1,196 research outputs found

    Lamb Wave (A(0) Mode) Scattering Directionality at Defects

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    Localized and distributed guided ultrasonic waves array systems offer an efficient way for the structural health monitoring of large structures. The detection sensitivity for fatigue cracks depends on the orientation of the crack relative to the location of the sensor elements. Crack-like defects have a directionality pattern of the scattered field depending on the angle of the incident wave relative to the defect orientation and on the ratio of the defect depth and length to the wavelength. From FE simulations it has been shown that for cracks and notches almost no energy is scattered in certain directions from the defect, i.e., the data processing algorithm must take into account that for some transducer combinations no change in the signal even for a significant defect will be detected. The scattered wave field directionality pattern for an incident low frequency A0 Lamb wave mode was predicted from 3D Finite Element simulations and verified from experimental measurements at machined part-through and through-thickness notches using a laser interferometer. Good agreement was found and the directionality pattern can be predicted accurately. The amplitude of the scattered wave was quantified for a systematic variation of the angle of the incident wave relative to the defect orientation, the defect depth, and the ratio of the characteristic defect size to the wavelength. Based on these results the detection sensitivity for crack-like defects in plate structures using guided wave sensor arrays can be quantified

    Corrosion monitoring using high-frequency guided waves

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    Corrosion can develop due to adverse environmental conditions during the service life of industrial structures, e.g., offshore oil platforms, ships, and desalination plants. Both pitting corrosion and generalized corrosion leading to wall thickness loss can cause the reduction of the strength and thus degradation of the structural health. The monitoring of corrosion damage in difficult to access areas can be achieved using high frequency guided waves propagating along the structure from accessible areas. Using standard ultrasonic transducers with single sided access to the structure, guided wave modes were selectively generated that penetrate through the complete thickness of the structure. The wave propagation and interference of the different guided wave modes depends on the thickness of the structure. Laboratory experiments were conducted and the wall thickness reduced by consecutive milling of the steel structure. Further measurements were conducted using accelerated corrosion in a salt water bath and the damage severity monitored. From the measured signal change due to the wave mode interference the wall thickness reduction was monitored. Good agreement with theoretical predictions was achieved. The high frequency guided waves have the potential for corrosion damage monitoring at critical and difficult to access locations from a stand-off distance

    Guided Wave Propagation and Scattering in Aerospace Composite Panels

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    Carbon fiber laminate composites, consisting of layers of polymer matrix reinforced with high strength carbon fibers, are increasingly employed for aerospace structures. They offer advantages for aerospace applications, e.g., good strength to weight ratio. However, impact during the operation and servicing of the aircraft can lead to barely visible and difficult to detect damage. Depending on the severity of the impact, delaminations can occur, reducing the load carrying capacity of the structure. Efficient structural health monitoring of composite panels can be achieved using guided ultrasonic waves propagating along the structure. The guided ultrasonic wave (A0 Lamb wave mode) propagation and scattering at delaminations was modelled using full three-dimensional Finite Element (FE) simulations. Impact damage was induced in the composite panels using standard drop weight procedures. Ultrasonic immersion C-scans were performed to quantify the extent and shape of delamination due to the impact. The guided wave scattering at the impact damage was measured using a noncontact laser interferometer, quantified, and compared to baseline measurements on an undamaged part of the composite panel. Good agreement between experiments and FE predictions was found. The sensitivity of guided waves for the detection of barely visible impact damage in composite panels has been verified

    Effect of material anisotropy on guided wave propagation and scattering in CFRP laminates

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    Carbon fiber laminates, consisting of highly anisotropic fiber-matrix ply-layers, are widely used in aerospace applications due to their good strength to weight ratio. However, poor interlaminar strength makes them prone to barely visible impact damage (BVID), significantly reducing the load bearing capacity of aircraft components. Guided ultrasonic waves have been widely used for structural health monitoring (SHM) of composite structures. Guided wave propagation and scattering at circular delaminations in a quasi-isotropic laminate was modelled using full three-dimensional (3D) Finite Element (FE) simulations in ABAQUS. Non-contact laser measurements were performed to obtain the scattered wavefield at a film insert delamination. The influence of ply layer anisotropy and incident wave direction were investigated both numerically and experimentally. Scattering directivity patterns were calculated using a baseline subtraction method and 2D scattering matrices were obtained for all incident wave directions. Circular magnets were used as a scattering target and numerical and measured scattering patterns were compared with those of the insert delamination. Strong directional dependency was observed for incident and scattered waves around both delamination and magnets, indicating energy focusing along the outer ply layers of the laminate. For the delamination a strong forward wave was observed, with low amplitude in other directions, whereas the magnet blocked forward transmission of the wave, demonstrating distinct scattering behavior. The anisotropic effects and different scattering patterns should be considered for guided wave sparse array SHM to ensure the robustness of imaging algorithms

    Guided wave propagation and scattering at composite delaminations

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    Composite structures, consisting of highly anisotropic layers of polymer matrix reinforced with high strength carbon fibers, are widely used for aerospace applications due to their low weight and high strength. However, impact during aircraft operation can lead to barely visible and difficult to detect damage. Depending on impact severity, delaminations can occur that reduce the structural integrity and load carrying capacity. Efficient structural health monitoring (SHM) of composite panels can be achieved using guided ultrasonic waves propagating along the structure. Guided ultrasonic wave propagation and scattering at circular delaminations was modelled using full three-dimensional (3D) Finite Element (FE) simulations in ABAQUS. Individual ply layers were modelled using unidirectional composite material properties to accurately capture the anisotropy effects. The guided ultrasonic wave propagation and scattered field at an artificial delamination was measured using a noncontact laser interferometer and quantified. Good agreement between experiments and Finite Element predictions was found and the energy trapping on top of a shallow delamination was verified. The influence of delamination shape and depth was investigated from a FE parameter study. The sensitivity of guided waves for the detection of delaminations due to barely visible impact damage (BVID) in composite panels has been verified

