2,279 research outputs found

    Matrix metalloproteinases in the cervical mucus plug in relation to gestational age, plug compartment, and preterm labor

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High concentrations of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) have been identified in the cervical mucus plug (CMP) at term of pregnancy. Their physiological and pathophysiological implications, however, remain to be elucidated, and CMPs from preterm labor have never been examined. This study was therefore conducted to describe the concentrations of MMP-2, TIMP-1, MMP-8 and MMP-9 in the CMP in relation to gestational age, IL-8 as an indicator of inflammation, compartment of the CMP, and preterm labor.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An aliquot of the distal plug compartment facing the vaginal microflora (CMP-dist) was collected from non-pregnant (n = 15), early pregnant (n = 15) and term pregnant women (n = 15). Whole CMPs shed during active vaginal term (n = 15) and preterm (n = 4) labor were also included. Protein concentrations were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>MMP-2 was not detectable in the non-pregnant CMP-dists whereas high concentrations were found in early pregnancy followed by an 85% decline at term. High concentrations of TIMP-1 were found in both the non-pregnant and early pregnant CMP-dists with a 90% decline at term. Consequently, the molar TIMP/MMP ratio was 40 in the non-pregnant state and 0.2 at term. The MMP-2 and TIMP-1 concentrations were alike in the CMP-dists and the whole CMPs.</p> <p>MMP-8, MMP-9, and IL-8 were mainly found in the distal CMP compartment. MMP-8 and MMP-9 concentrations were several fold increased in this compartment during pregnancy compared to the non-pregnant state. In the preterm whole CMPs, MMP-8, MMP-9 and IL-8 were 2 to 5 fold increased compared to term whole CMPs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results suggest that CMP MMP-2 reflects the non-leukocyte dependent cervical remodeling that occurs in early pregnancy, whereas MMP-8 and MMP-9 are involved in the defense against ascending infections primarily located to the distal compartment of the CMP. The upregulation of MMP-8, MMP-9 and IL-8 in whole CMPs from preterm labor may indicate the involvement of an intrauterine infection.</p

    Almahata Sitta and Brecciated Ureilites: Insights into the Heterogeneity of Asteroids and Implications for Sample Return

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    Analysis of samples returned to terrestrial laboratories enables more precise measurements and a wider range of techniques to be utilized than can be achieved with either remote sensing or rover instruments. Furthermore, returning samples to Earth allows them to be stored and re-examined with future technology. Following the success of the Hayabusa mission, returning samples from asteroids should be a high priority for understanding of early solar system evolution, planetary formation and differentiation. Meteorite falls provide us with materials and insight into asteroidal compositions. Almahata Sitta (AS) was the first meteorite fall from a tracked asteroid (2008 TC3) [1] providing a rare opportunity to compare direct geochemical observations with remote sensing data. Although AS is predominantly ureilitic, multiple chondritic fragments have been associated with this fall [2,3]. This is not unique, with chondritic fragments being found in many howardite samples (as described in a companion abstract [4]) and in brecciated ureilites, some of which are known to represent ureilitic regolith [5-7]. The heterogeneity of ureilite samples, which are thought to all originate from a single asteroidal ureilite parent body (UPB) [5], gives us information about both internal and external asteroidal variations. This has implications both for the planning of potential sample return missions and the interpretation of material returned to Earth. This abstract focuses on multiple fragments of two meteorites: Almahata Sitta (AS); and Dar al Gani (DaG) 1047 (a highly brecciated ureilite, likely representative of ureilite asteroidal regolith)

    Portrait of Walt Whitman

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    This print features an etching by Bernhardt Wall. This etching was created 1920. This print features a portrait of Walt Whitman. This print was signed by the the artist.https://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/fvw-artifacts/5859/thumbnail.jp

    A numerical investigation of the stability of steady states and critical phenomena for the spherically symmetric Einstein-Vlasov system

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    The stability features of steady states of the spherically symmetric Einstein-Vlasov system are investigated numerically. We find support for the conjecture by Zeldovich and Novikov that the binding energy maximum along a steady state sequence signals the onset of instability, a conjecture which we extend to and confirm for non-isotropic states. The sign of the binding energy of a solution turns out to be relevant for its time evolution in general. We relate the stability properties to the question of universality in critical collapse and find that for Vlasov matter universality does not seem to hold.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure

    Model Systems of Human Intestinal Flora, to Set Acceptable Daily Intakes of Antimicrobial Residues

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    The veterinary use of antimicrobial drugs in food producing animals may result in residues in food, that might modify the consumer gut flora. This review compares three model systems that maintain a complex flora of human origin: (i) human flora associated (HFA) continuous flow cultures in chemostats, (ii) HFA mice, and (iii) human volunteers. The "No Microbial Effect Level" of an antibiotic on human flora, measured in one of these models, is used to set the accept¬able daily intake (ADI) for human consumers. Human volunteers trials are most relevant to set microbio¬log¬ical ADI, and may be considered as the "gold standard". However, human trials are very expensive and unethical. HFA chemostats are controlled systems, but tetracycline ADI calculated from a chemostat study is far above result of a human study. HFA mice studies are less expensive and better controlled than human trials. The tetracycline ADI derived from HFA mice studies is close to the ADI directly obtained in human volunteers

    Mobile Sensor Technologies Being Developed

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    The NASA Glenn Research Center is developing small mobile platforms for sensor placement, as well as methods for communicating between roving platforms and a central command location. The first part of this project is to use commercially available equipment to miniaturize an existing sensor platform. We developed a five-circuit-board suite, with an average board size of 1.5 by 3 cm. Shown in the preceding photograph, this suite provides all motor control, direction finding, and communications capabilities for a 27- by 21- by 40-mm prototype mobile platform. The second part of the project is to provide communications between mobile platforms, and also between multiple platforms and a central command location. This is accomplished with a low-power network labeled "SPAN," Sensor Platform Area Network, a local area network made up of proximity elements. In practice, these proximity elements are composed of fixed- and mobile-sensor-laden science packages that communicate to each other via radiofrequency links. Data in the network will be shared by a central command location that will pass information into and out of the network through its access to a backbone element. The result will be a protocol portable to general purpose microcontrollers satisfying a host of sensor networking tasks. This network will enter the gap somewhere between television remotes and Bluetooth but, unlike 802.15.4, will not specify a physical layer, thus allowing for many data rates over optical, acoustical, radiofrequency, hardwire, or other media. Since the protocol will exist as portable C-code, developers may be able to embed it in a host of microcontrollers from commercial to space grade and, of course, to design it into ASICs. Unlike in 802.15.4, the nodes will relate to each other as peers. A demonstration of this protocol using the two test bed platforms was recently held. Two NASA modified, commercially available, mobile platforms communicated and shared data with each other and a central command location. Web-based control and interrogation of similar mobile sensor platforms have also been demonstrated. Expected applications of this technology include robotic planetary exploration, astronaut-to-equipment communication, and remote aerospace engine inspections