17 research outputs found

    Démonstration de Steel, une logique de séparation concurrente pour prouver des programmes F* (démonstration)

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    National audienceSteel est un framework pour développer et prouver des programmes concurrents écrits en F , un langage de programmation avec types dépendants ainsi qu'un assistant de preuve. Inspiré par Iris, Steel repose sur une logique de séparation concurrente imprédicative qui inclut un modèle mémoire fondé sur des monoïdes commutatifs partiels et permet l'utilisation d'invariants alloués dynamiquement pour raisonner sur des interactions concurrentes sans recourir à des verrous ("locks"). Afin d'offrir une vérification semi-automatique, Steel sépare les obligations de preuves générées en deux parties : une procédure de décision partielle, implémentée à l'aide du moteur de tactiques de F , raisonne sur la logique de séparation tandis qu'un solveur SMT permet de décharger automatiquement des obligations de preuves exprimées en logique du premier ordre, par exemple liées à de l'arithmétique. Dans cette démonstration, nous présentons plusieurs bibliothèques vérifiées qui illustrent l'expressivité et la programmabilité de Steel

    Turning Catala into a Proof Platform for the Law

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    SteelCore: An extensible concurrent separation logic for effectful dependently typed programs

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    Much recent research has been devoted to modeling effects within type theory. Building on this work, we observe that effectful type theories can provide a foundation on which to build semantics for more complex programming constructs and program logics, extending the reasoning principles that apply within the host effectful type theory itself. Concretely, our main contribution is a semantics for concurrent separation logic (CSL) within the F* proof assistant in a manner that enables dependently typed, effectful F* programs to make use of concurrency and to be specified and verified using a full-featured, extensible CSL. In contrast to prior approaches, we directly derive the partial-correctness Hoare rules for CSL from the denotation of computations in the effectful semantics of non-deterministically interleaved atomic actions. Demonstrating the flexibility of our semantics, we build generic, verified libraries that support various concurrency constructs, ranging from dynamically allocated, storable spin locks, to protocol-indexed channels. We conclude that our effectful semantics provides a simple yet expressive basis on which to layer domain-specific languages and logics for verified, concurrent programming.Fil: Swamy, Nikhil. Microsoft Research; Estados UnidosFil: Rastogi, Aseem. Microsoft Research; IndiaFil: Fromherz, Aymeric. University of Carnegie Mellon; Estados UnidosFil: Merigoux, Denis. Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique; FranciaFil: Ahman, Danel. University of Ljubljana; EsloveniaFil: Martínez, Guido. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Centro Internacional Franco Argentino de Ciencias de la Información y de Sistemas. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Centro Internacional Franco Argentino de Ciencias de la Información y de Sistemas; Argentin

    EverCrypt: A Fast, Verified, Cross-Platform Cryptographic Provider

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    We present EverCrypt: a comprehensive collection of verified, high-performance cryptographic functionalities available via a carefully designed API. The API provably supports agility (choosing between multiple algorithms for the same functionality) and multiplexing (choosing between multiple implementations of the same algorithm). Through abstraction and zero-cost generic programming, we show how agility can simplify verification without sacrificing performance, and we demonstrate how C and assembly can be composed and verified against shared specifications. We substantiate the effectiveness of these techniques with new verified implementations (including hashes, Curve25519, and AES-GCM) whose performance matches or exceeds the best unverified implementations. We validate the API design with two high-performance verified case studies built atop EverCrypt, resulting in line-rate performance for a secure network protocol and a Merkle-tree library, used in a production blockchain, that supports 2.7 million insertions/sec. Altogether, EverCrypt consists of over 124K verified lines of specs, code, and proofs, and it produces over 29K lines of C and 14K lines of assembly code

    Modularity, Code Specialization, and Zero-Cost Abstractions for Program Verification

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    International audienceFor all the successes in verifying low-level, efficient, security-critical code, little has been said or studied about the structure, architecture and engineering of such large-scale proof developments. We present the design, implementation and evaluation of a set of language-based techniques that allow the programmer to modularly write and verify code at a high level of abstraction, while retaining control over the compilation process and producing high-quality, zero-overhead, low-level code suitable for integration into mainstream software. We implement our techniques within the F proof assistant, and specifically its shallowly-embedded Low toolchain that compiles to C. Through our evaluation, we establish that our techniques were critical in scaling the popular HACL library past 100,000 lines of verified source code, and brought about significant gains in proof engineer productivity. The exposition of our methodology converges on one final, novel case study: the streaming API, a finicky API that has historically caused many bugs in high-profile software. Using our approach, we manage to capture the streaming semantics in a generic way, and apply it “for free” to over a dozen use-cases. Six of those have made it into the reference implementation of the Python programming language, replacing the previous CVE-ridden code

    Static Value Analysis of Python Programs by Abstract Interpretation

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    International audienceWe propose a static analysis by abstract interpretation for a significant subset of Python to infer variable values, run-time errors, and uncaught exceptions. Python is a high-level language with dynamic typing, a class-based object system, complex control structures such as generators, and a large library of builtin objects. This makes static reasoning on Python programs challenging. The control flow is highly dependent on the type of values, which we thus infer accurately.As Python lacks a formal specification, we first present a concrete collecting semantics of reachable program states. We then propose a non-relational flow-sensitive type and value analysis based on simple abstract domains for each type, and handle non-local control such as exceptions through continuations. We show how to infer relational numeric invariants by leveraging the type information we gather. Finally, we propose a relational abstraction of generators to count the number of available elements and prove that no StopIteration exception is raised.Our prototype implementation is heavily in development; it does not support some Python features, such as recursion nor the compile builtin, and it handles only a small part of the builtin objects and standard library. Nevertheless, we are able to present preliminary experimental results on analyzing actual, if small, Python code from a benchmarking application and a regression test suite

    Formalizing Date Arithmetic and Statically Detecting Ambiguities for the Law

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    International audienceAbstract Legal expert systems routinely rely on date computations to determine the eligibility of a citizen to social benefits or whether an application has been filed on time. Unfortunately, date arithmetic exhibits many corner cases, which are handled differently from one library to the other, making faithfully transcribing the law into code error-prone, and possibly leading to heavy financial and legal consequences for users. In this work, we aim to provide a solid foundation for date arithmetic working on days, months and years. We first present a novel, formal semantics for date computations, and formally establish several semantic properties through a mechanization in the F⋆ proof assistant. Building upon this semantics, we then propose a static analysis by abstract interpretation to automatically detect ambiguities in date computations. We finally integrate our approach in the Catala language, a recent domain-specific language for formalizing computational law, and use it to analyze the Catala implementation of the French housing benefits, leading to the discovery of several date-related ambiguities