    Guided wave skew velocity correction in anisotropic laminates

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    Guided ultrasonic wave propagation in anisotropic structures results in directional dependency of velocity and wave skewing effects that can impact the accuracy of damage detection. Phase and group velocities of the A0 guided wave mode, propagating in a unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced laminate, were investigated experimentally and through finite element analysis. A correction for the significant offset in phase and group velocities due to wave skewing effects is illustrated for both point and short line sources, achieving good agreement with theoretical calculations assuming planar wave fronts. The influence of the line excitation length on velocity measurements is discussed

    Corrosion thickness loss monitoring using high frequency guided ultrasonic waves

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    Corrosion thickness loss due to adverse environmental conditions of pipelines and marine structures can cause degradation of structural health. Monitoring in difficult to access areas can be achieved using high frequency guided waves propagating along the structure, selectively excited using standard ultrasonic angle beam transducers with single sided access. Wave propagation and mode interference depends on the thickness of the structure. At the frequency-thickness range of interest, the two fundamental Lamb wave modes are excited with slightly different wavenumbers, leading to a beating effect with energy transfer through the structure thickness. The beating effect depends on the frequency-thickness product and has been found to be very sensitive to small thickness changes. The guided wave propagation and energy transfer were visualized and predicted using 2D Finite Element simulations. Excellent agreement was found to theoretical beatlength predictions from a fit of the recorded variation of guided wave amplitude along the propagation direction. Laboratory experiments were conducted, with steel specimen wall thickness reduced by consecutive milling and using accelerated corrosion. Signal changes due to the wave mode interference were measured and the wall thickness reduction monitored from the amplitude beatlength. Good agreement with the theoretical predictions was achieved, demonstrating the sensitivity for thickness loss monitoring

    Guided Wave Energy Focusing and Steering in Composite Laminates

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    Lightweight, carbon fiber reinforced composites are often selected for aerospace components but are prone to barely visible impact damage, caused by low velocity impacts, during service. Guided-wave-based structural health monitoring (SHM) techniques can efficiently detect impact damage impact in composite structures. However, wave propagation is influenced by material anisotropy resulting in a number of effects. The phase and group velocity of propagating wave modes depend on the wave launching direction, with increased wave speeds in the high stiffness (fiber) directions. Wave energy tends to be focused along the fiber directions, resulting in beam steering or skewing away from the initial wave launching direction. These anisotropic effects, if unaccounted for, could lead to inaccurate localization of damage, and potential regions of the structure where guided waves cannot propagate with sufficient amplitude, reducing damage sensitivity. Wave propagation in an undamaged unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) panel was investigated for the A0 mode for multiple wave launching directions. Finite Element (FE) modelling was carried out using homogenized anisotropic material properties to investigate the directional dependency of velocity. Point and line sources were modelled to investigate the influence of the excitation source on the guided wave evaluation and signal processing. Wave skewing behavior was visualized for the line source, and wave skew angles and beam spread angles were calculated for a range of propagation angles. Experimental non-contact guided wave measurements were obtained using a laser vibrometer. A PZT strip transducer was developed in order to measure wave skew angles. Experimental and numerical velocities and skew angles were compared with theoretical predictions and good agreement was observed

    Stray current corrosion mitigation, testing and maintenance in DC transit system

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    Stray current corrosion in direct current (dc) transit systems occurs because of the mechanism of current transfer between metals and a conductive electrolyte such as concrete, soil and water. Stray current reactions can be considered as a special case in that the anode (point of current discharge) may be at a considerable distance from the cathode (point of current pickup). The risk of stray current corrosion arising from the operation of dc-powered transit system is difficult to eliminate completely. However, suitable design of dc traction power systems and structures carrying the railways can significantly reduce the risk of corrosion both to the transit system structures and third-party structures. Stray currents can cause safety risks, thus making the design of stray current mitigation, testing and maintenance an important element of the holistic design for a dc transit system. based on the results of the literature research, interviews with over two dozen dc rail transit systems, and testing of dc rail tracks, this paper presents and analyses various mitigation methods currently in use in the industry to control stray current corrosion. Recommendations for the testing (monitoring) and maintenance procedures to keep the stray current leakage and the related corrosion in control are then presented

    Mode-converted Lamb wave sensitivity prediction for part-thickness crack-like defects

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    Fatigue crack growth is one of the most common damage types in aluminum components, widely used in aircraft structures. Detection of fatigue cracks at an early stage is important to guarantee aircraft safety. Efficient non-destructive evaluation (NDE) and structural health monitoring (SHM) can be achieved by employing low frequency guided ultrasonic waves, as they can propagate long distances along plate structures. SHM systems using distributed guided waves sensors have been proposed for efficient monitoring, but have limitations due to environmental influences such as the temperature stability of the conventional baseline subtraction method. The scattering and mode conversion of guided waves at part-thickness defects was investigated to quantify the sensitivity for defect detection and the potential for the development of a baseline-free SHM methodology employing mode converted guided waves. Baseline-free SHM methodology employing mode conversion is expected to overcome some of the limitations caused by environmental factors and to improve sensitivity and stability by employing new or modified signal processing algorithms. A three dimensional (3D) Finite Element (FE) model was developed to predict the mode conversion of the fundamental guided wave modes. The influence of defect length and depth on detection results were investigated numerically. The detection sensitivity for part-thickness defects in a plate is quantified
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