite) has been obtained from high-resolution X-ray diffraction data to model the possible electron predisposition for the redox reaction in blue copper proteins. The bite ligand has been adapted to the conformation required by the central ato

    3-(2-Heteroaryl)-pyrazolotetrazoles - a subunits for losartan-like structures

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    Abstract: A modification of biphenylyltetrazole moiety of Losartan (A) by 3-(2-heteroaryl)-pyrazolotetrazole (B) is described. Ketone semicarbazones react with two moles of phosphorus oxychloride-dimethylformamide with the formation of 3-substituted pyrazol-4-carbaldehydes. The transformations of 3-substituted pyrazole-4-carboxaldehydes to 3-substituted pyrazole-4-nitriles were carried out by reaction of hydroxylamine in DMFA. The prepared cyano pyrazoles were converted to tetrazoles by heating with trimethylsilylazide and dibuthyltinoxide in toluene

    Use of activated enol ethers in the synthesis of pyrazoles: reactions with hydrazine and a study of pyrazole tautomerism

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    Activated enol ethers derived from esters or the dinitrile of malonic acid, or from pentane-2,4-dione were treated with hydrazine hydrate. The structures of the obtained products – pyrazoles 5 – were studied with a focus on tautomerism and supramolecular structure. A reverse addition of the reagents led to the isolation of two novel products, namely bis-enehydrazines 6 with an unsymmetrical arrangement of the formally equivalent subunits

    Pseudo-merohedrally twinned tetrakis(1H-imidazole-κN3)bis(N-nitrocyanamidato-κN)copper(II)

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    Crystals of the title complex, [Cu(CN3O2)2(C3H4N2)4], the structure of which has been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction at 304 K, appear to be pseudo-merohedrally twinned. Transformation to a monoclinic C-centred cell was necessary in order to derive the twin law. Twin refinement in a triclinic unit cell significantly reduced the R value. The asymmetric unit of the triclinic cell consists of one molecule in a general position and two half entities with the Cu atom on a centre of inversion. The coordination of the Cu atom is quasi-octahedral, with four imidazole N-atom donors in the equatorial plane and two cyano N atoms from the N-nitrocyanamidate anion in axial positions. Owing to symmetry in the centrosymmetric molecules, the trans imidazole ligands are parallel, while those in the non-centrosymmetric molecule make angles of 22.8(2) and 77.9(2)\ub0